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I like iTunes, but its can be a pain when I have 4+ devices and 2+ accounts. So, I've been looking for a bit of software so that I can simply drag and drop different aps/music to and from different devices.


I've came across Yamipod and wondered if anyone used it (or anything else similar) and knew if it was anygood?

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Never used it, but I have used mediamonkey, but it's only good for transfering music, as long as you manage your devices manually, IE turn auto sync off, iTunes should be fine, I use my iTunes account with four Apple devices and it's not a problem.

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Well, I have four devices also. I also though have two itunes accounts (me and wor lass). What seems to be the issue is ripping a CD, attaching my iPhone and dragging the music. Or more so an app I downloaded. Its says it wants to sync even though I ticked manual. Doing so would wipe that part of my itunes library (it says).

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I've found that that iTunes seems to have a different sync profile for each device, but once it's been set for each device mine has been fine with manually managing each.

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