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That One Thing....


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If you could own something, have one thing given to you, an item you would love, something you've always craved, replacement of something you've lost, What would it be? What would you choose?


Nothing like a house or a car, gold bars or shit like that, something that you always wanted as a kid but you never got. A really expensive collectors item you could never justify spending the money on, a painting by van Gogh.


You know the kind of thing, kinda like Tom would pick a guitar that was played by someone famous at somewhere famous.


If you had a fairy godmother who could give you it, What would you ask for?

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Probably one of these Jimmy Page signature models. (or the real one! lolz!)


Although when they made them several banks were actually offering people separate mortgages to buy one!

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I have already bought one of the things I craved, so I'm lucky. Its a large original Gordon Allen (local artist) painting of Brixham harbour in the moonlight. I've put it above the fireplace and I love it. Hubby and I could never afford extravagancies like that for many years.....I still had to think hard about buying it but we both enjoy it.



Hubby is now saving his tips each week to buy himself an old Jag (for a 'Sunday' car)!! he's always wanted one. Mind, he could have had a 100 of them by now for what he's spent on his race cars over the years!

Edited by Toonraider
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Not a thing as such but I remember defining what I wanted out of life about 10 years ago when U2 announced a gig with Oasis as support in San Francisco and I remember thinking I wish I had the means/opportunity to just say "fuck it" and jump on a plane and go. I guess it was the idea of having the freedom to do something "daft" without worrying about consequences which appealed.

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I'm just not sentimental enough to want something for it's emotional value. I've been racking my brain, but everything seems to just come back to stuff that would make me money, be useful or hasn't sufficient current financial value as to prohibit me getting it if I really wanted it.

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I'm just not sentimental enough to want something for it's emotional value. I've been racking my brain, but everything seems to just come back to stuff that would make me money, be useful or hasn't sufficient current financial value as to prohibit me getting it if I really wanted it.


Cold Fish :baby:

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If you could own something, have one thing given to you, an item you would love, something you've always craved, replacement of something you've lost, What would it be? What would you choose?


Nothing like a house or a car, gold bars or shit like that, something that you always wanted as a kid but you never got. A really expensive collectors item you could never justify spending the money on, a painting by van Gogh.


You know the kind of thing, kinda like Tom would pick a guitar that was played by someone famous at somewhere famous.


If you had a fairy godmother who could give you it, What would you ask for?


Your pussy!

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If you could own something, have one thing given to you, an item you would love, something you've always craved, replacement of something you've lost, What would it be? What would you choose?


Nothing like a house or a car, gold bars or shit like that, something that you always wanted as a kid but you never got. A really expensive collectors item you could never justify spending the money on, a painting by van Gogh.


You know the kind of thing, kinda like Tom would pick a guitar that was played by someone famous at somewhere famous.


If you had a fairy godmother who could give you it, What would you ask for?


Your pussy!



What for? You worn out yours?

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