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Phillip Morris (Marlboro).

Park Life

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Aye, they've been doing this sort of shit for years Parky. I can remember getting free cigs and a Marlboro Zippo lighter at my student union in Durham and also when I visited mates at Northumbria Uni and Kings College London.


And they've kept that old bitch Thatcher in a nice Belgravia mansion in her dotage as well. Glad I've kicked the habit, tbh. :huh:

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Used to happen all the time when you could smoke over here. They'd give you 20 of their brand for whatever was left in your box of tradditional brand.

Aye, usually at outdoor events like concerts etc.

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My brand when I smoked. Then I switched to the girly Marlboro lights. Now even the thought of full strength Marlboro induces intestinal and bronchial spasms in me.


I can't remember ever getting any free cigs though, in fact I had to smoke 40 packs for a 'free' Zippo lighter or a pair of Ray-Ban Wayfarers.

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My brand when I smoked. Then I switched to the girly Marlboro lights. Now even the thought of full strength Marlboro induces intestinal and bronchial spasms in me.


I can't remember ever getting any free cigs though, in fact I had to smoke 40 packs for a 'free' Zippo lighter or a pair of Ray-Ban Wayfarers.


Marlboro red is a mad fag to smoke.

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My brand when I smoked. Then I switched to the girly Marlboro lights. Now even the thought of full strength Marlboro induces intestinal and bronchial spasms in me.


I can't remember ever getting any free cigs though, in fact I had to smoke 40 packs for a 'free' Zippo lighter or a pair of Ray-Ban Wayfarers.

I bet you went for the Wayfarers as well :huh:

Can't believe I used to smoke proper Bensons tbh. Smoked Embassy no. 1 for a while as well.

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I've recently moved to Lights from Regals, I would move back only I've got about three cartons of them.


Gonna have to give up in a few weeks too. :huh:

Edited by ewerk
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L & B, best snout on the market for me, Regal make my lungs bleed the day after.


what he said :huh: I remember when they used to do the free fags roundup and take what was left in your old box for the new one...used to leave one tab in , put the rest in my bag, and swap the one for the full box :huh:

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