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Green tax revolt: Britons 'will not foot bill to save planet'

Park Life

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"More than seven in 10 voters insist that they would not be willing to pay higher taxes in order to fund projects to combat climate change, according to a new poll.


The survey also reveals that most Britons believe "green" taxes on 4x4s, plastic bags and other consumer goods have been imposed to raise cash rather than change our behaviour, while two-thirds of Britons think the entire green agenda has been hijacked as a ploy to increase taxes.


The findings make depressing reading for green campaigners, who have spent recent months urging the Government to take far more radical action to reduce Britain's carbon footprint. The UK is committed to reducing carbon emissions by 60 per cent by 2050, a target that most experts believe will be difficult to reach. The results of the poll by Opinium, a leading research company, indicate that maintaining popular support for green policies may be a difficult act to pull off, and attempts in the future to curb car use and publicly fund investment in renewable resources will prove deeply unpopular."




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There must be a way of getting business to pay for pollution (emissions) offsetting the need for too much need for public taxes..Non?


The claims of environmentally friendly taxes do ring hollow when the government only seem to be pushing from the bottom up rather than the top down.


The average Joe driving 10,000 miles a year and getting one return flight for their holiday hardly make a dint, but gets all of the flak.





















Just ban the industry from producing combustion engines or running cattle farms :lol:

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The United States


Britain could be the most environmentally friendly country on the planet and it would be insignificant compared to the damage other countries do.


Tax for the sake of taxes...

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The United States


Britain could be the most environmentally friendly country on the planet and it would be insignificant compared to the damage other countries do.


Tax for the sake of taxes...


Is the example we set not something to be proud of?

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The United States


Britain could be the most environmentally friendly country on the planet and it would be insignificant compared to the damage other countries do.


Tax for the sake of taxes...


Is the example we set not something to be proud of?


Eco-Jingoism? :lol:

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Reading somewhere this morning, that even if we stand still on emissions, the growth in population by 2050 will put GG's up by 40%. Something is going to have to give.

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Reading somewhere this morning, that even if we stand still on emissions, the growth in population by 2050 will put GG's up by 40%. Something is going to have to give.


Population growth is the single biggest issue (that no one will ever mention, never mind tackle). An extra 3 billion people is a lot of emissions even in mud huts, never mind industrialised and consumerised.


The other problem is that most of the developed world emissions reductions are complete smoke and mirrors, there's been very little (if any) real reduction, instead they've simply been hidden in China and such.


I can't see how CO2 emission can be realistically slashed short of WW3.

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Plenty people have raised the problem of population growth tbf. Tackling it is another matter as it's an ethical minefield.


Aye, some people do, but I've never seen a politician really do it, and as soon as anyone mentions what (if anything) can be done about it the politician is :lol:

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The United States


Britain could be the most environmentally friendly country on the planet and it would be insignificant compared to the damage other countries do.


Tax for the sake of taxes...



It is leading by example fella. Gives us some bargaining power if we are seen to be trying to illicit change and make living and development more sustainable. If everyone takes the fuck-it-we're-all-fucked approach then we truly are.


We have been having it bang off for decades. Inefficient fuel use, poor energy utilisation and management, careless approach to all resources, burying our rubbish in land as its the cheapest option etc etc etc.


This cheap and decadent lifestyle has to end sooner or later and yes it is going to cost someone, everyone, to start living in a less destructive manner.



I completely agree that government is too fucking pussy to make significant policy changes to affect large corporations, but its not hard to argue that large corporations are in power on earth these days anyway. Far easier to pass the buck to the masses and perhaps keep your seat than piss of Mr Big and lose your family[/conspiracy thread].

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