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Happy Birthday Maggie Thatcher

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Just like to be the first to wish Mrs M all the best on her 80th.


And it seems from this link she's as popular as ever with the public.


I despair that some people use their own experiences to mould their perspective of Margaret Thatcher. They completely fail to see the bigger picture.

Sometimes leadership means making tough decisions. It was totally uneconomical to take money from efficient industries to prop up our failing coal miners.

The government has no money of its own its raised by taxation and Thatcher made it clear that the future of the country was more important than a few miners.

Sure the miners had a rough time, but the country as a whole changed from the basket case of Europe to the most economically dynamic.

Thatcherism did not defeat the radical Socialism of Scargill and his cronies it transcended it and proved it to be a perverse ideology.

I hope people stop living in their personal past and realise our country today would be a hell hole under socialism were it not for Thatcher.

Craig Lewell, England


Although I am not sure how relevant this is, but it seems to me looking back, that Mags was a straight shooter.

I wish I could vote for someone who had the country's interest at heart, rather than their own vanity in this upcoming election. Why isn't there anyone who can speak honestly, freely and strongly. We love you Mags.

Peter, UK


Thatcher made the UK swallow bitter medicine it needed.

The UK's industrial complacency cancer was not her fault but somehow everything gets blamed on her for addressing the issues.

Almost none of the legislation the Tories generated has been repealed by Blair, why? because it works and is or was needed.

Profit is no longer a dirty word.

Ben Collins, UK


*batons down the hatches*

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Millions of lives destroyed but a few sad, selfish wankers made money so we should thank the most evil woman in history.


No thanks - roll on the death for the proper celebrations.

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I really can't abide the woman. Under her power the bus services were de-regualted and my dad who was a bus driver in Shields at the time suffered a nervous breakdown due to increased work pressures following de-regualtion. He's never worked since and still suffers more than 15 years later.

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I really can't abide the woman.  Under her power the bus services were de-regualted and my dad who was a bus driver in Shields at the time suffered a nervous breakdown due to increased work pressures following de-regualtion.  He's never worked since and still suffers more than 15 years later.


Without wishing to make light of what she did, Arthur Daley said (or similar) "She's a very clever woman, selling the country things they already owned". Which is true in many ways.

There's lots of problems with this country that can still be traced back to her era IMO. The railways, the underfunding of the NHS, underfunding of education, the decimation of the coal mining and shipbuilding industries and so on and so on. Basically, if you had an ok job during her era, you were ok, otherwise - tough shit mate. As Kinnock said before the 1983 Election in his famous speech about the prospect of a Tory victory:

"I warn you not to be ordinary, I warn you not to be young, I warn you not to fall ill, and I warn you not to grow old...."

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I would add that what made her different was the intent. All "civilised" governments set out with the intent of doing the best for the country no matter what their "beliefs". Sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn't and people suffer.


Thatcher on the other hand was driven by an idealogical "mission" to destroy what she thought were powerbases. Peoples lives (most people in our part of the world have a story like Cath's) became incidental "collateral damage" in her crusade to get revenge for what she saw as past battles and to give the middle classes their "dreams" of home and share ownership.


People say she thought she was doing what was right and I'm sure thats true but there was an indifference to the cost that set her apart and makes me define her as evil.

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Evil Bitch!!!


As my Dear departed Grandmother used to say


"See that Maggie Thatcher I'd like to punch her stab her shoot her then kill her"


My Gran was a real lady and this is the only person I ever heard her speak ill of and boy did she go for it!!

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Do people seriously wish her dead? Genuine question.






When Dennis died I had a moment of false hope that it was her. My Mam who is the nicest person in the world told me off for wanting someone dead. She reckoned it would be better if Thatcher lived for as long as possible to "see her sins" which would make her suffer - only problem is she never will.

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Do people seriously wish her dead? Genuine question.



You read my mind. She's an 80 year old hag who's done all the harm she's ever going to do.


I was going to turn this into a poll but this forum doesn't haver the facility (:razz: ) Who'd you prefer to die?


I'd much prefer George Bush, OB Laden or Rupert Murdoch to die. The shits who are still fucking with things.

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Do people seriously wish her dead? Genuine question.



Well, I guess she's irrelevant now, but it might make me a bit happy, I admit. Especially if she suffered first. Not feelings I particularly like having though, I must say.


If Hitler had survived the war, would people wish him dead?

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Do people seriously wish her dead? Genuine question.



Well, I guess she's irrelevant now, but it might make me a bit happy, I admit. Especially if she suffered first. Not feelings I particularly like having though, I must say.


If Hitler had survived the war, would people wish him dead?



Comparing Thatcher to Hitler is an extreme to say the least though.

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Do people seriously wish her dead? Genuine question.



Well, I guess she's irrelevant now , but it might make me a bit happy, I admit. Especially if she suffered first. Not feelings I particularly like having though, I must say.


If Hitler had survived the war, would people wish him dead?


Naïve I think, given her legacy. Also, Thatcher and Hitler are hardly one and the same are they?


See, isn't it boring when people ignore the gist of a post and pick up on the slightest thing? :razz:

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I don't think there was that much difference between how Thatcher saw Scargill and his like ("the enemy within") and how Hitler saw the jews. Not saying she'd have gassed them but she held the same contempt.

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I don't think there was that much difference between how Thatcher saw Scargill and his like ("the enemy within") and how Hitler saw the jews. Not saying she'd have gassed them but she held the same contempt.


Jesus wept tbh.

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