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Identify your local neighbourhood facist

Dr Kenneth Noisewater

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I actually would share some of Leazes concerns without having the same sense of panic, vitriol, or fatalism. I would now like to see a signed constitution based on secular principles to allay some of my fears to start with, anyhow.


I'm deeply honoured. Renton-tastic.


No panic or vitroil though, no muslims live near me [so far as I can tell, its certainly not my next door neighbours].

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Okay, places like Bradford and Luton may have large amounts of Muslims living in the area but i'm yet to see any Islamic Party of Great Britain councillors elbowing their way into power in those areas.


no, I'm not.


I'm just saying that, its now only a matter of time, as things stand.


You do see this don't you ?


But even if they did, so what? those areas where they would gain power would be those with a vast majority of Muslims therefore why not have a councillor that understands them? Plus, my understanding of the Islamic party is that they promote integration rather than acting insular. Maybe they wil have more luck in getting those that currently dont attempt to fit in.


what would life be like in those areas with a vast majority of muslims, for non - muslims ?


An integrated, happy community ? Would it hell. They may be promoting integratation on the surface but is it working, will it work, are they really promoting it ?

This is the point PP. The community may well represent the population of the country, but that ends up being a muslim community, totally intolerant of anyone else, starting off in Leicester, then Bradford, the burnley, then Luton ....... etc etc


Is this desirable ? Do you think so ? If you are taking the view that its a natural process and you won't be alive when it happens, or you'll be too old to care, then fine, thats your prerogative. But thats admitting its going to happen. Personally I think a divided Britain isn't desirable at all in any shape or form.


Take some of your points on board there Leazes, but just to play devil's advocate can't you equally say this about non-muslim/'white' councils? They promote it but it doesnt happen, which ultimately is as much a failing of the non-muslims as it is the muslims. But I'm guessing (without having a go at you and perhaps wrongly) you're less concerned about it as long as it remains that way round?



There will be an Islamic party MP sitting in Westminster within 20 years. Soon after Labour will fragment itself to destruction as line are drawn.



yep I think I agree with that.

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Okay, places like Bradford and Luton may have large amounts of Muslims living in the area but i'm yet to see any Islamic Party of Great Britain councillors elbowing their way into power in those areas.


no, I'm not.


I'm just saying that, its now only a matter of time, as things stand.


You do see this don't you ?


But even if they did, so what? those areas where they would gain power would be those with a vast majority of Muslims therefore why not have a councillor that understands them? Plus, my understanding of the Islamic party is that they promote integration rather than acting insular. Maybe they wil have more luck in getting those that currently dont attempt to fit in.


what would life be like in those areas with a vast majority of muslims, for non - muslims ?


An integrated, happy community ? Would it hell. They may be promoting integratation on the surface but is it working, will it work, are they really promoting it ?

This is the point PP. The community may well represent the population of the country, but that ends up being a muslim community, totally intolerant of anyone else, starting off in Leicester, then Bradford, the burnley, then Luton ....... etc etc


Is this desirable ? Do you think so ? If you are taking the view that its a natural process and you won't be alive when it happens, or you'll be too old to care, then fine, thats your prerogative. But thats admitting its going to happen. Personally I think a divided Britain isn't desirable at all in any shape or form.


Take some of your points on board there Leazes, but just to play devil's advocate can't you equally say this about non-muslim/'white' councils? They promote it but it doesnt happen, which ultimately is as much a failing of the non-muslims as it is the muslims. But I'm guessing (without having a go at you and perhaps wrongly) you're less concerned about it as long as it remains that way round?



There will be an Islamic party MP sitting in Westminster within 20 years. Soon after Labour will fragment itself to destruction as line are drawn.



Apparently the UK is the only country in the non-Islamic western world that even has an Islamic political party...




Would you Adam and Eve it.


Defunct since 2006.


Alright man, nae need to give me the finger. I was just saying.

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Okay, places like Bradford and Luton may have large amounts of Muslims living in the area but i'm yet to see any Islamic Party of Great Britain councillors elbowing their way into power in those areas.


no, I'm not.


