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George Bests health


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Hardly an impartial source. For the record I wouldn't trust whar ASH says either.


Paesepud, give up man! You've done it before so you can do it again. If nicotine replacement isn't working, ask your doctor for bupropion - that may help. I'm not one to preach, but smoking really isn't worth dying young for.



Ash's figures? or do they not have any?

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Tired old factually incorrect argument. All of the tax gathered from smokers will never cover the medical costs of treating same for smopking related diseases. Not taking into consideration the outlay for non smokers suffering from second hand smoke and the asthma treatments for children born to smoking parents. or the millions spent on premature baby clinics for babies born to drinking mothers.


I am glad the old c*nt is dying. he is a wife beating sh*t. or maybe that is a "disease" too.


P.S I dont think of alcoholism as a disease or you wouldn't be able to beat it without prescription medication like millions have in the past.



Same tired old bollocks as well....allegedly


In fact, when you compare tobacco tax revenues with the alleged cost of health treatment, the former far outweighs the latter. In the UK, for example, tobacco tax revenue currently stands at £7 billion a year compared with the £1.5 billion it allegedly costs to tackle 'smoking-related' diseases. (Taxation revenue should of course be even higher - over £10 billion - but the Government has cleverly 'lost' £3 billion by over taxing tobacco and therefore encouraging smugglers and cross-Channel shoppers to buy the product abroad.)





However when taking into consideration the implications you cant take tax into as if you didn't spend on Cigarettes you would have more money to spend on other things without negative health effects but which also contain tax.

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Hardly an impartial source. For the record I wouldn't trust whar ASH says either.


Paesepud, give up man! You've done it before so you can do it again. If nicotine replacement isn't working, ask your doctor for bupropion - that may help. I'm not one to preach, but smoking really isn't worth dying young for.



Ash's figures? or do they not have any?



They've got a heel of a lot of afacts on the many ways smoking can kill you. Not sure if they have figures on the expense of smoking, and really not bothered if they do or not. However, I would say that the cost of treating heart disease or lung cancer is very high.

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No figures?  Just "facts" :o




I doubt you can accurately calculate the cost of smoking on health tbh.



I've given figures, nice of you to put up some kind of argument. Well done :o

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No figures?  Just "facts" :o




I doubt you can accurately calculate the cost of smoking on health tbh.



Why is that?




Well you have already answered one reason why it may be difficult by your post above. If someone has a heart attack you can't say for certain that smoking caused it or not.


Sima, the figures you quoted are on a FOREST website, a pro-smoking pressure group. Forgive me if I take anything they say with a pinch of salt.


Edit: Re-reading them, frankly I don't believe it. In fact most diseases are worsened by smoking - virtually all cardiovascular and lung disease, and many cancers. They claim it costs 1.5 billion to treat these. That figure is a tiny percentage of the NHS budget and is ludicrously low. They don't cite any source for their fugures, I suspect they are being deliberately misleading or have just made them up.

Edited by Renton
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If it's all about how much money each of us put in and take out of the health service, why don't we allow rich people the best service available and leave the poor to die?

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Well you have already answered one reason why it may be difficult by your post above. If someone has a heart attack you can't say for certain that smoking caused it or not.


Sima, the figures you quoted are on a FOREST website, a pro-smoking pressure group. Forgive me if I take anything they say with a pinch of salt.


Edit: Re-reading them, frankly I don't believe it. In fact most diseases are worsened by smoking - virtually all cardiovascular and lung disease, and many cancers. They claim it costs 1.5 billion to treat these. That figure is a tiny percentage of the NHS budget and is ludicrously low. They don't cite any source for their fugures, I suspect they are being deliberately misleading or have just made them up.



I dont think any smoker would actively dispute that smoking is a terrible habit and a killer, yes its killing me but so is alcohol to halve the people on this board. The difference between smoking and alcohol is that smoking can help to kill others as well, those that dont smoke and never have done.


What I would always argue against is that, by having a habit that isnt illegal and which does pump huge amounts of revenue into the government then smokers shouldnt be classed as second class citizens and warrant people saying they dont deserve health care. If it was illegal then that argument could hold some weight however it isnt.

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Well you have already answered one reason why it may be difficult by your post above. If someone has a heart attack you can't say for certain that smoking caused it or not.


Sima, the figures you quoted are on a FOREST website, a pro-smoking pressure group. Forgive me if I take anything they say with a pinch of salt.


Edit: Re-reading them, frankly I don't believe it. In fact most diseases are worsened by smoking - virtually all cardiovascular and lung disease, and many cancers. They claim it costs 1.5 billion to treat these. That figure is a tiny percentage of the NHS budget and is ludicrously low. They don't cite any source for their fugures, I suspect they are being deliberately misleading or have just made them up.



I dont think any smoker would actively dispute that smoking is a terrible habit and a killer, yes its killing me but so is alcohol to halve the people on this board. The difference between smoking and alcohol is that smoking can help to kill others as well, those that dont smoke and never have done.


What I would always argue against is that, by having a habit that isnt illegal and which does pump huge amounts of revenue into the government then smokers shouldnt be classed as second class citizens and warrant people saying they dont deserve health care. If it was illegal then that argument could hold some weight however it isnt.



I don't think anyone is saying that, I'm certainly not. I agree with your post completely. Actually, I used to smoke myself, albeit very lightly, so I'm not going to be a hypocrite. Now the thought of smoking cigarette actually makes me want to vomit. And I hate the smell I get on my clothes after a night in a pub: fortunately I think that will be a thing of the past soon.

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could the weak minds be a byproduct of the addictions?


I agree that George Best has fucked his life up good and proper, but he should be remembered for his football and not the way he died, the liver could have gone to a better patient, no doubt about it.




why should he only be rememebered for the good stuff,when you die you should be remembered for your entire life not just the nice bits.



george best....fantastically talented footballer,could have been the best in the world,alchoholic.

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If it's all about how much money each of us put in and take out of the health service, why don't we allow rich people the best service available and leave the poor to die?



tahts the theoty BUPA have been making a killing off (excuse the pun) for years.

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I don't think anyone is saying that, I'm certainly not. I agree with your post completely. Actually, I used to smoke myself, albeit very lightly, so I'm not going to be a hypocrite. Now the thought of smoking cigarette actually makes me want to vomit. And I hate the smell I get on my clothes after a night in a pub: fortunately I think that will be a thing of the past soon.



Ex smoker eh? Wondered why you are vitriolic on the subject.


You can dispute Forest's figures if you like, the fact is though, they are there and there is nothing to contradict them other than hearsay that "ooooh, the revenue generated is nowhere near what it costs". Which, without figures, is merely "wild speculation".

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I don't think anyone is saying that, I'm certainly not. I agree with your post completely. Actually, I used to smoke myself, albeit very lightly, so I'm not going to be a hypocrite. Now the thought of smoking cigarette actually makes me want to vomit. And I hate the smell I get on my clothes after a night in a pub: fortunately I think that will be a thing of the past soon.



Ex smoker eh? Wondered why you are vitriolic on the subject.


You can dispute Forest's figures if you like, the fact is though, they are there and there is nothing to contradict them other than hearsay that "ooooh, the revenue generated is nowhere near what it costs". Which, without figures, is merely "wild speculation".



Vitriolic? What are you talking about.


You can trust unsourced figures from a pro-smoking lobby if you like, I would prefer sourced figures from an impartial source. But I know they don't add up. £1.5 billion to treat all the cardiovascular diseases and cancers caused by smoking? I don't think so. That's only £25 per capita.

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