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Top 10 Conspiracy theories


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There is some talk that the Bank of International Settlement (Basel) are pushing for an audit of the Fed. Yikes!!! :D


The B.I.S are a quiet bunch of int bankers who meet in secret once a year and coerced the Fed into joining iirc in 1995 when

America needed cash to bail out Mexico.


If the Americans let this happen it would be the endgame. It would be really bad....The end of the dollar for starters.

Edited by Park Life
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Also seems like an after dinner speaker who's found his niche.





Indeed. He's just following in the footsteps of many politicians before and after him who after finishing their political careers, enjoy attending functions and talks.


That function happened early this year and while he talks about things there which aren't really new, well most of that has been out there for well over a decade, I did find his views on aircraft confrontations with UFOs fascinating. After all he was the Defence Minister for Canada and he would have been privy to that sort of information as America and Canada share the same eyes in the sky... and space. :aye:



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Ooh. I've heard of them and encountered them in translations and everything! Don't understand a word of it, naturally, but nor do the people writing the source texts, so it's all OK...



Sell monkey nuts buy gold. :aye:

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Ooh. I've heard of them and encountered them in translations and everything! Don't understand a word of it, naturally, but nor do the people writing the source texts, so it's all OK...



Sell monkey nuts buy gold. :aye:


I'm the master of Tier 1 Crapitalisation.

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Derivatives market on the edge.


"The practice is very different, as Warren Buffett worked out years ago. His 2002 letter to his Berkshire Hathaway shareholders made headlines by condemning derivatives as "financial weapons of mass destruction". The passage comprised only a couple of pages of the lengthy letter but read it again today - it is the best guide to understanding how Wall Street has arrived at today's mess.


Here is Buffett on General Re Securities, a derivatives dealer that Berkshire inherited with its purchase of insurer General Re. "At year-end (after ten months of winding down its operation) it had 14,384 contracts outstanding, involving 672 counterparties around the world. Each contract has a plus or minus value derived from one or more reference items, including some of mind-boggling complexity. Valuing a portfolio like that, expert auditors could easily and honestly have widely varying opinions."


Now consider Lehman Brothers balance sheet. On page 62 of last year's accounts, under the heading "off balance sheet arrangements" you will find a staggering figure. Lehman had derivative contracts with a face value of $738bn."


Buffett made a gloomy prediction half a decade ago. "The derivatives genie is now well out of the bottle, and these instruments will almost certainly multiply in variety and number until some event makes their toxicity clear," he said. "Central banks and governments have so far found no effective way to control, or even monitor, the risks posed by these contracts."


That event has duly arrived. Lehman Brothers has declared bankruptcy. Merrill Lynch has rushed into the arms of Bank of America. AIG, once the US's largest insurer, is pleading with the Fed for funds."






"Under one move, the Federal Reserve, Securities and Exchange Commission and Commodity Futures Trading Commission agreed to exchange information on credit default swaps from private groups that will be set up to act as central clearinghouses for such transactions. That should help provide crucial information on the parties involved in the complex and unregulated products.


Credit default swaps, a roughly $60 trillion worldwide market, played a large role in the credit crisis that brought the downfall of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., pushed giant insurer American International Group Inc. (AIG, Fortune 500) to the brink of bankruptcy, and forced Merrill Lynch & Co. to sell itself to Bank of America Corp. (BAC, Fortune 500) The swaps are commonly used contracts to insure against the default of financial instruments such as bonds and corporate debt. But they also are bought and sold as bets against bond defaults.

Headed by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, the White House group includes Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox."









There is no way imo the derivatives market will survive the cash crunch.

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Dark Mission is proof of the secret history of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the astonishing, seminal discoveries it has repeatedly suppressed for decades.


Richard C. Hoagland is the former science advisor to CBS News, author of The Monuments of Mars, and a frequent guest on the popular radio programs Coast To Coast and The Art Bell Show.


Mike Bara is a consulting engineer for Boeing aircraft. This is his first book."

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Although it occasionally veers into new-age speculation or pseudoscience, this book offers a rare look at truly alternative ideas about water and energy. The description of Schauberger's early work with flumes is enthralling, and the brief exposition of "flow forms" towards the end of the book is valuable. Search "flow forms" in any web search engine to see some of the sites around the world espousing a fascinating technology that unites water pollution control with esthetics."







"Absolutely well researched, with solid proof printed within. The author makes his point with in depth research, and prints the bulk of his source documents. If you want to read fact, not fiction or opinion, this one is for you. Highly recommended!

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Dark Mission is proof of the secret history of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the astonishing, seminal discoveries it has repeatedly suppressed for decades.


Richard C. Hoagland is the former science advisor to CBS News, author of The Monuments of Mars, and a frequent guest on the popular radio programs Coast To Coast and The Art Bell Show.


Mike Bara is a consulting engineer for Boeing aircraft. This is his first book."

