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Post Count


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After flicking through the Meenzer Love in post, ive just realised Sima's post count. Has he hacked it? Surely no way someone could make that many posts - they'd have to be on here 24/7 with no other distractions :nufc::(

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A certain member of the team was 'bored' one day!


Don't ask, nowt to do with me!



Says the man who set it to "negative some random amount".




and I havent yet perfected the "SimaRandomPostcountGenerator" script so until then I thought what the hell.

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A certain member of the team was 'bored' one day!


Don't ask, nowt to do with me!



Says the man who set it to "negative some random amount".






Moi? Dunno what you're talking about? :(

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His posts got reseted to 0 because a few people thought he was spamming then he couldn't play any games with 0 posts so someone gave him that number. All a happy family now of course


yeap thats why.


Just goes to show, post counts should always be enabled :nufc::(

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Disable post counts for the sanity of the board.


And in order that I may once again mingle among you unashamed at my feeble contribution.




Five posts! Five! Is that the best you can do, slacker? ;)

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