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FAO Steve

The Mighty Hog

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I think I just came.


But I don't appreciate the 'geek' part after comic book, so what if I spend £30 a week on them?


But anyway, I think these are going to be fucking incredible. It is always my hope that somehow comics will be seen less as kiddie crap and can be accepted as another form of literature, and hopefully with Stephen King getting involved it's a positive step in that direction. He's a well known comic book fan, and has written introductions to a few collections to put a 'real' author's name with a comic book to try and give them some credibility.


Jae Lee is fucking awesome as well, these books are going to look incredible.


Looks like it's yet another on my list next year. I'm trying to cut down yet each month I just seem to be buying more and more.

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I just put the geek in before someone else did. Beat them to the punch.


But I can't wait. I've only found the last three books and the re-issue of the first one have illustrations, obviously there are other versions of the books have the illustrations but I can't find them. A full graphic novel would be unreal.


EDIT: Just re-read the story and it's about Rolands journey post Wizard and Glass but pre The Gunslinger. But good news that they might do a follow up about the Tet Corporation.

Edited by The Mighty Hog
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More info:




Mr. King just kind of looked up at the ceiling, and off the top of his head, started rattling off stories and stories and stories. He was telling about parts where Roland would go and do this and such, and then meet the villain here, and on and on. Literally, in ten minutes, he rattled off enough stories fill up roughly four or five trade paperbacks. He just did it offhand – the stories just poured out of him, and all of them middle, beginnings and ends. It was amazing to watch, and basically, hear Stephen King tell us original stories that no one, before then had ever heard before.
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There here! NERDS!



You have over 500 posts on an internet message board. You're as big a nerd as anyone on here.



Newcastle United internet message board. Comics are for kids - fact


Grown up's who still read comics are sad NERDS - fact



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Comics are for kids - fact



I wouldn't want my kids looking at this kind of filth!





Looks like some variation on the Munroe Transfer.


Comic geek-nerds are pervs tbh FACT!

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