Richard Hoagland is a very interesting man. His website is here and it has a mountain of information on it;



My personal view is that he's a pseudoscientist and a sensationalist. The problem with people like Hoagland is that when they first come on to the scene, you stop and listen to them. You think, "yes, good theory, that's quite possible".

But as time goes on these people are compelled to make wilder and wilder claims, to the point where they really start sounding like they are border line insane. Amongst Hoagland's most unusual claims are; That he believes the Asian Tsunami was a hyperdimensional occurance. That Iapetus (one of Saturn's moons) is a death star, like the one from Star Wars. That the Egyptian pyramids were not made by ancient Egyptians but by aliens. Now even these are way too much for me to handle. :D


It's a shame he is compelled to come up with such things because some, and I do stress the word some, of his other claims sound credible in my opinion, and he has attempted to justify them with science. But now unfortunately he just sounds like an egocentric nutter earning a living by selling a book full of fables, and he's known to scream down those who don't agree with him too.

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Dark Mission is proof of the secret history of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the astonishing, seminal discoveries it has repeatedly suppressed for decades.


Richard C. Hoagland is the former science advisor to CBS News, author of The Monuments of Mars, and a frequent guest on the popular radio programs Coast To Coast and The Art Bell Show.


Mike Bara is a consulting engineer for Boeing aircraft. This is his first book."

Richard Hoagland is a very interesting man. His website is here and it has a mountain of information on it;



My personal view is that he's a pseudoscientist and a sensationalist. The problem with people like Hoagland is that when they first come on to the scene, you stop and listen to them. You think, "yes, good theory, that's quite possible".

But as time goes on these people are compelled to make wilder and wilder claims, to the point where they really start sounding like they are border line insane. Amongst Hoagland's most unusual claims are; That he believes the Asian Tsunami was a hyperdimensional occurance. That Iapetus (one of Saturn's moons) is a death star, like the one from Star Wars. That the Egyptian pyramids were not made by ancient Egyptians but by aliens. Now even these are way too much for me to handle. :lol:


It's a shame he is compelled to come up with such things because some, and I do stress the word some, of his other claims sound credible in my opinion, and he has attempted to justify them with science. But now unfortunately he just sounds like an egocentric nutter earning a living by selling a book full of fables, and he's known to scream down those who don't agree with him too.




Hoagland's a laugh I agree.



We are at best aware of 5% of the facts of what happens on this planet. ;)



Anything is possible as history shows. I recommend that book without hesitation.

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This thread reminded me of this


A very widely reported phenomena which makes it pretty interesting imo.


They were all on speed. :lol:

I was actually thinking about that. Might have been a factor tbh. Although it doesn't really make you hallucinate the lack of sleep because of it can. I don't think it completely explains the whole thing however.

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This thread reminded me of this


A very widely reported phenomena which makes it pretty interesting imo.


They were all on speed. ;)

I was actually thinking about that. Might have been a factor tbh. Although it doesn't really make you hallucinate the lack of sleep because of it can. I don't think it completely explains the whole thing however.


Drugs, lack of sleep and masses of stress can do all sorts, but :lol: , and I guess no one ever will.

Edited by Fop
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There have been secret meeting in the U.N. over the last couple of weeks regarding the disclosure of ET contact. I am told the timetable set in place is full disclosure by 2017. As I said in this thread earlier micro-reality testing will begin next year (you'll notice public figures talking about it openly). Nudge nudge etc...

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This thread reminded me of this


A very widely reported phenomena which makes it pretty interesting imo.


They were all on speed. ;)

I was actually thinking about that. Might have been a factor tbh. Although it doesn't really make you hallucinate the lack of sleep because of it can. I don't think it completely explains the whole thing however.


Drugs, lack of sleep and masses of stress can do all sorts, but :lol: , and I guess no one ever will.

The only thing is, there are occasions when you had a whole crew of a bomber seeing the same thing at the same time. I'm not saying that means we're dealing with alien spacecraft or anything. Also, the phenomena was reported by Allied and Axis airmen alike. The phenomena was markedly different in the Pacific compared to over Europe as well. Well and truly weird imo.

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This thread reminded me of this


A very widely reported phenomena which makes it pretty interesting imo.


They were all on speed. ;)

I was actually thinking about that. Might have been a factor tbh. Although it doesn't really make you hallucinate the lack of sleep because of it can. I don't think it completely explains the whole thing however.


Drugs, lack of sleep and masses of stress can do all sorts, but :lol: , and I guess no one ever will.

The only thing is, there are occasions when you had a whole crew of a bomber seeing the same thing at the same time. I'm not saying that means we're dealing with alien spacecraft or anything. Also, the phenomena was reported by Allied and Axis airmen alike. The phenomena was markedly different in the Pacific compared to over Europe as well. Well and truly weird imo.



Probe droids innit.

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