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Nobody wants us to lose tomorrow


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Well it would appear they do. A week or 2 ago there was debate about whether people would like us to lose today so that Souness would get the sack. Well, after a few misundertandings (admitedly a lot from myself) I think we established that whereas we all want us to win today, we realised that if we lost Souness would probably get the sack which the vast majority want.


I have to say that tonight I am absoltely astonished at some of the views held by people over on N-O. Several people are openly saying they actually want Sunderland to beat us! Un-fucking-believable!


Rubbish is being spouted about "seeing the bigger picture" and talk of how we'll climb the league once Souness departs. Never mind that, today is against the Mackems, end of story!


What happens after that will take care of itself. We simply MUST win this game. I couldn't give a monkey's chuff if Coco the Clown was in charge tomorrow I'd still be singing my heart out.



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Agreed mate


Anyone who thinks losing is attractive tomorrow is a mackem.

If people want us to lose then walk up to fellow fans tomorrow and shout it.

See what happens.


A proper mag would NEVER wish to lose against the mackems.


A daft bairn with fuck all between his ears might though.

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As I've mentioned on there, some people are saying losing to Sunderland saved us last time as we got a new manager in straight away.


Difference here is, a new manager wouldn't have the benefit of calling in Given, Pistone, Dabizas, Lee, Hughes, Shearer & Ferguson from the stands. Souness has always picked the best available to him this season, who's to say anyone else would do any better?

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As I've mentioned on there, some people are saying losing to Sunderland saved us last time as we got a new manager in straight away.


Difference here is, a new manager wouldn't have the benefit of calling in Given, Pistone, Dabizas, Lee, Hughes, Shearer & Ferguson from the stands. Souness has always picked the best available to him this season, who's to say anyone else would do any better?




Madness tbqf. One minute you sound like a sensible poster NO, next you say something like this. I'll tell you what, why bother with a manager? Let's just leave the selection to a random generater, and cross our fingers. :nufc:

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We've had injuries.


2000-1 season we lost Dabizas, Shearer, Dyer & Cort for very long spells which cost us...we finished 11th. The following season he hit lucky with injuries (except late on losing Bellamy), and we finished 4th. I'd like to see Souness at least given the same chance.

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Wanting to lose? No. Not being totally devastated when a poor result - and that's includes a draw - meant the end of this joke of a manager is something different.


And O-N, of course he has some bad luck with injuries, though I am still unsure how much is house-made, but he still can pick players who can and should do better (Faye and Amoebi excluded). Every player today who starts for Newcastle would most likely easily walk in the first team of Sunderland, either if he is a regular first team player or a fringe player. Anything less than a win is not acceptable from these kind of players.

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Agreed mate


Anyone who thinks losing is attractive tomorrow is a mackem.

If people want us to lose then walk up to fellow fans tomorrow and shout it.

See what happens.


A proper mag would NEVER wish to lose against the mackems.


A daft bairn with fuck all between his ears might though.



not quite sure why you've done that, but it makes it seem like I've said I want us to lose tomorrow, when I was actually agreeing with the opening comments.


Apologies if I've got that wrong like - I've just woken up.

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