I'm just saying that, its now only a matter of time, as things stand.


You do see this don't you ?


But even if they did, so what? those areas where they would gain power would be those with a vast majority of Muslims therefore why not have a councillor that understands them? Plus, my understanding of the Islamic party is that they promote integration rather than acting insular. Maybe they wil have more luck in getting those that currently dont attempt to fit in.


what would life be like in those areas with a vast majority of muslims, for non - muslims ?


An integrated, happy community ? Would it hell. They may be promoting integratation on the surface but is it working, will it work, are they really promoting it ?

This is the point PP. The community may well represent the population of the country, but that ends up being a muslim community, totally intolerant of anyone else, starting off in Leicester, then Bradford, the burnley, then Luton ....... etc etc


Is this desirable ? Do you think so ? If you are taking the view that its a natural process and you won't be alive when it happens, or you'll be too old to care, then fine, thats your prerogative. But thats admitting its going to happen. Personally I think a divided Britain isn't desirable at all in any shape or form.


Take some of your points on board there Leazes, but just to play devil's advocate can't you equally say this about non-muslim/'white' councils? They promote it but it doesnt happen, which ultimately is as much a failing of the non-muslims as it is the muslims. But I'm guessing (without having a go at you and perhaps wrongly) you're less concerned about it as long as it remains that way round?



There will be an Islamic party MP sitting in Westminster within 20 years. Soon after Labour will fragment itself to destruction as line are drawn.



Apparently the UK is the only country in the non-Islamic western world that even has an Islamic political party...




Would you Adam and Eve it.


Defunct since 2006.


Alright man, nae need to give me the finger. I was just saying.



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Surely it isn't a case of legality, as (I think) Fop is suggesting. In a similar way to members of the Police Force being unable to strike or join a trade union, they also undertake an agreement not to join the BNP when they become a police officer. I would imagine this is clearly defined by an Act of Parliament and hence, covered by UK law. The argument, therefore, surely falls with a philosophical / ethical debate as to whether that should be the case.



Is that the case though?


And if so what basis does it stand up? You could write a contract with someone agreeing not to speak Welsh (or whatever), but that wouldn't mean it would actually stand up to scrutiny.



There's also plenty of professions where there's nothing legally binding, but they would get shot of BNP members in much the same way people might once have got shot of someone because they are Muslim or mixed race or whatever.



It's a strange hypocrisy IMO, and one that has to be watched, as Harmen's ridiculous sexist employment bill clearly showed this summer.

I'm by no means a legal expert but it does seem to stand up. All I meant was I think challenging its legality is coming at it from the wrong standpoint, as it were. As in, you might think it's wrong, but I don't think it's 'illegal'.


Well maybe not criminally "illegal" (although I dunno with all the recent anti-discrimination legislation), but at least against civil and working practice law. :D


Although I'm slightly amazed they haven't managed to wangle anti-terror into it :) (I guess they don't need to).


It's a very good example of how far the rules can bet bent though, and although most maybe would agree with it in this case, it goes without saying that rules are being bent at least as far in other ways that maybe most wouldn't agree with, but get no publicity.


And mainly it weakens and undermines the whole position of British democracy and freedom. Insidious banning is the way of tyranny, even nice tyranny that you don't mind so much (so long as you don't end up disagreeing with it anyway).

Ah, not 'criminally illegal'. :lol:


I was wondering how adhering to UK law was illegal I must say.

I really don't see this as having anything to do with insidious removals of human rights (or anti-terror either - wtf?). No one is forced to join the police. It's a rather complicated argument as to whether or not it's right to ban police from joining the BNP but it's one I broadly agree with. The only problem with it (or my main one anyway) is that is doesn't make the person in questions views any different. It just makes them secret.

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I think there are people like me who ARE NOT RACIST on this thread, who feel inhibited about what they can and can't say about race and immigration on here, because of the rules, PC, and constraints of free speech which have been opposed upon us over the last 12 years. I can't really add anything else to this apart from white people are second class citizens in their own country, we are, and it's because of the systems paranoia about appearing to be fair. Fucks me off, the whole country does. Life was much better 12-15 years ago.


