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do folk still get people in to clean their houses?


I fancy getting a cleaner cos I'm inherantly lazy and truely can't be arsed and was wondering if anyone had any experience of such phenomena?



how many hours would I need to get them in for a week? like how long does it take somone who doesn't get distracted, or need a cup of tea every 5 mins to clean a house?, just the basics and that, no ironing or shit.


wash the floors, dust, kitchen surfaces, scrub the bog, sort out the dishwasher, hoover, the essentials, then I can eat more shit and watch more tv whilst drinking my umpteenth cuppa uninterrupted.

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do folk still get people in to clean their houses?


I fancy getting a cleaner cos I'm inherantly lazy and truely can't be arsed and was wondering if anyone had any experience of such phenomena?



how many hours would I need to get them in for a week? like how long does it take somone who doesn't get distracted, or need a cup of tea every 5 mins to clean a house?, just the basics and that, no ironing or shit.


wash the floors, dust, kitchen surfaces, scrub the bog, sort out the dishwasher, hoover, the essentials, then I can eat more shit and watch more tv whilst drinking my umpteenth cuppa uninterrupted.

i'll do it for you, if you do mine in that french maids outfit?

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do folk still get people in to clean their houses?


I fancy getting a cleaner cos I'm inherantly lazy and truely can't be arsed and was wondering if anyone had any experience of such phenomena?



how many hours would I need to get them in for a week? like how long does it take somone who doesn't get distracted, or need a cup of tea every 5 mins to clean a house?, just the basics and that, no ironing or shit.


wash the floors, dust, kitchen surfaces, scrub the bog, sort out the dishwasher, hoover, the essentials, then I can eat more shit and watch more tv whilst drinking my umpteenth cuppa uninterrupted.

Get married- worked a treat for me!

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do folk still get people in to clean their houses?


I fancy getting a cleaner cos I'm inherantly lazy and truely can't be arsed and was wondering if anyone had any experience of such phenomena?



how many hours would I need to get them in for a week? like how long does it take somone who doesn't get distracted, or need a cup of tea every 5 mins to clean a house?, just the basics and that, no ironing or shit.


wash the floors, dust, kitchen surfaces, scrub the bog, sort out the dishwasher, hoover, the essentials, then I can eat more shit and watch more tv whilst drinking my umpteenth cuppa uninterrupted.

Get married- worked a treat for me!


Na I'm more into no strings attached arrangements cheers tho.

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Nurses are obviously paid way too much.


I wish, just sick of running around after everyone all day at work, can't be arsed to do it for myself at the end of the day.


Like I said, lazy.

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do folk still get people in to clean their houses?


I fancy getting a cleaner cos I'm inherantly lazy and truely can't be arsed and was wondering if anyone had any experience of such phenomena?



how many hours would I need to get them in for a week? like how long does it take somone who doesn't get distracted, or need a cup of tea every 5 mins to clean a house?, just the basics and that, no ironing or shit.


wash the floors, dust, kitchen surfaces, scrub the bog, sort out the dishwasher, hoover, the essentials, then I can eat more shit and watch more tv whilst drinking my umpteenth cuppa uninterrupted.

Get married- worked a treat for me!


Na I'm more into no strings attached arrangements cheers tho.

i refer you to my last post

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They're not worth it.


They look like French%20Maid.jpg they don't look like Sequin_French_Maid_R56092_large.jpg


It's only be worth it if you have a large house and not enough time to clean it all.


I'd guess you don't live in a huge home with miles of uncluttered surface to dust and polish.


my advice would be buy better cleaning tools and spend less time on the interweb.

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They're not worth it.


They look like French%20Maid.jpg they don't look like Sequin_French_Maid_R56092_large.jpg


It's only be worth it if you have a large house and not enough time to clean it all.


I'd guess you don't live in a huge home with miles of uncluttered surface to dust and polish.


my advice would be buy better cleaning tools and spend less time on the interweb.



I could live in a mansion for all you know matey.

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We used to get a cleaner at some point, can't remember what she was being paid but it wasn't an insane amount.


Just an old woman who used to come in and go round the house.


I found it quite annoying to be honest, I wasn't allowed to play guitar loud when she was cleaning. :D

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A cleaner?? FFS.


Went for a walk yesterday morning and saw the car cleaning set-up at Brierdene (Whitley Bay) doing a good trade. Lazy fuckin bastards who can't be bothered to clean their car. Of course there may be the odd one or two who have a physical problem and rely on this type of service, but the majority imo are just lazy twats who have more money than sense.

