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Sunshine Beergut


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yes the sunshine is here and the men are out in abundance.... only thing is only 2 types of guys take off their winter woolies to reveal all


a) the big guys who let it all hang out with wild abandonment and...


:D the charva, t-shirt/stripey jumper tied round its waist, or travelling in a ancient xr3i convertible with his 3 mates



unfortunately the second of the two usually do have lurrrvely torsos its just the rest of the them that lets it down.



I demand you lot (male members that it and as in members I mean people not your actual 'members') provide us lovely ladies with snaps of yourselves in your summer finest speedos, (..oh and in no way shape or form will we reciprocate at all).








Disclaimer: This is disguised as a polite request but we do expect you to participate fully (and that does mean all of you) due to the fact we have had many many many requests for photos of ourselves in underwear and without, I reiterate we (the female folk of this small elite few) will not be returning the favour.

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