PaddockLad 19022 Posted April 5, 2009 Share Posted April 5, 2009 Absolutely, I'm just saying that Jade Goody got the stick for something that wasn't her problem. I think she grabbed an opportunity to live a better life and I don't really understand why people resent her for that. She was a fat racist charver though, famous for basically being a....thick fat racist charver. To reward the youth of today with stardom, jewels and more money than they could have made in a lifetime if they were doing what they are capable of is the problem with this country now. What message does it give? Either stick in at school, get a job and work hard all of your life or, leave school with fuck all, go on a reality programme (where the only reason they selected you was because you were so pig shit thick) get ya minge out, say some stupid stuff to show just how thick you actually are then appear in OK magazine. Call a Bollywood star names because you think you're better than her and become reviled by the general world but its ok because at some stage you'll die and suddenly they'll think you're a saint. If you want to blame anyone for your pretty valid points then blame the media who gave her the platform to perform on. She was a product of her piss poor enviroment, which a lot of people are being brought up in, judging by the amount of people who appear to identify with her. The media were catering to these people,plainly not yourself. She wasn't a fat racist charver, she was a thick, daft lass who was a product of the Britain we've all contributed to in 2009. She saw a chance to make a better life for herself by just being herself and not worrying about what others thought,until her hard nosed upbringing reared its head and she spoke to someone in a way that she had been spoken to many times herself, coupled with the inflated ego that all the exposure in the media was bound to cause in someone of limited intelligence with large numbers a parasites around her making themselves huge amounts of cash on the back of her making a show of herself. I doubt if its the worst thing thats happened to the Indian girl either. Is that what you dont like?....the mirror she holds up via the media so we can all see the way less fortunate among us live, and the way they have to degrade themselves in public to make a better life for themselves? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Happy Face 29 Posted April 5, 2009 Share Posted April 5, 2009 A few people need to watch this weeks excellent episode of Newswipe Where Charlie Brooker sums it all up perfectly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
peasepud 59 Posted April 5, 2009 Share Posted April 5, 2009 If you want to blame anyone for your pretty valid points then blame the media who gave her the platform to perform on. She was a product of her piss poor enviroment, which a lot of people are being brought up in, judging by the amount of people who appear to identify with her. The media were catering to these people,plainly not yourself. She wasn't a fat racist charver, she was a thick, daft lass who was a product of the Britain we've all contributed to in 2009. She saw a chance to make a better life for herself by just being herself and not worrying about what others thought,until her hard nosed upbringing reared its head and she spoke to someone in a way that she had been spoken to many times herself, coupled with the inflated ego that all the exposure in the media was bound to cause in someone of limited intelligence with large numbers a parasites around her making themselves huge amounts of cash on the back of her making a show of herself. I doubt if its the worst thing thats happened to the Indian girl either. Is that what you dont like?....the mirror she holds up via the media so we can all see the way less fortunate among us live, and the way they have to degrade themselves in public to make a better life for themselves? I totally agree that its the media at fault, frankly if Channel4 told me Id be a millionaire if I got me twat out and let the world know that I didnt even know how to pronounce a couple of hundred square miles of England let alone the fact it was in England then Id do it. Upbringing though, is not an excuse for a lass with a publicist and advisors not to know the difference between right and wrong. The problem I see is not that the media lets me see those less forunate than myself, its the fact they revel in them being that way, that they put people who otherwise would be on the dole with 6 kids to 7 different fathers on a pedestal and then other easily led mongs see them as role models. I dont even blame Channel 4 for Goody, they set up BB as a social experiment, a way for the rest of the world to realise just how shit the country actually is, the fact the Sun, Mirror and OK magazine turned it into the next Oscars was the problem. OK and Hello magazine are the real culprits in all this. If they hadnt existed then the likes of Goody would have left the house and drifted back into general obscurity other than making a good enough living round her local area opening fetes and appearing at night clubs and such (maybe a spot in Razzle shoving an East Angular up her minge). Enough money though to get her out of the shite she was in and into a normal standard of living. I