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Its a good idea, IF you can find someone you can trust and who will do the work properly. Personally I wouldnt like strangers in my house going through me drawers, ooeerr :D I suppose you could stay in whilst theyre there, but then I'd feel in the way and awkward in my own home.

Ive come to the conclusion if you want something done, do it yourself! I work full time, have a family and keep the place pretty tidy and clean because I make myself do it quickly and I'm organised...but dont get me wrong, I'm as lazy as hell and I hate doing it, but I rush through what I have to do so I can sit on my backside watching DVD's or playing online!

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Its a good idea, IF you can find someone you can trust and who will do the work properly. Personally I wouldnt like strangers in my house going through me drawers, ooeerr :D I suppose you could stay in whilst theyre there, but then I'd feel in the way and awkward in my own home.

Ive come to the conclusion if you want something done, do it yourself! I work full time, have a family and keep the place pretty tidy and clean because I make myself do it quickly and I'm organised...but dont get me wrong, I'm as lazy as hell and I hate doing it, but I rush through what I have to do so I can sit on my backside watching DVD's or playing online!


YOu sound like a good woman. :razz:

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Its a good idea, IF you can find someone you can trust and who will do the work properly. Personally I wouldnt like strangers in my house going through me drawers, ooeerr :D I suppose you could stay in whilst theyre there, but then I'd feel in the way and awkward in my own home.

Ive come to the conclusion if you want something done, do it yourself! I work full time, have a family and keep the place pretty tidy and clean because I make myself do it quickly and I'm organised...but dont get me wrong, I'm as lazy as hell and I hate doing it, but I rush through what I have to do so I can sit on my backside watching DVD's or playing online!


YOu sound like a good woman. :razz:


Thanks Parky :razz: I do my best!

Thiing is, Hubby and son work hard but just occassionally it pisses me off no end that I work too yet do all the cooking, cleaning, washing, infact everything at home... but its just easier and quicker to do it myself! I like the place tidy so I do it.

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Its a good idea, IF you can find someone you can trust and who will do the work properly. Personally I wouldnt like strangers in my house going through me drawers, ooeerr :D I suppose you could stay in whilst theyre there, but then I'd feel in the way and awkward in my own home.

Ive come to the conclusion if you want something done, do it yourself! I work full time, have a family and keep the place pretty tidy and clean because I make myself do it quickly and I'm organised...but dont get me wrong, I'm as lazy as hell and I hate doing it, but I rush through what I have to do so I can sit on my backside watching DVD's or playing online!


YOu sound like a good woman. :D


Thanks Parky :razz: I do my best!

Thiing is, Hubby and son work hard but just occassionally it pisses me off no end that I work too yet do all the cooking, cleaning, washing, infact everything at home... but its just easier and quicker to do it myself! I like the place tidy so I do it.


It's hardwired sweetie.


Man are shit at day to day stuff, but build things that go to the moon. :razz:

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Its a good idea, IF you can find someone you can trust and who will do the work properly. Personally I wouldnt like strangers in my house going through me drawers, ooeerr :razz: I suppose you could stay in whilst theyre there, but then I'd feel in the way and awkward in my own home.

Ive come to the conclusion if you want something done, do it yourself! I work full time, have a family and keep the place pretty tidy and clean because I make myself do it quickly and I'm organised...but dont get me wrong, I'm as lazy as hell and I hate doing it, but I rush through what I have to do so I can sit on my backside watching DVD's or playing online!


YOu sound like a good woman. :D


Thanks Parky :D I do my best!

Thiing is, Hubby and son work hard but just occassionally it pisses me off no end that I work too yet do all the cooking, cleaning, washing, infact everything at home... but its just easier and quicker to do it myself! I like the place tidy so I do it.


It's hardwired sweetie.


Man are shit at day to day stuff, but build things that go to the moon. :razz:



........And ain't that true :D They have built two new race cars over the winter, I've hardly seen them!

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Benefits grabbing, single mothers looking to employ a cleaner.


Is this what it's come to?



I don't claim benefits, I work full time and more as a single mother just as I have always worked.


I have never claimed benefits in my life and I'm quite proud of that fact.


If I want to work and pay someone to clean up after me then thats up to me.

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Benefits grabbing, single mothers looking to employ a cleaner.


Is this what it's come to?



I don't claim benefits, I work full time and more as a single mother just as I have always worked.


I have never claimed benefits in my life and I'm quite proud of that fact.


If I want to work and pay someone to clean up after me then thats up to me.

In all seriousness, how big is your house that you need a maid?


I mean it's pretty easy to keep a four bed Vic terrace tidy without a massive amount of cleaning and dusting. Run the hoover over places every now and then, and that's about all it needs...

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