bobbyshinton 59 Posted January 5, 2009 Share Posted January 5, 2009 The bloke with the Cockney out banner and another fan at hull? hope this is not a dupe Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spongebob toonpants 4366 Posted January 5, 2009 Share Posted January 5, 2009 From newcastle online "Keith Barrett here joining in with your forum. I am one of the 'thick' blokes with the 'Cockney Mafia out' banner. I do not think I represent anyone but myself, I am not a member of NUSC, and I do not wish to be on the telly, despite numerous requests since my mate Graham Robson and I made the giant 'Howay The Lads' flag some years ago.That giant flag took a lot of time, money and effort. The 'Cockney Mafia Out' banner was bought by myself and has been held aloft at various games by me, my 79 year old Dad, my friends Paul Fenning and Bernie Kane. You will notice there are no nicknames here as used by writers on this forum, that's who we are. I first went to St.James's Park in 1962, Plymouth Argyle at home 0-0, I follow my team home and away and have only missed three games in the last seventeen years, these were friendlies. I ran Toon Travel for fifeteen and a half years, providing coaches, trains or planes to every game in that time at a cheaper cost than the club, if they even bothered to put anything on. Whilst running Toon Travel I was also trying to run my haulage business which eventually failed, due somewhat to my travel commitments. My marriage to my southern born wife has also failed, this was down totally to my commitment to Newcastle United and not her. Thats a bit of background about me. The 'Cockney Mafia Out' banner. I fully appreciate that not every Newcastle United fan shares the same view as me, the banner is not aimed at Cockney's in general, I have many Cockney friends, I also fully appreciate that Mike Ashley and Dennis Wise were not born within the sound of Bow bells so they are not 'true' cockneys, ( I could not afford to have Buckinghamshire and Kensington put on the banner, it cost me a hundred pound as it is). I had it made to express my feelings about the people who run our club. I don't want them there, I don't trust them, I think they have shown there true colours, I think they are con men. Dennis Wise was a horrible obnoxious player on the pitch, that everbody hated, he has no affinity with Newcastle United whatsoever.. Mike Ashley has shown contempt for the fans and presumably thinks he can worm his way back into our hearts, he was never in my heart, I do not remember seeing him on the terraces at Plymouth, Shrewsbury or Whrexham supporting the team, he, in my opinion is a con man. Now, I know I have left myself wide open to critisism that previous or future owners have not or will not stand on the terraces, but, I have, Newcastle United have been a major part of my life for forty odd years, I love Newcastle United and the fans, we are adifferent people to anybody else in the country, or used to be at least. I don't want someone who does not understand what Newcastle United means to its supporters dictaing to the fans. He had a choice a while ago, Kevin Keegan, who has his faults, or Dennis Wise, Keegan the man who brought the best football to Newcastle United seen in living memory, when left to his own devices, or Wise, a man with no Newcastle United connection at all. The majority wanted Keegan, he chose Wise. He alienated himself.I don't want him in charge. I am only a fan like everyone else, but, that is my opinion. Now, if people have a different opinion, fine, it is a free world, sort of, express it, go out and buy banners with' I love Mike Ashley' or 'Cockneys are great' put whatever you want on. You be you and I will be me. Yesterday at Hull. People seem interested as to what happened regarding the banner at Hull yesterday, I will put forward my point of view. At half time, when the players were not on the pitch, obviously, my friend Bernie Kane and I held aloft the banner, some bloke came down and started abusing Bernie, we had words, I said I understood that he had a different opinion but would he leave my banner alone, I shook hands with him, I hope this was captured on cctv as were later events, and I also said as I have said above if he feels so strongly about Ashley, go and get his own banner, this seemed to confuse him. At the end of the game me and Bernie, and Jordon from the Ultras young'uns held up the banner again, the arsewipe appeared again and shouted abuse at me, various things, one of them being 'Barrett, You are a cocksucker', now I do not go around verbally abusing other people and at the age of 52 I do not expect to be abused in that manner, I also defy any man not to snap when subjected to abuse, some have shorter fuses than others, I snapped, I threw three punches at him, I know it was three because the police showed me on video afterwards, not very good punches as I only scuffed his chin with the first one, mind you he was about 6ft 4ins and standing on the step above me, I must improve my technique. Thats what happened. According to the law I should not have done it, in my book he deserved it. I was arrested and charged while he walks away scot free. That's life. I am now banned from the West Ham game next week and face a far longer ban if the Police have there way and I am found guilty later in the month. I am sure this will greatly please some of your members. I have posted on here to explain the banner to people that do not know me very well, 'Barrett is a tool' I believe is one of the comments posted, very constructive, and to defend myself from comments like the previous. Everything I have done regarding the fans of Newcastle United has been done with a good heart, the travel, the flags, the bands, (Mungo Jerry, Happy Cats) the daft records we made for the cup finals, everything. I love Newcastle United! Thank you for your time. Regards, Keith Barrett Support the Toon, it's your Duty ! I" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
