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Best School Prank !


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Bored in school....

Not long before the summer hols n want to pull the best prank EVER ...any ideas?



Put a snickers bar up his arse when he's asleep......LOL


That's not a Snickers George, that's a careless Wispa.





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download kiddy porn onto his computer and call the police

inject him with bad AIDs

fabricate images of his dad touching you inappropriately

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download kiddy porn onto his computer and call the police

inject him with bad AIDs

fabricate images of his dad touching you inappropriately


some reason i dont think them pranks are harsh enough considering what he done to me

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no ,it's simple, find someone with Bad Aids, then inject that into said oik


That plan is seriously flawed. He's at school man, the kind of experimentation needed to contract the bad aids generally doesn't take place until the bullying hordes are a thing of the past. So it involves finding a bad aids victim outside of the school and then carrying a vial of aids juice in to school, risking it going off in his pocket (much like a stink bomb) before sticking said Oik with the needle! There is too much to go wrong!


Farnie, have you considered a wedgie?

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got him back..... he has epilepsy so me and another mate went into the classroom before lesson started and made all the computer screens flash.. his reaction when he went into the room was to roll about on the floor. until a clueless teacher dragged him out the class. :aussie:

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swap your security light for a strobe light. Might get a bit annoying, but it's worth it for the first time you catch an epileptic burglar.

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