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Claim to fame

Christmas Tree

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When I was working in Chester-le-Street, Bryan Robson's brother ran the shop just over the way from ours. When Ravanelli went AWOL from Boro, Justin came in the shop one day and asked me and the other lad working there if we wanted to buy Ravanelli's boots.


When I asked if Bryan knew he'd got them he asked "where do you think I got them from?" :mellow:


Justin and Gary used to live in my street but I thought that was stretching it for a claim to fame tbh :D Did you work in Iceland :love:


Nope - Impact Sports.


Does he still run 'Birthdays'?

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Paul Frost laughed at me after I spent most of a performance of a Swedish Christmas carol on "Northern Life" poking the kid next to me every time he forgot the words. :D


SMO? :mellow:

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Went out to dinner at that underground Jazz place at the top of Dean St with Saha, Domi and Charvet (amongst others). Told Charvet I was a student and he gave me £40... Later found out he was off his face, had no recollection of doing so and didn't have any money for the cab home, so his squeeze at the time had to pay!! I got a lift home in Louis Saha's VW Golf.


Played truth or dare with Steve Howey and Disco 'Des' Hamilton (amongst others).


Played poker with Gazza's brother and Keith "what am i supposed to do wit fourteen grand a week" O'Neill and others.


Oh and shared a brandy and cigar with Big Dunc...

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Rode in a Sinclair C5 in close proximity to Frank Bruno.


Served drinks to Greg Rusedski when he was still Canadian.


Got a shout-out in a book by Tim Moore for providing information that I didn't actually provide.

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When I was working in Chester-le-Street, Bryan Robson's brother ran the shop just over the way from ours. When Ravanelli went AWOL from Boro, Justin came in the shop one day and asked me and the other lad working there if we wanted to buy Ravanelli's boots.


When I asked if Bryan knew he'd got them he asked "where do you think I got them from?" :mellow:


Justin and Gary used to live in my street but I thought that was stretching it for a claim to fame tbh :D Did you work in Iceland :razz:


Nope - Impact Sports.


Does he still run 'Birthdays'?


I thought so til I saw him working the roads the other day! Impact sports is horrendous mate :love:

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When I was working in Chester-le-Street, Bryan Robson's brother ran the shop just over the way from ours. When Ravanelli went AWOL from Boro, Justin came in the shop one day and asked me and the other lad working there if we wanted to buy Ravanelli's boots.


When I asked if Bryan knew he'd got them he asked "where do you think I got them from?" :mellow:


Justin and Gary used to live in my street but I thought that was stretching it for a claim to fame tbh :D Did you work in Iceland :razz:


Nope - Impact Sports.


Does he still run 'Birthdays'?


I thought so til I saw him working the roads the other day! Impact sports is horrendous mate :love:


It's not there any more is it? Certainly no longer in St Cuthberts Walk.


Mate of my folks owns/owned it.

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I've been swimming with Michael Barrymore.


We turned up to his book signing at WH Smith and tried to have a bit crack on with him but he was having none of it. :mellow: Wor lad wanted him to sign a copy of his book 'From one Michael to another' in the manner of David Brent but he wouldn't, the bastard.

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As far as i can remember theres only ever been 1 sports shop in St Cuthberts walk and its definately still there. Might have changed names/owners. Opposite the opticians/pet shop


Nah... I went in there over christmas. The place I used to work is no longer there - it's now the hairdressers as you go in on the left handside next door to (nearer to the front street than) the butchers.


The place further up on the elbow is new (to me). Isn't it called Direct Sports or something and has a label in the window stating that they're NOT Sports Direct?


It's years ago I was working there - summer of 1997.

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Met and went backstage with Kurt Cobain at his first ever gig in the UK at the Riverside in Newcastle. They were the support for Tad but me and mate went to see Nirvana off hearing Spank Thru, their second (?) single.


Met Puff Daddy and Jamiroquai in the VVVIP of Manumission in Ibiza.


Hung out with Bassment Jaxx a few times, had the whole crew and backing group into my local to watch an England game. No one knew who the fuck they were.


Spent 20 minutes with Habib Beye in January, we flew to France together and i sat next to him on the bus to the terminal (he said 2 months at the time).


Loads of DJs and producer, i once kicked Ed Chemical up the arse in Home in London, then bought him a drink to apologise, for no apparent reason other than intoxication with MDMA and booze.

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Met and went backstage with Kurt Cobain at his first ever gig in the UK at the Riverside in Newcastle. They were the support for Tad but me and mate went to see Nirvana off hearing Spank Thru, their second (?) single.


Met Puff Daddy and Jamiroquai in the VVVIP of Manumission in Ibiza.


Hung out with Bassment Jaxx a few times, had the whole crew and backing group into my local to watch an England game. No one knew who the fuck they were.


Spent 20 minutes with Habib Beye in January, we flew to France together and i sat next to him on the bus to the terminal (he said 2 months at the time).


Loads of DJs and producer, i once kicked Ed Chemical up the arse in Home in London, then bought him a drink to apologise, for no apparent reason other than intoxication with MDMA and booze.


You didn't have Papa L with you at the time did you? :mellow:

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Met and went backstage with Kurt Cobain at his first ever gig in the UK at the Riverside in Newcastle. They were the support for Tad but me and mate went to see Nirvana off hearing Spank Thru, their second (?) single.


Met Puff Daddy and Jamiroquai in the VVVIP of Manumission in Ibiza.


Hung out with Bassment Jaxx a few times, had the whole crew and backing group into my local to watch an England game. No one knew who the fuck they were.


Spent 20 minutes with Habib Beye in January, we flew to France together and i sat next to him on the bus to the terminal (he said 2 months at the time).


Loads of DJs and producer, i once kicked Ed Chemical up the arse in Home in London, then bought him a drink to apologise, for no apparent reason other than intoxication with MDMA and booze.


You didn't have Papa L with you at the time did you? :mellow:


I didnt piss on him!

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Magma you look like you've went straight from a concentration camp, dressing like a Serbian to some Gateshead charva's 21st.


Ear rings are so 1994 by the way.

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Met and went backstage with Kurt Cobain at his first ever gig in the UK at the Riverside in Newcastle. They were the support for Tad but me and mate went to see Nirvana off hearing Spank Thru, their second (?) single.


Met Puff Daddy and Jamiroquai in the VVVIP of Manumission in Ibiza.


Hung out with Bassment Jaxx a few times, had the whole crew and backing group into my local to watch an England game. No one knew who the fuck they were.


Spent 20 minutes with Habib Beye in January, we flew to France together and i sat next to him on the bus to the terminal (he said 2 months at the time).


Loads of DJs and producer, i once kicked Ed Chemical up the arse in Home in London, then bought him a drink to apologise, for no apparent reason other than intoxication with MDMA and booze.


That's a long transfer :mellow:

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