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Post Season Interview Questions


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I would love to see what they were expecting us to write going by some of their views on us! :lol:


1- What would your assement of your season be in comparison with your pre-season hopes and expectations?

I expected us to win the treble and Champions League (after being brought in to replace Man U because we have much better fans).


2- What would your season highlight be?

Getting my boycoutt banner on telly.


3- What would your season low-light be?

Not winning the Champions league


4- A large majority of footballer suporters seem to have taken a certain degree of glee in your downfall this season. Why do you think that this is and what do you think needs to be done to change peoples perception of the club and its supporters?

They're all jealous because we have the best fans in the world and because God supports us and Tony Blair.


5- Would do you need to bring in during the summer and who would you like to see leave the club?

I expect us to buy Ronaldo (both of them), Kaka, Eto'o, Ronaldinho, Beckham, Essien and Buffon. I also think we'll bring Pele out of retirement and pull Milburn out of the deep freeze we've been keeping him in.



6- What should the aim for next season be?

To win the World Cup.




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Hi Guys,


My name is Jamie and I help run an Everton forum called Toffee Talk. I run little interviews with fans before most games and I'm now compiling a post season interview section for the site. If anyone could take a few moments to answer these questions it would be greatly appreciated. (Oh and please don't take offense to question 4, i'm not trying to wind anyone up, Its a serious question)



1- What would your assement of your season be in comparison with your pre-season hopes and expectations?

2- What would your season highlight be?

3- What would your season low-light be?

4- A large majority of footballer suporters seem to have taken a certain degree of glee in your downfall this season. Why do you think that this is and what do you think needs to be done to change peoples perception of the club and its supporters?

5- Would do you need to bring in during the summer and who would you like to see leave the club?

6- What should the aim for next season be?



Thanks again. Any responses would be much appreciated.


1 - Shite, and considering I had no hopes for this season that's saying something. Under Keegan midtable was most peoples expectation but the complete upheaval after his departure meant we knew it was going to be another year of strife. I don't think anyone really expected relegation though.


2 - Draw against Man United on the first day of the season. I think it gave everyone hope that we could kick on and maybe secure a Europa League spot if we were lucky


3 - Getting relegated, made even worse by the complete lack of fight showed by the tossers on the pitch during the Villa game.


4 - Two things. Firstly everyone likes to see a biggish club take a tumble as has been seen when any name team drops out of the league - it was the same for West Ham, Leeds and Sheff Wed. Secondly we've basically been painted as delusional idiots, no thanks to those lads and lasses at Sky and the BBC who have sought out every gurning, unemployed fool to interview and patronise the living daylights out of.


5 - Decent Championship level strikers and midfielders need to be brought in while shipping out the likes of Owen, Martins, Nolan, Barton, Gutierrez, Colocinni etc. Basically we need rid of those who are earning too much but not doing enough.


6 - We need to look at bouncing back ASAP. Any other outcome would be a disaster and could see us staying in the second tier for a good few years.

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Half of their team are too good for the Championship and will surely look for a new club.


Fabricio Collocini

Jose Enrique

Kevin Nolan (moved from Bolton to achieve greater things)

Joey Barton (think he is definatly out the door)

Obefimi Martins (from Inter Milan to second division)

Micheal Owen (will want first team place in the race for World Cup placements)

Damien Duff (although he's pledged his future to them)

Sebastian Bassong

Steve Harper (veteran, doubt he will leave)

Ryan Taylor

Alan Smith (ex-Manchester United now Championship)

Shola Ameboi (shown signs of excellence, lower Premiership team would have him)

Peter Lovenkrands

Steven Taylor (Everton would do well with him and I'm pretty sure Mark likes him )



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If about a quarter of our team was too good for the CC, we'd not be in it.

Exactly. As good as someone over at Numpties-Online saying that most of our players would have done wonderful with better team mate. So yeah, if half the quad are capable of playing at a top team then it shouldn't be exptected to much to show the attributes necessary for playing at the highest level. But this is something nearly no player ever dd (an will do).

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Guest Stevie

1- What would your assement of your season be in comparison with your pre-season hopes and expectations?




2- What would your season highlight be?


Drawing 2-2 at Everton


3- What would your season low-light be?


People keeping their shoes on at games


4- A large majority of footballer suporters seem to have taken a certain degree of glee in your downfall this season. Why do you think that this is and what do you think needs to be done to change peoples perception of the club and its supporters?


Because we're deluded geordie fuckwits who should be happy with coming 15th every season


5- Would do you need to bring in during the summer and who would you like to see leave the club?


Anyone with any ambition should leave because we shouldn't get above our station


6- What should the aim for next season be?


14th and to build on that, Dean Windass on loan, and touch wood someone like Ronnie Moore in as manager

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1- What would your assement of your season be in comparison with your pre-season hopes and expectations?


I fancied a not too particularly exciting 14th place finish. In hindsight I'd have been delighted with that.


2- What would your season highlight be?


The 3-1 win over the Boro.


3- What would your season low-light be?


The pathetic, gutless second half performance at Villa Park when our Premier League status was on the line, and very few out there bothered to even pretend like they gave a fuck.


4- A large majority of footballer suporters seem to have taken a certain degree of glee in your downfall this season. Why do you think that this is and what do you think needs to be done to change peoples perception of the club and its supporters?


Nothing needs to change. Teams like Newcastle, Everton, Aston Villa and Tottenham are similar in they we all think we're a bigger club than we really are. I'd have have loved it if Tottenham had went down, so I can't really complain about others taking joy in our downfall.


5- Would do you need to bring in during the summer and who would you like to see leave the club?


I would like to see them bring in players who have a bit of talent and would run into a brick wall to be successful. I would like to see the gutless bastards shipped out.