put Kerry Katona on the same sort of level but at least she made her name doing something, regardless of just how shit they were at least she actually got there through some form of work. Its time we stopped rewarding stupidity and only made saints of those that actually deserved it, as has been mentioned in this thread a number of times what of Jane Tomlinson? how come there wasnt anything like the column inches awarded to her? Goody, when realising she was dying did what most of us would do, look after number one and shes seen as this deity. Tomlinson fought to raise as much as possible on the hope of saving the likes of Goody yet she passes with barely a murmour. Even Natasha Richardson, a hard working English actress who at least had some talent and worked hard for what she had. Her death barely registered a blip when compared to Goody. Stardom in this country is not down to talent anymore its just how stupid you're willing to look. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Asprilla 96 Posted April 5, 2009 Share Posted April 5, 2009 Absolutely, I'm just saying that Jade Goody got the stick for something that wasn't her problem. I think she grabbed an opportunity to live a better life and I don't really understand why people resent her for that. She was a fat racist charver though, famous for basically being a....thick fat racist charver. To reward the youth of today with stardom, jewels and more money than they could have made in a lifetime if they were doing what they are capable of is the problem with this country now. What message does it give? Either stick in at school, get a job and work hard all of your life or, leave school with fuck all, go on a reality programme (where the only reason they selected you was because you were so pig shit thick) get ya minge out, say some stupid stuff to show just how thick you actually are then appear in OK magazine. Call a Bollywood star names because you think you're better than her and become reviled by the general world but its ok because at some stage you'll die and suddenly they'll think you're a saint. In this country, the rewards, the fame, the money, the celebrity all goes to film stars, pop stars, footballers and now reality tv stars. There's no difference, it's all entertainment, nothing more, nothing less. Do you honestly believe that what Ashley Cole does is of any more benefit to this country than what a nurse or teacher or policeman or soldier does? You are rightly annoyed by a lot of what is happening in Britain, but I don't think you're looking in the right place if you think that slagging off the product of a woeful education system (especially in the inner cities) and a rampant media is going to put it right. As I've said already, Jade Goody was not my favourite person in the world but I didn't resent her taking the chance to get something in this life, especially after the hand she'd been dealt. Children are just sponges who soak up the culture that they are born into. For too many kids there's no dad at home - let alone working, a school where the teachers are worried about their own safety, junk food, no exercise, credit culture from the top to the bottom....and you're blaming the PRODUCT of this society? Jade Goody did everything to make sure her own kids would get better than that, starting with a decent education. She did what she had to do in her last months to make sure they got that. I think they should be proud of her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Asprilla 96 Posted April 5, 2009 Share Posted April 5, 2009 A few people need to watch this weeks excellent episode of Newswipe Where Charlie Brooker sums it all up perfectly. Can't watch it outside of the UK....what's he saying? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Happy Face 29 Posted April 5, 2009 Share Posted April 5, 2009 A few people need to watch this weeks excellent episode of Newswipe Where Charlie Brooker sums it all up perfectly. Can't watch it outside of the UK....what's he saying? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
peasepud 59 Posted April 5, 2009 Share Posted April 5, 2009 Absolutely, I'm just saying that Jade Goody got the stick for something that wasn't her problem. I think she grabbed an opportunity to live a better life and I don't really understand why people resent her for that. She was a fat racist charver though, famous for basically being a....thick fat racist charver. To reward the youth of today with stardom, jewels and more money than they could have made in a lifetime if they were doing what they are capable of is the problem with this country now. What message does it give? Either stick in at school, get a job and work hard all of your life or, leave school with fuck all, go on a reality programme (where the only reason they selected you was because you were so pig shit thick) get ya minge out, say some stupid stuff to show just how thick you actually are then appear in OK magazine. Call a Bollywood star names because you think you're better than her and become reviled by the general world but its ok because at some stage you'll die and suddenly they'll think you're a saint. In this country, the rewards, the fame, the money, the celebrity all goes to film stars, pop stars, footballers and now reality tv stars. There's no