smoggeordie 0 Posted January 5, 2009 Share Posted January 5, 2009 I was sat in the seats beside Kieth, it all seemed a bit uncalled for from the guy who confronted him. The stewards were clueless. They turned away from the confrontation at one point to tell me to not stand on the stairs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheMoog 0 Posted January 5, 2009 Share Posted January 5, 2009 Keith sounds like a good bloke with the right idea to me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PaddockLad 19037 Posted January 5, 2009 Share Posted January 5, 2009 Keith sounds like a good bloke with the right idea to me. I can assure you mate Keith is a good bloke. He's done more for the supporters of NUFC than anyone else I know or have heard of in the last 30 years. He'll get a ban from SJP when it goes to court and from every other football ground in Britain. He's been going to SJP for 47 years, That is a fuckin tragedy. Anyone who used his buses regularly will know or will have heard of "John the Chap".......well he's in the same boat. He was in one of the "wanted" jpegs in the Chronicle before christmas for bother at the mackems game....... someone grassed him up and now he's in court next week. There should be some sort of dividing line in the courts between organised football hooliganism and ordinary decent fans who,totally out of character, get out of line in some way. Good luck lads. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Asprilla 96 Posted January 5, 2009 Share Posted January 5, 2009 Keith sounds like a good bloke with the right idea to me. QFT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr Kenneth Noisewater 0 Posted January 5, 2009 Share Posted January 5, 2009 Keith sounds like a good bloke with the right idea to me. QFT +1 Hope the authorities are lenient on him due to his prior good character. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JaMoUsE 0 Posted January 5, 2009 Share Posted January 5, 2009 i must admit i sit about 10 seats to barratts left in the east stand. Hes probably the only person in the east stand to start off chants or just sing in general. But.... when i noticed he had his banner at liverpool i was a bit annoyed, i understand its his decision and he can do as he feels. But personnaly i feel if you want to protest do it away from the inside of the football stadium and outside the ground. For me being inside the stadium you should only have a positive atmosphere and i think his flag creates a negative one. But then again i would never tell him to stop doing it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wykikitoon 22925 Posted January 5, 2009 Share Posted January 5, 2009 The people at Hull are clueless. They are the worse disciplined fans in Super League and there is always scrapping so it doesnt suprise me! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stevietoon 0 Posted January 5, 2009 Share Posted January 5, 2009 like many, i have been on toon travel trips in the past, have met keith and know one of the lads he was with on Saturday; Normal dedicated fans who love NUFC. I feel very strongly about what has happened to Keith and believe that this could happen to anyone who attends a game and comes across someone who they have crossed in the past or has a dislike towards them. It takes two to tango and the guy who was remonstrating with him has every right to his opinion, However, he should at least appreciate the opinion of others and stand up and explain his own conduct. this is what Ashley, Llambias and Wise have brought us down to; fighting among ourselves and while this continues the club slides further and further back and they act in the manner of Nero; "fiddling while Rome burns". they must be laughing thir little mockney socks off tonight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chaser 1369 Posted January 5, 2009 Share Posted January 5, 2009 Unfortunately while this guy has been provoked, its probably the worst place to do it at a football ground as the penalties are harsh. Was he charged with assault or a public order offence? Maybe one of you lot who witnessed what happened should pipe up and give a statement putting the facts across how this guy was acting in such a manner and intending to provoke. Its not going to stop him getting done in some way but may help explain to the court who passes the sentence. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