6- What should the aim for next season be?


The aim has to be a top two finish. Whether we're capable of that with the likely wholesale changes is another thing completely.

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Guest Stevie
Hope they lose on Saturday tbh.





x 10000000000000000000


North London offies should shut after the game too after this:



Everton fans rip through Londis store to steal crates of alcohol


May 6 2009 Uxbridge Gazette


THE police have been given CCTV stills of football fans running riot in Harefield following the FA Cup semi-final.


At 8.30pm on April 19, a coach full of Everton supporters on their way home from Wembley pulled up out-side the Londis store in Moorhall Road and as many as 50 yobs steamed into the shop and stole up to £400 worth of beer, grabbing as much as they could lay their hands on.


Staff in the shop were helpless against a tide of fans, who ran out with entire crates of alcohol, even looting it from the storage space.


But one staff member managed to take down the registration number of the coach, which could prove crucial in the police investigation.


Atul Sodha, manager of the store, said: "They came in and wreaked havoc. It was a Sunday I want to forget.


"They got away with quite a lot of booze, about £300 to £400 worth. They were taking whole cases.


"They went into the back as well, which is when it becomes burglary, not just simple shoplifting.


"I'm just relieved my staff were okay. What chance did they stand of stopping 50 of them? My stock is insured, they are not.


"Having said that, one managed to get back a couple of crates and - would you believe - even took the registration number of the coach."


The shop is equipped with CCTV cameras covering every angle of the store, and Mr Sodha delivered footage of the raid to officers at Hillingdon CID at the end of last week in the hope of catching the culprits.


Harefield is often used as a cut-through for football fans making their way to and from Wembley, between the M25 and the A40.


The Everton fans earlier saw their team beat Manchester United, after the match was decided on penalties.


They will doubtless be returning to Wembley in even greater force for the final against Chelsea on May 30, sparking fears of a repeat offence.


Detective Inspector Sarah Drew said: "Hillingdon CID is working with Merseyside Police to investigate this matter.


"I urge anyone who witnessed the incident or has information to contact Hillingdon Police on 020 8246 1568."

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1- What would your assement of your season be in comparison with your pre-season hopes and expectations?

Completely the opposite, I assumed with the signings we made, the fact that we had a strong end to last season and a good opening to this season, I thought a top half finish was minimum.


2- What would your season highlight be?

Newcastle 3-1 Middlesbrough. Never cheered so much in my life.


3- What would your season low-light be?

Obviously the moment the whistle went at Villa Park. Although besides that, I'd have to say either when Keegan left or when Shay left and the club started falling apart.


4- A large majority of footballer suporters seem to have taken a certain degree of glee in your downfall this season. Why do you think that this is and what do you think needs to be done to change peoples perception of the club and its supporters?

I think it's due to the fact that we're never satisfied with who we have in charge, some people like to call us fickle, we've got a joke of a club currently, we had high aspirations in the pre-season and we have a number of fans who perhaps are deluded compared to the average fan, the media's perception of us seems to be the whole "deluded Geordie thinking we're a big club" but in reality, only a few supporters are like this. There's not much you can do to change this, there'll still be the Toon Ultras, protesting at every appointment/sacking/bad result, the Media isn't going to pick out the average supporters to interview, it'll always be the ones who draw conversation and there's not much you can do to change the media's display of you.


5- Would do you need to bring in during the summer and who would you like to see leave the club?

We need to bring in practically a new squad, mostly a midfield and a strikeforce as our strikers seem to be leaving us and, let's be honest, we never had a midfield anyway. I like the looks of Simon Cox and Jermaine Beckford with Fabien Delph and Jordi Gomez to add some creativity to our midfield.

6- What should the aim for next season be?

Stability. Rebuilding.

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There's not much you can do to change this, there'll still be the Toon Ultras, protesting at every appointment/sacking/bad result,


I think its unfair to pull the Ultras out like that, they're not a protest group and I personally have never seen anything to suggest they are any more vocal when it comes to protesting than the average fan.

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1 - Soul destroying compared with pretty optimistic pre-season


2 - Boro


3 - Fulham


4 - Tallest Poppy Syndrome / Crab Mentality. I want to see everyone at Newcastle respond with aggression and quality action. Become the Edward Vernon Rickenbacker's of the football world.


5 - Bring players who create and never quit. Leave all the journeymen.


6 - Promotion but with Ashley it's already a desperate slog.

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1- What would your assement of your season be in comparison with your pre-season hopes and expectations?

With Keegan (and a couple more key signings - a squad, a squad, my kingdom for a squad) we we're looking mid-table to knocking on the European places.


We were relegated due to Ashley backing Wise over Keegan (:lol:), appointing Kinnear (:secret:), generally undermining the club and players by having it up for panic sale for much of the season (:)) and making a fucking profit on transfers (:lol:).


Thing couldn't have gone much if any worse this season.

2- What would your season highlight be?

Draw at Man U under Keegan - things were looking good. How they'd change.

3- What would your season low-light be?

So many to choose from, probably the :panic: appointment of Joe Fucking Kinnear.


4- A large majority of footballer suporters seem to have taken a certain degree of glee in your downfall this season. Why do you think that this is and what do you think needs to be done to change peoples perception of the club and its supporters?

"Big" club going down (they all get it), and jealousy of how we are perceived (even now) and NUFC's huge media profile (positive and mostly negative) - nothing can be done.


5- Would do you need to bring in during the summer and who would you like to see leave the club?

Ashley. :wub:

6- What should the aim for next season be?

Not to be relegated from the Championship - quite seriously, after the catalogue completely avoidable fuck ups that go us relegated this season, it is quite possible for Ashley to "excel" himself and manage to get us down again. :nufc:

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