A muslim can chant death to all British people, death to Britain and encourage terrorist attacks on our people, claim benefits and next to fuck all is done, THEY can march around London celebrating the attacks on September 11th, next to fuck all done. Yet a white wing group of 200 thugs are prevented from protesting at the attacks on the British people and against the views of a significant minority of muslim people, yet they are jailed???!?!?! Both are wrong but it's an example of why and how we have lost our own country to THESE people probably forever. I mean fucking hell walking round East London around Brick Lane, and all the fucking signs are in Punjabi, Churchill were turn in his grave, so would Enoch Powell (if he's deed). There's fuck all else I want to say.

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I think there are people like me who ARE NOT RACIST on this thread, who feel inhibited about what they can and can't say about race and immigration on here, because of the rules, PC, and constraints of free speech which have been opposed upon us over the last 12 years. I can't really add anything else to this apart from white people are second class citizens in their own country, we are, and it's because of the systems paranoia about appearing to be fair. Fucks me off, the whole country does. Life was much better 12-15 years ago.


A muslim can chant death to all British people, death to Britain and encourage terrorist attacks on our people, claim benefits and next to fuck all is done, THEY can march around London celebrating the attacks on September 11th, next to fuck all done. Yet a white wing group of 200 thugs are prevented from protesting at the attacks on the British people and against the views of a significant minority of muslim people, yet they are jailed???!?!?! Both are wrong but it's an example of why and how we have lost our own country to THESE people probably forever. I mean fucking hell walking round East London around Brick Lane, and all the fucking signs are in Punjabi, Churchill were turn in his grave, so would Enoch Powell (if he's deed). There's fuck all else I want to say.

Firstly, say what you want to say. If it's not racist, what have you got to worry about?

Secondly, Muslims can (and have been) convicted of hate crimes in the UK iirc.

Finally, bringing up Churchill is a funny one. Pretty sure he wouldn't have been a fan of the BNP.

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A muslim can chant death to all British people


The bloke with the "behead those who insult Islam" poster did get 6 years like.


How do you think you are treated as a second class citizen - honest question?

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I can't really add anything else to this apart from white people are second class citizens in their own country, we are, and it's because of the systems paranoia about appearing to be fair.


Honestly can't say I feel like a second class citizen.

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A muslim can chant death to all British people


The bloke with the "behead those who insult Islam" poster did get 6 years like.


How do you think you are treated as a second class citizen - honest question?

Should've been put on a boat, and chucked off.

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I can't really add anything else to this apart from white people are second class citizens in their own country, we are, and it's because of the systems paranoia about appearing to be fair.


Honestly can't say I feel like a second class citizen.

Every decent job I've went for has gone to a black, lesbian paraplegic.

Funny though, when I did the stats at the council, rather than reflecting the ethnic make-up of the city, there were less ethnic minorities by proportion working there. I'm sure you'd see the same in the Police Force, the Army, the Civil Service (particularly in the higher echelons), the City, the judiciary, etc., etc.

The country isn't perfect and there have been a lot of mistakes made but the idea that white people are now second class citizens is a joke imo.

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A muslim can chant death to all British people


The bloke with the "behead those who insult Islam" poster did get 6 years like.


How do you think you are treated as a second class citizen - honest question?

Should've been put on a boat, and chucked off.

Tbf, he'd probably get less for rape. Not that I don't hate people who hold his views.

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I can't really add anything else to this apart from white people are second class citizens in their own country, we are, and it's because of the systems paranoia about appearing to be fair.


Honestly can't say I feel like a second class citizen.

As a white Englishman, I knoooooow I'm a second class citizen. Danny B highlighted it perfectly here....


For a start I would like to reiterate I am not a BNP supporter. I am actually pro EU and pro Britain joining the Euro.


However many companies are actively trying to recruit more ethnic workers and are actively trying to promote more women to address an imbalance that is there because of a very good reason.


As a white 30 year old male with no children I do feel discriminated against.

