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Ok, so Im 8 days late on my Paye payment. Do these fuckers have no idea what its like running a business at the moment? His answer? "The paye should not be part of your normal business cash flow". Fuck me, have these people got no clue what-so-ever?


Fucking idiots.


That it all. :lol:

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To be fair... if you'd done it right in the first place...


Fuck Off!


I didn't do it "wrong" I just haven't done it!



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To be fair... if you'd done it right in the first place...


Fuck Off!


I didn't do it "wrong" I just haven't done it!




I shouldn't worry about Fish - don't think he needs to file a return for loafing :lol:

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Have you fucking paid yet you twat?


Yes I fucking have, £14 fucking grand the fucking twats. Fucking MPs skimming the system for fucking thousands and the twats have a go at me for being EIGHT days late with my PAYE payment this month.


FUUUUUUUCK in hell man!



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I get emails offering me an extension all the time :wub:




(fuck off, Bobby's not around someone has to pick up the slack(wahey))

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Haven't they been told to go really easy on small businesses at the minute? Could you not have got an extension?


You certainly wouldnt have thought so. I said to the guy "do you not know what its like for small business's at the moment?" and his reply? "but thats not your money, its your employee's money and their tax". I told him he clearly had no idea about running a business or cash flow. Which in hindsight probably didnt help.....

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Haven't they been told to go really easy on small businesses at the minute? Could you not have got an extension?


You certainly wouldnt have thought so. I said to the guy "do you not know what its like for small business's at the moment?" and his reply? "but thats not your money, its your employee's money and their tax". I told him he clearly had no idea about running a business or cash flow. Which in hindsight probably didnt help.....


You'd be right though, no idea on running a business, cash flow, PAYE, how to spell "tax" or anything related to income tax, some of the numpties we employ these days!

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Weve just been asked if we wanna be part of a 'volunteer workforce' and go work for jobcentreplus!


My sense of teamwork immediately came to the fore i told them to bugger off.

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