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Where to Gan on Holiday


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In Orlando at the minute, dont come here, its fucking awful.

Wank isn't it? :wub:

Pissing down with rain, outside is like a sauna and its the most soulless, mind-numbing place i've ever been to.


Not on holiday, which is probably a blessing tbh.


You just missed two weeks of unseasonably good weather. My mam, stepdad, sis, fiance and nephew have just got back - storms turned up the day they were leaving.


It's for very specific holidays though isn't it - basically the parks and to take kids to. Not for a culture vulture like you. :lol:


Normally takes me a few days to warm up to a place but calling Orlando a city is blatant breach of the trades description act. Its a series of inter-connected theme parks and swamps.


I cant stand humid heat tbh, the golf this morning was unbearable. Think i might go to Iceland next.

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