henda11 0 Posted January 5, 2009 Share Posted January 5, 2009 i was at that game, and i cant recall see any scuffles, but i think the majority of the crowd applauded the banner as did i. In general i don't have anything against cockneys, and some people need to realise that he was'nt pin pointing out all cockneys he was simply stating he wanted ashley and wise out and i dont see why some people get hot headed about it tbh. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bawan 0 Posted January 5, 2009 Share Posted January 5, 2009 Having never met wor Keith, hes sweet as fuck in my opinion and it should be the other bloke getting banned and not him due to the continuous commitment he has gave to the Toon over the past 35+ years Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stevietoon 0 Posted January 5, 2009 Share Posted January 5, 2009 Having never met wor Keith, hes sweet as fuck in my opinion and it should be the other bloke getting banned and not him due to the continuous commitment he has gave to the Toon over the past 35+ years Are we seeing the start of a support the Hull ONE campaign; banners for saturday anyone ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Holden McGroin 7659 Posted January 5, 2009 Share Posted January 5, 2009 When I used to live in Newcastle I always used to use Toon Travel. Good bloke who gave up his time to organize trips. I particular remember the Jumbo Jet he hired to get us to Turin. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scy 0 Posted January 5, 2009 Share Posted January 5, 2009 Trying to punch a guy 3 times for calling you a cock sucker is fucking stupid tbf. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snakehips 0 Posted January 5, 2009 Share Posted January 5, 2009 Trying to punch a guy 3 times for calling you a cock sucker is fucking stupid tbf. Aye, it should have been at least 6. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bawan 0 Posted January 5, 2009 Share Posted January 5, 2009 Trying to punch a guy 3 times for calling you a cock sucker is fucking stupid tbf. Fuck off! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JaMoUsE 0 Posted January 5, 2009 Share Posted January 5, 2009 to be fair, toon travel was a profit making company he wasnt doing it all for free Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kid Dynamite 7645 Posted January 5, 2009 Share Posted January 5, 2009 Aye id probably try and chin someone who called me a cocksucker too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sammynb 3926 Posted January 5, 2009 Share Posted January 5, 2009 Trying to punch a guy 3 times for calling you a cock sucker is fucking stupid tbf. You're right, obviously he would of been much better off just biting down on the guy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Stevie Posted January 5, 2009 Share Posted January 5, 2009 Trying to punch a guy 3 times for calling you a cock sucker is fucking stupid tbf. He used to play at The Pitz regularly before it turned shit, and Keith had a team in about 13/14 year ago on a Thursday night when I was about 16/17, and we played against him a few times. He was a dirty fuckin bastard. I was half the size I was then hadn't really filled out and every game I'd skin him over and over, and he used to kick me hard every single time, trying to intimidate a young lad. Big hard ginger cunt eh? I said to him "call yesel a toon fan with tackles like that"..."I FUCKIN DEE" with wild eyes and he would've laced me if the older lads in the team hadn't stopped it. So obviously this flying off the handle bollocks isn't a new phenonema for him. Having said that, I think he's right to say a lot of people who clearly don't know him talk about him in derogatory terms, but for me writing stuff like, "I even lost my wife because of my love for NUFC", what a legend, what a top toon fan, getting divorced for his love of the toon, living legend, we bow down before you. Why anyone would want to write that on a message board absolutely baffles me. Still despite my sarcasm I hope he doesn't get banned, but I wouldn't fancy his chances. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Stevie Posted January 5, 2009 Share Posted January 5, 2009 Aye id probably try and chin someone who called me a cocksucker too. Ye must o had a canny few fights then. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bjquick 0 Posted January 6, 2009 Share Posted January 6, 2009 Fair play to him, Shouldnt have to take shit from fellow newcastle supporters. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bobbyshinton 59 Posted January 6, 2009 Author Share Posted January 6, 2009 From newcastle online "Keith Barrett here joining in with your forum. I am one of the 'thick' blokes with the 'Cockney Mafia out' banner. I do not think I represent anyone but myself, I am not a member of NUSC, and I do not wish to be on the telly, despite numerous requests since my mate Graham Robson and I made the giant 'Howay The Lads' flag some years ago.That giant flag took a lot of time, money and effort. The 'Cockney Mafia Out' banner was bought by myself and has been held aloft at various games by me, my 79 year old Dad, my friends Paul Fenning and Bernie Kane. You will notice there are no nicknames here as used by writers on this forum, that's who we are. I