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Osama or Obama ?


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Republicans and racists posing as Republicans have been saying Obama is a socialist since the primaries.


As far as why socialist is a bad word over here, there's really no reason for it. Decline in education spending for nearly every year of my life has lead to an entire generation that has no ability to reason for themselves. I wholeheartedly mean this when I say it- if you polled 100 people here who were heard throwing around the term "socialist" to name a famous socialist, they'd not be able to tell you a single one.


As for why the right decided to loft this moniker onto Obama, who the fuck knows. It allegedly revolves around his idea to nationalize healthcare. Ironically, none of them seemed to have a problem with Bush nationalizing the fucking banks.


Really though, it's just repeated on Fox News a lot and there is still a surprising amount of my countrymen who believe we have a free media in this country that is truthful to it's viewers when their respective correspondents cover news stories when of course, in reality there are no more reporters in this country- only political pundits serving their masters and eye-candy reading a teleprompter.

Edited by Cid_MCDP
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