difference, it's all entertainment, nothing more, nothing less. Do you honestly believe that what Ashley Cole does is of any more benefit to this country than what a nurse or teacher or policeman or soldier does? You are rightly annoyed by a lot of what is happening in Britain, but I don't think you're looking in the right place if you think that slagging off the product of a woeful education system (especially in the inner cities) and a rampant media is going to put it right. As I've said already, Jade Goody was not my favourite person in the world but I didn't resent her taking the chance to get something in this life, especially after the hand she'd been dealt. Children are just sponges who soak up the culture that they are born into. For too many kids there's no dad at home - let alone working, a school where the teachers are worried about their own safety, junk food, no exercise, credit culture from the top to the bottom....and you're blaming the PRODUCT of this society? Jade Goody did everything to make sure her own kids would get better than that, starting with a decent education. She did what she had to do in her last months to make sure they got that. I think they should be proud of her. Im guessing you wrote that while I was writing my last reply, Im not blaming Goody for taking what she could, like I say I would do the same. What I am blaming is the media 100%. As for footballers, film stars actors etc, no they are of less benefit to this country than those that the likes of nurses and in an ideal world the roles would be reversed but its not like that. At least though with all of those, (sportspeople, actors, musicians etc) they have had to work to get where they are. Footballers may be born with the skills but they still need to train, culture them and harness them into a useable product and at least once a fortnight or so they go out and give it their all (unless they're Shola of course!). The likes of Goody opened her mouth (and legs) spouted some shite and became a heroine to millions of young girls across the country, that is a worry for society. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Asprilla 96 Posted April 6, 2009 Share Posted April 6, 2009 A few people need to watch this weeks excellent episode of Newswipe Where Charlie Brooker sums it all up perfectly. Can't watch it outside of the UK....what's he saying? Thanks fella, I've not seen that show before but it was excellent. Absolutely on the money for me. Absolutely, I'm just saying that Jade Goody got the stick for something that wasn't her problem. I think she grabbed an opportunity to live a better life and I don't really understand why people resent her for that. She was a fat racist charver though, famous for basically being a....thick fat racist charver. To reward the youth of today with stardom, jewels and more money than they could have made in a lifetime if they were doing what they are capable of is the problem with this country now. What message does it give? Either stick in at school, get a job and work hard all of your life or, leave school with fuck all, go on a reality programme (where the only reason they selected you was because you were so pig shit thick) get ya minge out, say some stupid stuff to show just how thick you actually are then appear in OK magazine. Call a Bollywood star names because you think you're better than her and become reviled by the general world but its ok because at some stage you'll die and suddenly they'll think you're a saint. In this country, the rewards, the fame, the money, the celebrity all goes to film stars, pop stars, footballers and now reality tv stars. There's no difference, it's all entertainment, nothing more, nothing less. Do you honestly believe that what Ashley Cole does is of any more benefit to this country than what a nurse or teacher or policeman or soldier does? You are rightly annoyed by a lot of what is happening in Britain, but I don't think you're looking in the right place if you think that slagging off the product of a woeful education system (especially in the inner cities) and a rampant media is going to put it right. As I've said already, Jade Goody was not my favourite person in the world but I didn't resent her taking the chance to get something in this life, especially after the hand she'd been dealt. Children are just sponges who soak up the culture that they are born into. For too many kids there's no dad at home - let alone working, a school where the teachers are worried about their own safety, junk food, no exercise, credit culture from the top to the bottom....and you're blaming the PRODUCT of this society? Jade Goody did everything to make sure her own kids would get better than that, starting with a decent education. She did what she had to do in her last months to make sure they got that. I think they should be proud of her. Im guessing you wrote that while I was writing my last reply, Im not blaming Goody for taking what she could, like I say I would do the same. What I am blaming is the media 100%. As for footballers, film stars actors etc, no they are of less benefit to this country than those that the likes of nurses and in an ideal world the roles would be reversed but its not like that. At least though with all of those, (sportspeople, actors, musicians etc) they