Optimistic Nut 482 Posted October 30, 2008 Share Posted October 30, 2008 I was asking you what you thought their aims were from day one To pressure Ashley to sell, to make a stand and to boycott, else they wouldn't have had a campaign. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snake 0 Posted October 30, 2008 Share Posted October 30, 2008 I was asking you what you thought their aims were from day one To pressure Ashley to sell, to make a stand and to boycott, else they wouldn't have had a campaign. That's it then, no more than that? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JawD 99 Posted October 30, 2008 Share Posted October 30, 2008 Judging by the queues in the ground at half time for beer/pie's - there's not much of a boycoooot going on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ewerk 33232 Posted October 30, 2008 Share Posted October 30, 2008 NUSC are going to have to consider an olive branch being extended to Ashley to send the message that our squad MUST be strengthened if it's going to avoid relegation. If needs be, the pursual of a buyer should go on the back burner until survival is guaranteed. I don't think that NUSC will affect Ashley's actions in any way whatsoever. Are you saying it should be scrapped then? I'm not saying Ashley has to sit in a room and be made to listen, just that the NUSC should publicly show they have the best interest of the club at heart and come up with constructive ideas to move us forward. What I'm saying is that I see NUSC's role as a mouthpiece for the fans, a point of reference for the media and to represent the views of their membership in a reasoned and level-headed manner. I don't think NUSC will have an effect on the running of the club itself no matter who owns it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ewerk 33232 Posted October 30, 2008 Share Posted October 30, 2008 NUSC are going to have to consider an olive branch being extended to Ashley to send the message that our squad MUST be strengthened if it's going to avoid relegation. If needs be, the pursual of a buyer should go on the back burner until survival is guaranteed. I don't think that NUSC will affect Ashley's actions in any way whatsoever. Tbh, how can they hope to do so when they have no dialogue with the club and such a rigid anti-Ashley stance? They can't, so their previous statements have been largely hot air. As I said above, I can see a role for them but not as important a role as they may envisage. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
peasepud 59 Posted October 30, 2008 Share Posted October 30, 2008 NUSC are going to have to consider an olive branch being extended to Ashley to send the message that our squad MUST be strengthened if it's going to avoid relegation. If needs be, the pursual of a buyer should go on the back burner until survival is guaranteed. I don't think that NUSC will affect Ashley's actions in any way whatsoever. Tbh, how can they hope to do so when they have no dialogue with the club and such a rigid anti-Ashley stance? HF's right about the priorities as well. I've already said it once but I'll have to say it again. The article you are all referring to is not a valid representation of what went on at the meeting. Heres my version of events, anyone else who was there is welcome to challenge them or back them as they see fit. Its right what other fans say about us all here, we're all too willing to believe the press when it suits us and dismiss it out of hand when it doesnt. In the case of some, when it comes to the NUSC they will ignore any good thats reported and jump on the possible negatives. The meeting was held in the Irish Club last night, that much he did get right. MEMBERS of a new Toon supporters’ club have vowed to keep up a boycott to force chairman Mike Ashley out partially correct. What was agreed by the members there (and dont forget this is actual members not the interim committee mking these decisions) was that we would write an open letter to Mike Ashley asking him for talks. An olive branch as someone on here has already put it, a chance for him to meet with us and discuss whats happening, what the best way forward is and how he, and the fans can make this work. He wants to sell, the fans want him to sell but until he does then we all need to make the club stable. What was also agreed however was that if he refused to meet and speak to the fans then there would be no other option but to continue with the boycott and look to increase it. Again, this was agreed by the majority of those there. It was NOT a unanimous vote but it was view of the vast majority. In that majority were people who had previously spoke out against the boycott, questioned its worth and how it was to carry on. The discussions that followed and the agreement to seek talks had them agreeing fully to the plan. NUSC spokesman Michael Teasdale said: “We need to show any future owner that we can either be his best friend or his worst enemy. We need to show we’re here to work with them, but also to show what kind of damage we can do if they treat us badly. What a terribly written report this is! That quote