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Got Arrested on Sunday night.

Sir Bob Almighty!

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Fop, if it weren't for the fact that you constantly travel at the speed of DICK, you'd have looked an even bigger one than usual in this thread.


Why man? Because manc-foplite was (as usual) wrong and didn't realise it until too late in his desperation to start an argument? :razz::lol: man.

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The point you made was utterly incorrect, which was apparent to everyone as usual. The copy/paste stories were a new low for you, however.


Feel free to call me a 'conveyor' in response (I assume you meant 'conveyancer'?) though and post irrelevant links about family law legal aid because that of course is the way to go about proving the point you made. :lol:

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Fop, if it weren't for the fact that you constantly travel at the speed of DICK, you'd have looked an even bigger one than usual in this thread.


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The point you made was utterly incorrect man, which was apparent to everyone as usual man. The copy/paste stories were a new low for you, however man.


Feel free to call me a 'conveyor' in response man (I assume you meant 'conveyancer'?) though and post irrelevant links about family law legal aid because that of course is the way to go about proving the point you made man. :razz:



It's all fucking legal aid man.

It's done on a legal aid basis man, end of.


Except of course that's still not true man. :lol:


You can try to change your point to try and argue about the merits of stacking your odds, if you want, but that's still a completely different issue man (and you're still wrong - he might end up with someone like you, or he could end up with someone decent of course :razz:).

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Deny everything. :lol:


They have to prove you guilty :lol:

You don't have to prove yourself innocent :razz:


Just say "Didn't" a lot. :razz:




Manc-foplite is trying that. :lol:

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Not at all mate, you've completely dissociated yourself from your opening comment (you won't go anywhere near it now) and that's what I was after. :razz:

Frantic man. :lol:


(you are taking soccermom's advice to heart though, maybe you should pay her? :razz:)

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It's a dead giveaway when you're getting mental angry btw-you always pop a smilie at the top left of your post :razz:


You're still frantic Fop sees man. :lol:


Although you've entered the last phase now, giving up all ghost of debate of the issue in question, hoping to bury it in a pile of surrounding :lol:, so it won't be too long now till you go :razz: (did Fop say 6 pages? I think Fop did :lol:)


You're getting far too predictable man, freshen it up. B)



It's all fucking legal aid man.

It's done on a legal aid basis man, end of.

Edited by Fop
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Fop, you really need to get help, there's something not quite right going on upstairs.


Yup, being absolutely right and still having to put up with buffoons/manc-foplites could take it's toll man. Luckily Fop is nigh-invulnerable to it. :lol:

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Dream Tripping tbh.

Out of idle interest, do you think manc-foplite was right with:

It's all fucking legal aid man.

It's done on a legal aid basis man, end of.

Bearing in mind even he now doesn't think he was. :lol:

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Fop-what are you desperately trying to prove (out of interest)?


You've made an utterly untrue statement-basically said Bassong is fucked unless he pays top dollar for a barrister. You should be ashamed of that iyam.

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Fop-what are you desperately trying to prove (out of interest)?


You've made an utterly untrue statement-basically said Bassong is fucked unless he pays top dollar for a barrister. You should be ashamed of that iyam.


You can try (and try) to change your argument all you want, you still said what you said and you're still wrong man, end of. :razz:


It's all fucking legal aid man.

It's done on a legal aid basis man, end of.

Brass neck on you man. :razz:


Or are you saying that is "right" again now? :lol:

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Fop, havent you done this before where you basically end up trolling round pleading with posters to agree with you? There's some massive neediness to that which is unfathomable to me personally.


Anyway fuck it-get the last post in because that's all you're arsed about. Unfortunately however it's never any more than one more opportunity to make a clown of yourself.

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Fop = TT's very own Sid Barrett


Fight the property conveyors!!! (or conveyancers, but it'll cost you, as they can charge more when you call them that :lol:).

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