have had to work to get where they are. Footballers may be born with the skills but they still need to train, culture them and harness them into a useable product and at least once a fortnight or so they go out and give it their all (unless they're Shola of course!). The likes of Goody opened her mouth (and legs) spouted some shite and became a heroine to millions of young girls across the country, that is a worry for society. You're right, I didn't see that reply, fair enough.... I think we're saying more or less the same thing....just coming at it from different angles. At the end of the day, Jade Goody was a 27 year old mother who died before her time. I think we should respect that on a human level and save the vitriol. As contrasting a figure as Sir Bobby Robson is (while going through a similar situation), I can't imagine him throwing the insults at Jade can you? He would have more dignity than that and he's someone we can all relate to and respect. Let's allow some of the bloke's class to rub off on us. I don't believe she was a racist as such (she was mixed race herself and got the blame for the whole Shilpa Shetty outburst...the other good looking scouse girl...something Lloyd? said even worse but she got away with it). There are things said here that are just as racist but they don't get picked up on usually. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sonatine 11922 Posted April 7, 2009 Share Posted April 7, 2009 Parky hits out at 'ignorant and puerile' Jade Tue Apr 07 10:54AM by TV Editor Michael Parkinson Sir Michael Parkinson has launched a tirade against Jade Goody. The veteran broadcaster told the latest issue of Radio Times that the late reality TV star represented "all that is paltry and wretched about Britain." He said: "Jade Goody has her own place in the history of television and, while it's significant, it's nothing to be proud of. Her death is as sad as the death of any young person, but it's not the passing of a martyr or a saint or, God help us, Princess Di. "When we clear the media smoke screen from around her death, what we're left with is a woman who came to represent all that's paltry and wretched about Britain today. "She was brought up on a sink estate, as a child came to know drugs and crime, was barely educated, ignorant and puerile. Then she was projected to celebrity by Big Brother and became a media chattel to be exploited til the day she died." His comments come just days after Jade Goody was laid to rest following a funeral that drew comparisons with that of Princess Diana. Thousands of mourners lined the streets and threw flowers as the hearse made its way to the service in Buckhurst on Saturday. Think his chat show might have been a bit better if he'd spoke to some of his guests like this Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Fish 11323 Posted April 7, 2009 Share Posted April 7, 2009 Parky hits out at 'ignorant and puerile' Jade Tue Apr 07 10:54AM by TV Editor Michael Parkinson Sir Michael Parkinson has launched a tirade against Jade Goody. The veteran broadcaster told the latest issue of Radio Times that the late reality TV star represented "all that is paltry and wretched about Britain." He said: "Jade Goody has her own place in the history of television and, while it's significant, it's nothing to be proud of. Her death is as sad as the death of any young person, but it's not the passing of a martyr or a saint or, God help us, Princess Di. "When we clear the media smoke screen from around her death, what we're left with is a woman who came to represent all that's paltry and wretched about Britain today. "She was brought up on a sink estate, as a child came to know drugs and crime, was barely educated, ignorant and puerile. Then she was projected to celebrity by Big Brother and became a media chattel to be exploited til the day she died." His comments come just days after Jade Goody was laid to rest following a funeral that drew comparisons with that of Princess Diana. Thousands of mourners lined the streets and threw flowers as the hearse made its way to the service in Buckhurst on Saturday. Think his chat show might have been a bit better if he'd spoke to some of his guests like this Can't disagree with him, but this bit reads odd. As if he's saying Diana was something more than a saint or a martyr... but I'm just being picky Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Renton 23692 Posted April 7, 2009 Share Posted April 7, 2009 Parky hits out at 'ignorant and puerile' Jade Tue Apr 07 10:54AM by TV Editor Michael Parkinson Sir Michael Parkinson has launched a tirade against Jade Goody. The veteran broadcaster told the latest issue of Radio Times that the late reality TV star represented "all that is paltry and wretched about Britain." He said: "Jade Goody has her own place in the history of television and, while it's significant, it's nothing to be proud of. Her death is as sad as the death of any young person, but it's not the passing of a martyr or a saint or, God help us, Princess Di. "When we clear the media smoke screen from around her death, what we're left with is a woman who came to represent all that's paltry and wretched about Britain today. "She was brought up on a sink estate, as a child came to know drugs and crime, was barely educated, ignorant and puerile. Then she was projected to celebrity by Big Brother and became a media chattel to be exploited til the day she died." His comments come just days after Jade Goody was laid to rest following a funeral that drew comparisons with that of Princess Diana. Thousands of mourners lined the streets and threw flowers as the hearse made its way to the service in Buckhurst on Saturday. Think his chat show might have been a bit better if he'd spoke to some of his guests like this Can't disagree with him, but this bit reads odd. As if he's saying Diana was something more than a saint or a martyr... but I'm just being picky That's what I thought until I realised it probably had something to do with the italicised sentence. In all honesty Di was not much more worthy than Goody imo. