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Olivier Bernard


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ONCE a Toon favourite in a sweet-flowing, pacy side conducted by baton master Sir Bobby Robson, his career was cruelly ended at the age of just 27 because of an arthritic hip.


Now back living in Newcastle and merely a fan these days, Olivier Bernard is saddened by the shocking demise of his black- and-whites.


Ollie was part of the Sir Bobby regime that heralded the second coming of The Entertainers, rising to third top of the Premier League in 2002- 03 when United played no fewer than 14 Champions League games in a marauding run of success.


The little French full-back wore Geordie colours for five years and calls them "very special times with a very special manager".


But he dismisses Robson’s successor Graeme Souness as "a terrible appointment who many of us simply didn’t want to play for and consequently we left with a heavy heart".


Since Newcastle put their foot on the slippery slope, they have hurtled down the Premier League until, says Bernard, " they are now hitting rock bottom, having lost everything Bobby built up".


Certainly the squad put together by Robson was the best since Kevin Keegan a decade before. It was bristling with pace, excitement, and passion – and how the fans responded.


"The boss was terrific," Bernard told me. "I respected him so much – he brought me to Newcastle from Lyon and he gave me the best times of my career. It was pure joy.


"We had a superb team, the perfect mix. Gary Speed, Alan Shearer and Nobby Solano had the experience, while Craig Bellamy, Kieron Dyer, Jermaine Jenas, Laurent Robert and myself were double quick. We were a great counter-attacking side.


"Shay Given kept the back door locked and we had a strong spine with Jonathan Woodgate and Shearer.


"However, the real secret was our team spirit. The atmosphere was first class. We had some real characters, and they were allowed to express themselves both on the field and in the dressing-room.


"Sir Bobby was a hands-on manager. He was out on the training ground in the thick of things every day despite being in his sixties and he had a great touch. You could see why he had played for England."


Forget Aston Villa’s attempts this season, Newcastle smashed the Big Four under Robson, finishing ahead of the likes of Liverpool and Chelsea, and were a regular at the head of the queue.


However, it was whispered that Bobby tolerated a lively dressing- room – with Bernard in the thick of the high jinks.


When I mention it, Ollie smiles, his eyes twinkling.


"Sure, the likes of Titus (Bramble), Kieron, JJ, Bellers and myself liked a good time, but then we were young men with a few quid in our pockets," he said. "The boss used to call us the Bash Street Kids.


"But I’ll tell you what – we all did the business on the park and Newcastle were flying at the top, not like now.


"We had a togetherness. A team spirit. That was critical, but Souness smashed it, of course. He didn’t like players expressing themselves in the dressing-room, which Bobby encouraged.


"Sure, Bellers had a big mouth and wanted to have his say, but he could play and was a dedicated performer who liked high standards."


So what of Robson’s departure and the arrival of his successor?


"When the gaffer went we were all shocked," maintained Ollie. "We simply didn’t understand why. He was sacked just a few games into a new season after finishing fifth-top. Souness came in and promptly finished 13th.


"Bobby walked in one morning, got us together and said: ‘I won’t be in tomorrow lads. I’ve been finished.’


"That was bad enough but we then got Souness, whose club Blackburn Rovers were struggling. How was that decision made?


"Soon we were all bailing out. He had his famous row with Craig Bellamy but Laurent Robert, Jermaine Jenas, me and others all followed. It was terribly sad."

No-one had heard of Bernard when, at the age of 21, he signed for United from French club Lyon – apart from Geordie Paul Montgomery, who was on Robson’s scouting staff and is now head of recruitment at Birmingham City.


"Monty looked after me all my career," Ollie told me. "He knew my agent, and so when I wanted to leave Lyon because I was after regular first-team football, I was offered a week’s trial at St James’s Park.


"Monty had seen me play for France at under-16 and 17 level. I was a centre-forward and then a left-winger.


"While I was on trial we played a behind-closed-doors friendly against Boca Juniors, who David McCreery had brought over to the North East, and I stuck a cross on the head of Shola Ameobi for him to score – and that was it.


"I signed, and eventually a small compensation fee was agreed with Lyon."


Only 5ft 9in tall, Bernard was nevertheless good in the air, with a prodigious leap and as quick as lightning.


"The gaffer used to kid on I ‘leapt like a salmon’ for a little ‘un, but he used to go ballistic when I bombed forward – until I scored or set up a goal with a cross! I loved to attack because I had been brought up as a forward."


Olivier made 145 appearances for United, scoring six goals from left-back before, with Souness in charge, he bailed out to take up fleeting residency at both Southampton and Glasgow Rangers before injury killed his career stone dead.


He spent one more season at Newcastle in 2006-07, but the romance couldn’t be rekindled and his hip problems ruined everything to such an extent Bernard didn’t make one single first-team appearance.


"The fans must have wondered where I was, but I had trouble with my knee at Rangers and then my left hip flared early on back at Newcastle.


