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ipod touch


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now that i am back in gainful employment, and have ebayed some goodies off, i'm in the market for a new portable mp3/video player. i've had a play arund with the ipod touch and it seems very good but a bit expensive....



any reccomendations?

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Get one ! loved mine, trouble is I loved it so much I had to get an iPhone because it's so fucking frustrating not being able to use the full features of it without having universal data access.

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Get one ! loved mine, trouble is I loved it so much I had to get an iPhone because it's so fucking frustrating not being able to use the full features of it without having universal data access.


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Chez, what's the Blackberry like? Is it better than the iPhone or not? Asking cos you have a Touch which is obviously similar.


Downloaded "Remote" today which is quality - allows you to control your iTunes on your computer from your phone. My computer's in another room but I use Airport to play it on speakers in the living room, and the only problem has been the inability to change songs, pause, skip, browse iTunes library etc. All of which I can now do from my iPhone.


If I was remotely sociable and the sort of person who allowed people to come to my house for parties etc, it has a handy function where you can "Request a song" to a playlist. So if you were foolish enough to invite people to your house, you could pass your phone round for people to create a playlist. Sounds like the sort of thing that happens on Apple commercials rather than real life though. :lol:


Good app though.

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Aye but what's the point in having a phone AND a ipod touch? that's like having a burger and a cheese sandwich. Stick em together and you've improved on them both.


The phone contract is about £35, can't be much more than you're paying now, you get beaucoup internet access, sufficient calls and texts. But to be honest if you've got email access you won't text as much. The price of a touch is £165, and the 16Gig iphone is £57 with a monthly contract of £35.


All the apps, added functions and facilities of the iphone render the itouch obsolete imo, so I'm not sure why'd you'd go for one?

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But if he's already contracted with his current phone he'd have to pay up to end it early, if they'll let him end it at all. Plus with the Iphone you're tied down to 02 for 18 or 24 months on their own tariff that you have no choice to take because, as of now, they are the only UK network that offers the Iphone.

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