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest alex Posted April 7, 2009 Share Posted April 7, 2009 Not Diana' biggest fan but she championed some very worthy causes for (imo) largely selfless reasons. As for Parkinson, he's spot on, although perhaps saying it so publicly so soon after her death seems a bit distasteful. Especially, as Sonatine alludes to, given the sycophantic nature of his chat show in recent times. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sniffer 0 Posted April 7, 2009 Share Posted April 7, 2009 Parky is spot on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Renton 23692 Posted April 7, 2009 Share Posted April 7, 2009 Parky is spot on. That's something you don't often hear on here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NJS 4567 Posted April 7, 2009 Share Posted April 7, 2009 I think someone else said in this thread we should reserve the contempt for the media and/or "fans" rather than Goody and I agreed while still thinking she was a waste of space - exactly my opinion of Diana as it happens. I also agree that Parkinson was as fawning as the Diana/Goody worshippers to his guests. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Hova Posted April 7, 2009 Share Posted April 7, 2009 Faked her own death imo. One big publicity stunt. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest alex Posted April 7, 2009 Share Posted April 7, 2009 My Dad reckoned the cancer thing was a scam like. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Happy Face 29 Posted April 7, 2009 Share Posted April 7, 2009 Says more about his pathetic need for attention than least she never sunk so low as to slag off recently deceased stars for a few column inches. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jusoda Kid 1 Posted April 7, 2009 Share Posted April 7, 2009 Parky is spot on. That's something you don't often hear on here. Beat me to it, if only our own Parky spoke as much sense instead of dragging the board down to NO level with piss boring threads. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DanTheMan 0 Posted April 7, 2009 Share Posted April 7, 2009 Read what he ACTUALLY said here: Notice how the tabloids left out all the incrimintating stuff about themselves? He's spot on I think. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sniffer 0 Posted April 7, 2009 Share Posted April 7, 2009 Piss boring threads, Wacky? Hardly fair considering he's currently involved in one of the most dramatic, nail biting sagas this board has seen in a long time. But it has gone quiet on that front, hasn't it? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andrew 5153 Posted April 7, 2009 Share Posted April 7, 2009 Says more about his pathetic need for attention than least she never sunk so low as to slag off recently deceased stars for a few column inches. aye he's obviously called them up and demanded to speak about jade Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Happy Face 29 Posted April 7, 2009 Share Posted April 7, 2009 Read what he ACTUALLY said here: Notice how the tabloids left out all the incrimintating stuff about themselves? He's spot on I think. But he was dead keen to 'exploit' her himself... Michael Parkinson wants to interview Jade Goody and Jordan. The TV chat show host is very choosy about who appears on his series and usually steers clear of reality TV stars. However, he is willing to make an exception for the 'Big Brother' star and the glamour model because he thinks they would make "interesting" guests. He told Britain's Heat magazine: "I'm not sure about Jade - she's an interesting one. From the point of view why she's famous, I'm not interested in that at all. But she does have a fascinating back-story. I think any journalist would be interested in that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jusoda Kid 1 Posted April 7, 2009 Share Posted April 7, 2009 Piss boring threads, Wacky? Hardly fair considering he's currently involved in one of the most dramatic, nail biting sagas this board has seen in a long time. But it has gone quiet on that front, hasn't it? Yes, that thread in particular is a needle in a haystack, the rest are mind numbingly poor, no filth in them or nowt. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Park Life 71 Posted April 7, 2009 Share Posted April 7, 2009 My Dad reckoned the cancer thing was a scam like. I like the sound of yer dad. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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