"I had cancelled my contract at Rangers to return. Glenn Roeder was in charge, but it wasn’t as before. Not anywhere near it.


"My hip went in a reserve match and that was it. It never got any better. I tried to train but it was hopeless.


"Doctors said I needed an operation and I wanted to go over to see Mr Steadman in Colorado, but Newcastle asked me to wait to see if it could be overcome with rest.


"I only had a one-year contract and they didn’t want me to spend it all injured, but that’s what happened.


"I eventually had the op, but they didn’t do what I expected them to do. Arthritis had set in and I was finished at 27 years of age."


Old friends have tried to help all to no avail.


First, Bernard went off to Toronto where Bobby Robson’s former coach John Carver was manager and Paul Winsper fitness coach – Laurent Robert was also there – but his hip wouldn’t stand the strain, and it was the same early this season when Monty, who had taken him to Glasgow Rangers, reunited Ollie with manager Alex McLeish at Birmingham.


"I’ve had to accept it’s all over, so I’ve come back to Newcastle because it’s my town," he said. "I cannot play. I’m just a fan. I love the club and I’ll always support it, but things have gone dreadfully wrong.


"If I had been 34 or 35 being finished would have been much easier to take, but at 27 it’s life- changing."


Bernard is now looking round to see what to do next. He’s exploring all possibilities, like taking his coaching badges or becoming an agent, and in the meantime he is to open a French coffee shop in the centre of town. If he is finished playing, his great mentor Bobby Robson is finished managing, even though he still turns up at St James’s Park many match days.


"It’s awfully sad to see him physically but, my, he’s a fighter," said Bernard. "His mind is still sharp and he’s done so much good raising a couple of million for cancer research. He’s a great man."

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Very insightful piece, on both what happened at the club post Robson and also why Bernard never got a game on his return. Speaks well of the club and obviously loves it up here. Wish him all the best for his next venture.

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"The gaffer used to kid on I ‘leapt like a salmon’ for a little ‘un, but he used to go ballistic when I bombed forward – until I scored or set up a goal with a cross! I loved to attack because I had been brought up as a forward."



"It’s awfully sad to see him physically but, my, he’s a fighter," said Bernard.


Did he really say that? :huh: :huh:

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If he loved it so much why did he try to walk out on the club and go to West Ham?


Can't remember fully, but wasnt that his agent hawking him around. Seem to recall his agent made him look a twat a few times. Badly advised iirc.

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If he loved it so much why did he try to walk out on the club and go to West Ham?


Can't remember fully, but wasnt that his agent hawking him around. Seem to recall his agent made him look a twat a few times. Badly advised iirc.


Guess who his agent was :huh:

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If he loved it so much why did he try to walk out on the club and go to West Ham?


Can't remember fully, but wasnt that his agent hawking him around. Seem to recall his agent made him look a twat a few times. Badly advised iirc.


Guess who his agent was :lol:


willy mckay by any chance?

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He was a cracking little player for us but lest we forget:


Monday, 8th July 2002

By: Graeme Howlett


Hammers target Olivier Bernard this afternoon failed in his bid to overturn a Premier League ruling to remove him from contractual obligations with Newcastle - before 'celebrating' by signing a new 3-year-deal with the North Easterners.


Today's bizarre series of events began with Bernard and his agent attending a tribunal with the Football League Appeals Committee to appeal against last weeks decision which ruled that the player was still contracted to Newcastle for a further 12 months - despite West Ham having confirmed that Bernard had signed a 3-year pre-contract deal with them.


Late this afternoon it was revealed that the appeal committee had ruled that last weeks decision should stand, which effectively ruled out the move to East London - a switch which Bernard personally admitted he was looking forward to.


But the final twist in the tale came minutes after the decision of the appeal panel was made public, when Newcastle claimed that Bernard - who only last week said that he never wanted to play for Bobby Robson again - had signed a new three year deal, keeping him tied to the club until 2005.


The news was revealed by Newcastle's official website, which said:


"Olivier Bernard's appeal with the Football League Appeals Committee was dismissed this afternoon and Olivier left the appeal as he entered it, a Newcastle United player.


"Olivier has confirmed his commitment to Newcastle United having signed a new three-year contract with the Club this afternoon."


At this point one can only speculate as to why Bernard suffered such an abrupt about turn, after seemingly pledging his future to the Hammers.



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Of all the places in the world where he could have set up shop, I'd say it speaks a fair but of where his heart is that he chose to do so in Newcastle.


At any length this is a canny way to drum up business.

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  • 4 years later...

Good on him.


If the rumours about his after-school activities were true it's even more impressive that he's turned himself around this much.

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I once saw him playing badminton with his mate in Eldon Leisure when he was supposed to be out with a knee injury, scandalous stuff.

Good on the bloke for doing this mind. He provided a lot of laughs over the years and was a canny player, the whole West Ham bother took him down in my estimation at the time (coupled with the aforementioned badminton incident) but he's a canny bloke.

Edited by Howay
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