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Has anyone seen the advert for new so called "posh" pringles?


Is it just me or do they look like bags of catfood??

I think they should sack the designers who worked on the packaging.


Some companies have fantastic campaigns, it makes you wonder who approves the release of this stuff.


Honestly worst packaging I've seen in a long time.

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Definitely a woman. :unsure:


ffs. If you don't believe me, fine, I don't care I have no desire to prove myself anymore. I'm just gonna post all the same irrelevant pointless bollocks everyone else does. I'm not discussing that AGAIN. Change the record eh.




I just wondered if anyone else had an opinion on shit advertisments. Esp when some companies are fantastic at them. One of the best was that Yorkie advert " Not for Girls", It made girls buy it to prove something and men buy it cos it wasn't for girls, Clever advertising, working on many levels.


Not a life changing contemporary issue I know, but just some more shit to banter about.

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I was just kidding Mom.


Are you suggesting Pringles are actually trying to get cats to buy their crisps? :unsure:



No i'm just saying, at the end of the advert theres these awful purple packets sitting on purple cushions with apparent mood lighting, plus the tached guys face is inthe middle of the packet and he looks very cat like. It looks naff, and it looks like dried catfood or those pouches you buy. They had a good thing with thair millions of flavours in a tube, why change it?. I hasn't made me wanna rush out and buy them and I'm a huge pringle fan.


Check it out next time, Its a cat food advert

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My step mom (a dog person incidentally) was sucked in by these and got some in for festive munchies. Sweet chilli flavour iirc.


They were a tad nicer than your standard pringle. I think we dipped them in jalapeno humous. Yes, more than palatable.



Bored anyone?

Edited by trophyshy
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See when you lot start on Soccermom I get this image of the taxi driver from League of Gentlemen in my head :unsure:

Bab's Cabs :icon_lol:


One of the best was that Yorkie advert " Not for Girls", It made girls buy it to prove something and men buy it cos it wasn't for girls, Clever advertising, working on many levels.


Not a life changing contemporary issue I know, but just some more shit to banter about.

Yorkies were alright when they were Rowntrees (especially the biscuit & raisin one) but since they changed to Nestle the chocolate is greasy and bland.

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My step mom (a dog person incidentally) was sucked in by these and got some in for festive munchies. Sweet chilli flavour iirc.


They were a tad nicer than your standard pringle. I think we dipped them in jalapeno humous. Yes, more than palatable.



Bored anyone?

my mum got that flavour too, very nice indeed and who gives a flying fook if they are in a bag!!

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