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Douggy B

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I cycle approx 150m a week. I have a high carb & high protein diet. When I am racing ill increase my carb & protein intakes with powders and thats about it.


I take daily Omega 3 and Cod Liver oil tablets. I dont eat enough Oily fish so hence the Omega 3 ;)


If you want to increase your concentration make sure youre drinking enough water and I would recommend Omega 3.


Omega 3 is da bomb. :lol:


Aye it is. If I stop taking it for a while I can actually notice the mood change in me.


:D If that happened from alcohol you''d probably be advised to go to AA.


I generally take the view that all these supplements are bad...when you're a healthy individual. Didn't want to say so about Omega 3 as it could be perfectly safe. But then lo and behold I read it isn't...


In a letter published October 31, 2000, the United States Food and Drug Administration Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Office of Nutritional Products, Labeling, and Dietary Supplements noted that known or suspected risks of EPA and DHA n−3 fatty acids may include the possibility of:


Increased bleeding if overused (normally over 3 grams per day) by a patient who is also taking aspirin or warfarin. However, this is disputed.

Hemorrhagic stroke (only in case of very large doses).

Oxidation of n−3 fatty acids forming biologically active oxidation products.

Reduced glycemic control among diabetics.

Suppression of immune and inflammation responses, and consequently, decreased resistance to infections and increased susceptibility to opportunistic bacteria.

An increase in concentration of LDL cholesterol in some individuals.




Stay off the crack kids.



The Fda are against anything that will bring freedom to da people. It's the basics Nicos.


Freedom to the people?


"Suppression of immune and inflammation responses, and consequently, decreased resistance to infections and increased susceptibility to opportunistic bacteria."


The food companies sell junk so people feel like shit. The pharmeceutical companies sell drugs to put a spring back in their step. Those drugs induce greater long term health problems so you buy other drugs to treat those problems.


It's a racket man.


I'd rather smoke than take Omega 3. <_<



TBh of all the shit I've tried (treebark?) Omega 3 has helped. But a lot of that supplement stuff is bollocks I agree.

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TBh of all the shit I've tried (treebark?) Omega 3 has helped. But a lot of that supplement stuff is bollocks I agree.

You've got to gnaw it raw straight off the tree or it has no effect, just like Daffodils. <_<

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I take Krill Oil, 1 cap per day. After the gym I drink a mix of corn flour and whey protein. Bout it really. Also opt for the balanced diet pretty much, Im pretty clued up on what I eat, but Im far from strict though.

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I take Krill Oil, 1 cap per day. After the gym I drink a mix of corn flour and whey protein. Bout it really. Also opt for the balanced diet pretty much, Im pretty clued up on what I eat, but Im far from strict though.

I'm telling you, 1 week of Antarctic algae browsing a year is all you need, go to the source. <_<

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3-4 protein shakes a day and creatine.


You not eat meat like? 4 shake is likely around 120g/day. What you aiming for, around 180g? I have 2 on non gym days and 3 on gym days. Rest I get from tuna, eggs & chicken mainly.

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3-4 protein shakes a day and creatine.


You not eat meat like? 4 shake is likely around 120g/day. What you aiming for, around 180g? I have 2 on non gym days and 3 on gym days. Rest I get from tuna, eggs & chicken mainly.


I have 2-3 on rest days and 3-4 on gym days. I get 37 grams per shake and a similar amount (maybe even exactly the same amount) from Tuna. Chicken I haven't worked out yet. I am still adjusting at the moment and too lazy to work things out properly.

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3-4 protein shakes a day and creatine.


You not eat meat like? 4 shake is likely around 120g/day. What you aiming for, around 180g? I have 2 on non gym days and 3 on gym days. Rest I get from tuna, eggs & chicken mainly.


I have 2-3 on rest days and 3-4 on gym days. I get 37 grams per shake and a similar amount (maybe even exactly the same amount) from Tuna. Chicken I haven't worked out yet. I am still adjusting at the moment and too lazy to work things out properly.


And yet you're still build like this:





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I can't remember who it was on the telly going on about people like that but they were spot on. It was along the lines of "You haven't even taken enough drugs to be in rehab, so either take the drugs and shut the fuck up or stop taking them and shut the fuck up". Re-hab's a badge on honour for shitty celebs everywhere though.


Sounds like Noel Gallagher.

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