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Sorry but Man u is just having incredible amounts of luck. Redicilous.


They just try harder than any other team and always have for the last 20 years. It's Ferguson and the standards he/the club demands.


Chelsea played a good half there but for nothing.

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Sorry but Man u is just having incredible amounts of luck. Redicilous.


They just try harder than any other team and always have for the last 20 years. It's Ferguson and the standards he/the club demands.


Chelsea played a good half there but for nothing.


Yeah I guess.. and also, ramirez missing on those chances etc. If you are to beat Man United, you need to be able to finish properly.

They have themselves to thank tbh, could have been 1-0 or 2-0 up easily....

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Sorry but Man u is just having incredible amounts of luck. Redicilous.


They just try harder than any other team and always have for the last 20 years. It's Ferguson and the standards he/the club demands.


Chelsea played a good half there but for nothing.


Yeah I guess.. and also, ramirez missing on those chances etc. If you are to beat Man United, you need to be able to finish properly.

They have themselves to thank tbh, could have been 1-0 or 2-0 up easily....


You need to not try to play football against them for one-unless you are actually Barcelona. Chelsea played the better football but Man U just went direct in the areas that matter and the result couldn't be more demoralising.


It's no co-incidence that virtually every player who goes to Man U becomes 'great' when they get there and then fade to average once they leave, it's purely because of the ethic involved in playing for Ferguson/Man U. It's something we've always needed and lacked.

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