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Funny though, when I did the stats at the council, rather than reflecting the ethnic make-up of the city, there were less ethnic minorities by proportion working there. I'm sure you'd see the same in the Police Force, the Army, the Civil Service (particularly in the higher echelons), the City, the judiciary, etc., etc.

The country isn't perfect and there have been a lot of mistakes made but the idea that white people are now second class citizens is a joke imo.


I said this replying to Danny earlier - none of the top jobs in public service or big business are held by minorities.


I would have said council's have a rep for being too pro-active but if you say otherwise then that's another one - I did know a lad a few years ago though who was Southwark's council's favourite son as he was Irish, gay and had a black boyfriend.


In some ways immigrants can;t win - if you say unemployment among Asians in say Lancashire is above average then they're scroungers, if it was lower then they're taking "white" jobs.

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I can't really add anything else to this apart from white people are second class citizens in their own country, we are, and it's because of the systems paranoia about appearing to be fair.


Honestly can't say I feel like a second class citizen.

As a white Englishman, I knoooooow I'm a second class citizen. Danny B highlighted it perfectly here....


For a start I would like to reiterate I am not a BNP supporter. I am actually pro EU and pro Britain joining the Euro.


However many companies are actively trying to recruit more ethnic workers and are actively trying to promote more women to address an imbalance that is there because of a very good reason.


As a white 30 year old male with no children I do feel discriminated against.


He also ignored my reply that I work in the city as he claims to do and there are virtually no non-white workers within miles of the place (except the cleaners of course).

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I can't really add anything else to this apart from white people are second class citizens in their own country, we are, and it's because of the systems paranoia about appearing to be fair.


Honestly can't say I feel like a second class citizen.

As a white Englishman, I knoooooow I'm a second class citizen. Danny B highlighted it perfectly here....


For a start I would like to reiterate I am not a BNP supporter. I am actually pro EU and pro Britain joining the Euro.


However many companies are actively trying to recruit more ethnic workers and are actively trying to promote more women to address an imbalance that is there because of a very good reason.


As a white 30 year old male with no children I do feel discriminated against.


You believe it because Danny B of all people told you?


Jesus fucking wept! :lol:

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I can't really add anything else to this apart from white people are second class citizens in their own country, we are, and it's because of the systems paranoia about appearing to be fair.


Honestly can't say I feel like a second class citizen.

As a white Englishman, I knoooooow I'm a second class citizen. Danny B highlighted it perfectly here....


For a start I would like to reiterate I am not a BNP supporter. I am actually pro EU and pro Britain joining the Euro.


However many companies are actively trying to recruit more ethnic workers and are actively trying to promote more women to address an imbalance that is there because of a very good reason.


As a white 30 year old male with no children I do feel discriminated against.

If the imbalance exists, isn't that proof white males aren't second class citizens? Rather the balance is currently tipped in our favour. I do have problems with so called 'positive discrimination' because I think it can breed rather than remove racial tension. Because it is discrimination, after all. I can still understand why a lot of organisations, especially public ones, want to redress the imbalance that exists though.

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I can't really add anything else to this apart from white people are second class citizens in their own country, we are, and it's because of the systems paranoia about appearing to be fair.


Honestly can't say I feel like a second class citizen.

As a white Englishman, I knoooooow I'm a second class citizen. Danny B highlighted it perfectly here....


For a start I would like to reiterate I am not a BNP supporter. I am actually pro EU and pro Britain joining the Euro.


However many companies are actively trying to recruit more ethnic workers and are actively trying to promote more women to address an imbalance that is there because of a very good reason.


As a white 30 year old male with no children I do feel discriminated against.


You believe it because Danny B of all people told you?


Jesus fucking wept! :lol:

Eh? Nothing to do with what he says I've seen it with my own eyes. Take my mate who's in the OB, he assures me that the police (unofficially of course) HAVE to have a certain amount of feargals, it's widespread throughout society. In the north of England we are truly blanketed from what the rest of the country - spend two weeks of your life living in London, let alone 30 years like Danny B, and you will see.

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