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Live By The Pork Sword.........Die By The Pork Sword


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I think your blowing things out of proportion a bit. She a grown woman, you had an argument so shes knicked off for a bit. Trawling the streets looking for her isnt going to help


FFS :nufc:

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Which part was incorrect? Shes pissed at you, shes ignoring your calls for a reason. And shes getting exactly the reaction she wants. Shes at a mates house, guaranteed.


the lad is in a state, and twats like you are not helping so if you have nothing decent to say then why not fuck off

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When shes home tomorrow and you make up you will feel like a tit for whinging on here for half a day. Your shit scared that she might be doing what you have been doing. Get a fucking grip man. Watch the UFC at 3am and man up dude!

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My mate was in a similar situation to yours, unfortunately he got caught sending roses to another lass on Valentines Day, of which he explained to his wife that he only done it as she was pregnant. :nufc:


Hope it all gets sorted for you btw mate.

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She came home last night, pissed up. She told me X (the bird who I had met) said "hello sexy". Turns out this morning that her and her hockey mates had been trying to get info out of this girl all night pretending to be me.


Now, thats fucked me right off. Its got fuck all to do with her hockey mates, fuck all!

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She came home last night, pissed up. She told me X (the bird who I had met) said "hello sexy". Turns out this morning that her and her hockey mates had been trying to get info out of this girl all night pretending to be me.


Now, thats fucked me right off. Its got fuck all to do with her hockey mates, fuck all!

Aye but what did you expect man?

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They tell you about stuff at the last min, cause they don't want any aggro about it or any kind of discussion..."You going where?"...etc I wouldn't read too much into that.


Parky's rules:


1. The bottom line is women can't be trusted.

2. Use rule 1. to filter all your decision making.

3. Generally once they have moved in with you, they consider you broken (it is important to show them this is a mere delusion on their part).

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I know this will be the unpopular opinion, but you only have yourself to blame. It's your fault your girl's pissed off, what did you expect? You know deep down, whether you'll admit it to yourself or not, that texting this new girl wasn't the right thing to do. You said you got that buzz out of the contact with the new one that you haven't felt with the old one for months, meaning that it's obvious that the contact you had wasn't just friendly.


Now that that's out of the way, this is what I'd do to fix it. Let your girlfriend calm down and come home on her terms. The more you keep pushing her and constantly calling the angrier she'll get. Let her come home, sit down calmly and man up and apologise. Just talk to her about the problems. You've said yourself you bottle the stuff up, not a good idea in a relationship. Open up, apologise.

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Which part was incorrect? Shes pissed at you, shes ignoring your calls for a reason. And shes getting exactly the reaction she wants. Shes at a mates house, guaranteed.



Call her dad and tell him to come and pick up her stuff.

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I know this will be the unpopular opinion, but you only have yourself to blame. It's your fault your girl's pissed off, what did you expect? You know deep down, whether you'll admit it to yourself or not, that texting this new girl wasn't the right thing to do. You said you got that buzz out of the contact with the new one that you haven't felt with the old one for months, meaning that it's obvious that the contact you had wasn't just friendly.


Now that that's out of the way, this is what I'd do to fix it. Let your girlfriend calm down and come home on her terms. The more you keep pushing her and constantly calling the angrier she'll get. Let her come home, sit down calmly and man up and apologise. Just talk to her about the problems. You've said yourself you bottle the stuff up, not a good idea in a relationship. Open up, apologise.



This whole talk it out stuff is bollocks, they spend many an evening laughing into glasses of wine with their mates relating the piss poor attempts of our feminine side to " communicate". :nufc:

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They tell you about stuff at the last min, cause they don't want any aggro about it or any kind of discussion..."You going where?"...etc I wouldn't read too much into that.


Parky's rules:


1. The bottom line is women can't be trusted.

2. Use rule 1. to filter all your decision making.

3. Generally once they have moved in with you, they consider you broken (it is important to show them this is a mere delusion on their part).


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Mrs P the other day left some mysterious white objects at the end of the bed...Today she asked me why I hadn't helped her out by putting the fresh 'bed sheets' on? I said probably best not to as I'd been blowing my nose on them all last night. (The way of Women part 30123). :nufc:

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I sympathise, it seems like there were elements missing to your relationship and you've found comfort in the attentions of someone else, and when it comes to sex and affection: "the hungry must be fed". I'm not at all surprised at her reaction, but by perusing her you will probably drive her away, at times like this you are probably better to leave her to it until she either calms down or decides that enough is enough.


Either way it seems your relationship was in a pretty shitty state anyway and although you feel the pain now it might be better in the long run if this is the end, I'm sorry for you if it is, but in my experience with relationships, the only cure for the last one, is the next one.

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What you need sunshine is an open relationship my friend, that way you can get with this new bit that gave you a twitch and she can ride her mates "jolly hockey stick".


I'm staying well clear of a relationship for the foreseeable, simply can't be chewed. Got 4 bints on the go who I see once a week each and make a rule never to stay at theirs the whole night, love being able to just come home, do my own thing in my own time with no strings.

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