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Every sodding game with Souness....

Phil K

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Although we did have some bad luck on Saturday I reckon Wigan fully deserved their win. Shearer's effort may have crossed the line and maybe we should have had a penalty but we were dead lucky a fortnight ago when we scraped a draw at Pompey so we can't complain too much. Also, I thought Wigan played the better football. Even when we improved after the break thanks to the introduction of Emre we stilled hoofed it up for Shearer to flick onto Owen far too many times.



That argument is always irrellivent. Its down to whther it was decided by players or officials. Its not luck for your keeper to eb outstanding at the job he's paid to do and earn you a draw, thats the point of having a keeper. And if you dominate for 90 mins but the other team takes their chance and you don't thats the way it works and they deserve the win.


But if a ref/linesman (somebody employed to be neutral and not by either team) decides it, or plays a large part then that is bad luck/unfair, call it what you will.


It doesn't matter if we played beyond shite for 90 mins and Wigan were like watching Brazil, if we deserved a penalty and had a goal wrongly disallowed then you've been cheated out of it. The same would apply if we were the better team and they got away with it.


Thing is though, it was debatable whether we should have had a pen and Shearer fouled the defender for his goal, so I don't necessarily think we were cheated out of a result.



I know what you mean there, but the whole luck argument gets on my tits as its about who takes their chances that deserve to win unless officials intervene.


As for the "goal" they didn't give the foul and they let Wigan get away with at least two the same , one on Carr i remember being as blatant but the header missed, however it would have stood as a goal if on target. So i think since in that instance the ref was being consistent in applying no foul to both teams we were cheated out of a goal, and then there's the penalties, which i don't think were debtable at all!

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