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The Football League Show

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Fuck me, I know we're small-time now but Steve Claridge and Ian Holloway, the two worst pundits off radio five are the panellists on this show. Pair of shite-spouting, bollocks-talking, weird looking gormless freaks. Not having to listen to these twats should be motivation enough to get promoted.

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Claridge is a personality vacuum like, Holloway can be entertaining, in the same way as that cat confused by the clingfilm over his cat flap.

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Not been watching it long, but have they been having regular intervals that include something about us all night long? Right now it seems to be 'Talk about Newcastle / Cut to some games / Talk a bit more about Newcastle / Show a few games' e.t.c..

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Watched it on iplayer this morning.


Maniche (sp) = non-entity of a presenter.


Claridge? Cheap which = perfect for BBC.


The chick's (Anna Greenwood-Smythe or somesuch) nipples were trying their damnest to come out to play. Which was nice :lol: .


Theme tune = more BBC shite.


That moron from Radio 5 (Teeside tosser) Clement is it? More cheap BBC shite.


Enjoyed all the football :panic::aye:



On a side note, what is it with this dreadful duck's arse hair do that some folk enjoy? Buckle at Torquay has one (sorry T/R) and I noticed the young linesman at the Derby game had one also. Strange. Very strange.

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Watched it on iplayer this morning.


Maniche (sp) = non-entity of a presenter.


Claridge? Cheap which = perfect for BBC.


The chick's (Anna Greenwood-Smythe or somesuch) nipples were trying their damnest to come out to play. Which was nice :panic: .


Theme tune = more BBC shite.


That moron from Radio 5 (Teeside tosser) Clement is it? More cheap BBC shite.


Enjoyed all the football :aye: :aye:



On a side note, what is it with this dreadful duck's arse hair do that some folk enjoy? Buckle at Torquay has one (sorry T/R) and I noticed the young linesman at the Derby game had one also. Strange. Very strange.


Oiii Snakey :lol: Its the fashion!! (Gorgeous Josh was a pioneer of the cut for years)! Mind I couldnt care less what Buckle does with his hair...what a start for Torquay in league 2 :rant:

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The Norwich game was some entertainment though. Well, our 6-1 loss at Orient still seems to be more interesting for the papers.



I was just thinking how ridiculous it was to see Delia in her replica shirt. Or maybe I wasn't.


No doubt the media will be full of condemnation of her. I'll not hold my breath.

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The Norwich game was some entertainment though. Well, our 6-1 loss at Orient still seems to be more interesting for the papers.



I was just thinking how ridiculous it was to see Delia in her replica shirt. Or maybe I wasn't.


No doubt the media will be full of condemnation of her. I'll not hold my breath.

''Where are you''? :lol:

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