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Hello, im a norwegian toon fan who will probably be posting a bit on here. Mostly cos my job offers immense boredom and lots of sitting in front of computers without having anything to do. :lol:


Im in the Norwegian Air Force atm and basically what i do is sit infront of a computer, often at night just to make sure none of our military planes dont land in Sweden. That requires about 10 minutes work in 12 hour shifts meaning the rest I sit free to browse the net.


Im not a "hardcore" fan, basically i only started following football properly 4 years ago. And as my home team is in Norways 2nd tier and regularily struggles to make a simple pass, and generally succeeds in making me want to puke. I Thought id follow the best football in the world instead, and thats english football. So why Newcastle, my mates all follow manu or liverpool cos they are the best (from day 1 of course). Which i find boring. So when i decided id pick a team to support I thought id pick one thats always been around for as long as I remember and most probably wouldnt get relegated, and hey, i liked the strip. considering they are relegated and the away strip is awful u can see the irony, but thats life :panic: . In Norway u just subscribe to canal+ and u get pretty much all premier league games apart from the ones that give the shittest ratings, think they sent about 34 Newcastle games last season, and I managed to catch just about all of those. How ill watch this year will be from streams probably, anyway im sure ill still manage to do alot of jumping up and swearing, even if im only updating a forum or such to see what happens, or watching a crappy stream. As getting my hands on championship football in Norway wont be easy.


So thats me, and i put my nationality as Jamaican cos Norwegian wasnt an option, we are pretty much the same anyway, :aye:

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Heia Norge!


I implore you to get out whilst you still can.


Some o


us, are ju


st a-b_ou t ha ngin



On ot ou




San i ty aft e r _ fo ll

ow ing this fu cki ng fo


Otb a.ll cl ub fo r

t o O o O o O l



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