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Why We Fought WWII

Monkeys Fist

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Canned food that bites back:



Even without the toothy grin beaming back at you, that looks fucking rank! What the hell is it?

Apparently a can of Herring, with a dog jaw in it?!






although it looks like fishy-type teeth to me.

Edited by Monkeys Fist
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Was in Tesco the other day actually and was pondering what the fuck has happened to the price of beans. A standard tin of Heinz beans is 66 pence. Now, maybe I've imagined it but I'm sure only a few years ago it was nearer 30p. Plus you could Economy ones for 8p. Now, another thing I noticed is the differential between plain Heinz beans and the far superior Beans and Sausages is only 24p (they're 90p). So it makes sense to upgrade to Beans and sausages imo. :D


The world will end when you pay £3 for a loaf of bread. I paid € 2.80 for a loaf the other day.



Some food inflation recently has been insane, tinned tomatoes, soup and some beans have more then doubled in price in just few years.


It's not oil running out we need to worry about. :lol:

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Hopefully see a few folk succumb to malnutrition and die, thereby reducing the population, eh Fop?


If action isn't taken sooner rather than later it'll even up being a "few" billion. :D




Nothing booms forever without an eventual bust, all you can do is hope to take the pressure and sting out of it. :lol:

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Was in Tesco the other day actually and was pondering what the fuck has happened to the price of beans. A standard tin of Heinz beans is 66 pence. Now, maybe I've imagined it but I'm sure only a few years ago it was nearer 30p. Plus you could Economy ones for 8p. Now, another thing I noticed is the differential between plain Heinz beans and the far superior Beans and Sausages is only 24p (they're 90p). So it makes sense to upgrade to Beans and sausages imo. :lol:




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Some food inflation recently has been insane, tinned tomatoes, soup and some beans have more then doubled in price in just few years.

You'd make your own baked beans but not your own soup? :D

Home made Foup. 1147.gif






Still insane price rises though, who would want to pay 80p for a tin of bog standard soup (Heinz newest flavour :lol:) when it was 40p a few years ago? :lol:


It's also an interesting factor in real inflation (as opposed to however they are massaging it today official inflation).

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