first went to St.James's Park in 1962, Plymouth Argyle at home 0-0, I follow my team home and away and have only missed three games in the last seventeen years, these were friendlies. I ran Toon Travel for fifeteen and a half years, providing coaches, trains or planes to every game in that time at a cheaper cost than the club, if they even bothered to put anything on. Whilst running Toon Travel I was also trying to run my haulage business which eventually failed, due somewhat to my travel commitments. My marriage to my southern born wife has also failed, this was down totally to my commitment to Newcastle United and not her. Thats a bit of background about me. The 'Cockney Mafia Out' banner. I fully appreciate that not every Newcastle United fan shares the same view as me, the banner is not aimed at Cockney's in general, I have many Cockney friends, I also fully appreciate that Mike Ashley and Dennis Wise were not born within the sound of Bow bells so they are not 'true' cockneys, ( I could not afford to have Buckinghamshire and Kensington put on the banner, it cost me a hundred pound as it is). I had it made to express my feelings about the people who run our club. I don't want them there, I don't trust them, I think they have shown there true colours, I think they are con men. Dennis Wise was a horrible obnoxious player on the pitch, that everbody hated, he has no affinity with Newcastle United whatsoever.. Mike Ashley has shown contempt for the fans and presumably thinks he can worm his way back into our hearts, he was never in my heart, I do not remember seeing him on the terraces at Plymouth, Shrewsbury or Whrexham supporting the team, he, in my opinion is a con man. Now, I know I have left myself wide open to critisism that previous or future owners have not or will not stand on the terraces, but, I have, Newcastle United have been a major part of my life for forty odd years, I love Newcastle United and the fans, we are adifferent people to anybody else in the country, or used to be at least. I don't want someone who does not understand what Newcastle United means to its supporters dictaing to the fans. He had a choice a while ago, Kevin Keegan, who has his faults, or Dennis Wise, Keegan the man who brought the best football to Newcastle United seen in living memory, when left to his own devices, or Wise, a man with no Newcastle United connection at all. The majority wanted Keegan, he chose Wise. He alienated himself.I don't want him in charge. I am only a fan like everyone else, but, that is my opinion. Now, if people have a different opinion, fine, it is a free world, sort of, express it, go out and buy banners with' I love Mike Ashley' or 'Cockneys are great' put whatever you want on. You be you and I will be me. Yesterday at Hull. People seem interested as to what happened regarding the banner at Hull yesterday, I will put forward my point of view. At half time, when the players were not on the pitch, obviously, my friend Bernie Kane and I held aloft the banner, some bloke came down and started abusing Bernie, we had words, I said I understood that he had a different opinion but would he leave my banner alone, I shook hands with him, I hope this was captured on cctv as were later events, and I also said as I have said above if he feels so strongly about Ashley, go and get his own banner, this seemed to confuse him. At the end of the game me and Bernie, and Jordon from the Ultras young'uns held up the banner again, the arsewipe appeared again and shouted abuse at me, various things, one of them being 'Barrett, You are a cocksucker', now I do not go around verbally abusing other people and at the age of 52 I do not expect to be abused in that manner, I also defy any man not to snap when subjected to abuse, some have shorter fuses than others, I snapped, I threw three punches at him, I know it was three because the police showed me on video afterwards, not very good punches as I only scuffed his chin with the first one, mind you he was about 6ft 4ins and standing on the step above me, I must improve my technique. Thats what happened. According to the law I should not have done it, in my book he deserved it. I was arrested and charged while he walks away scot free. That's life. I am now banned from the West Ham game next week and face a far longer ban if the Police have there way and I am found guilty later in the month. I am sure this will greatly please some of your members. I have posted on here to explain the banner to people that do not know me very well, 'Barrett is a tool' I believe is one of the comments posted, very constructive, and to defend myself from comments like the previous. Everything I have done regarding the fans of Newcastle United has been done with a good heart, the travel, the flags, the bands, (Mungo Jerry, Happy Cats) the daft records we made for the cup finals, everything. I love Newcastle United! Thank you for your time. Regards, Keith Barrett Support the Toon, it's your Duty ! I" Fucking Great even a bloke who gets into trouble at the match can get on N-O but little innocent Berb cannot, oh Stevie what have you done Never mind the Hull one what about the Waaaaaaaaaaaaalsend one. 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