has gained the reaction it was designed to, get people believing that its a quote from our spokesman to the press. It wasnt. During the discussions that sentence was uttered by Michael but it was in a discussion, it was his own personal view and does not represent the views of the club, it is not a valid NUSC statement. Its his own personal view said during a private members meeting. A view that was not shared by the next committee member to speak or the one after that (which was me). It is however a perfectly valid view and whether I agree or disagree with the view we both have the same understanding "its only the view of the NUSC if the members decide it is" Mick Martin also said something along the lines of what hes quoted but its not correct word for word, one simple word has been changed which makes a vast difference to the statement "Its the whole point of this action to pressure Ashley to sell". One word which when changed to club totally changes the statement. I've said it once and I'll say it a thousand times if I have to, the NUSC is NOT a pressure group, it WAS set up in response to a crisis and it was set up that way because EVERY single one of the 250+ NUFC fan at the original meeting for its formation agreed that its early aims were to pressurise Ashley. What more could be done? we set it up and followed the wishes of those that turned up for the inaugural (sic?) meeting, following those wishes until we could gauge the feeling of the fans again. That was done last night. Yes, we've made mistakes so far but who doesnt when you get a dozen people together with strong views on something that they believe in and have passion for in the way every Newcastle fan does. The rest of the article is factually correct however not enough has been made of the other stuff. The discussions around how money would be raised and spent. The talk of organising discounts for members and the planning of proper members nights with talk ins and entertainment etc. Things that a proper supporters club do. There also was no mention of the reading out of an email from someone seeking guidance on whether he should cancel his Direct Debit and how it was stated from the top table that to do that was not recommended and how we would not recommend that action to anyone, its not worth their while getting the bad credit. It didnt even bother to mention that we have already sent condolences to the family of the Sunderland fan that died on Saturday. Little things that are done by a supporters club to help raise the profile of NUFC supporters with the general community and other fans etc So basically yes, an article that focusses wrongly on one aspect of what was a good first proper meeting, a meeting that frankly showed to those that were there that we are not simply a pressure group and which affirmed (imho) the fact that this can work and we can have a group to be proud of. If however, people see it for what it is, O-N I disagree with you and always will on this it doesnt make me think any less of you as a person but I do feel that by putting forward the notion that you wont join because you will not be heard is wrong. If you are saying that we wont go with what you believe because you are in the minority then yes thats true. Majority rules mate, its a democratic system. What happens if the next thing is something you believe in strongly? will you join because we agree? will you then demand a refund when we disagree with your view on the thing after that? If we're not speaking on behalf of the majority then it can only be because the majority feel the same as you and wont join for that reason, which frankly I cant see imagine is the case. Alex, I have to admit to being disappointed by your view, if you're going to join anyway then do it now and put forward your views, disagree with whats being said, even if you cant make the meetings your view will be represented by emails etc. But dont join up later when theres nothing to put views forward on, its a wasted vote mate. Tomorrow should see our letter being printed and reported on by the press, lets see what that brings. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Baggio 0 Posted October 30, 2008 Share Posted October 30, 2008 Lets hope this letter that's being released tomorrow is better than anything else that's been released by this lot so far. I'd say you've got no chance of meeting with Ashley though, maybe with Llambias if you're lucky but that wouldn't last long when you tell him you expect him to resign. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JawD 99 Posted October 30, 2008 Share Posted October 30, 2008 Fair points PP. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jimbo 175 Posted October 31, 2008 Share Posted October 31, 2008 NUSC seeks meeting with Ashley over future of NUFC. Newcastle United Supporters Club, PO Box 621, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE5 9AD 30th October 2008. Ref: Request for Update on the sale and future intentions towards Newcastle United FC The Newcastle United Supporters Club (NUSC) is a newly constituted representative body. It has an established constitution and growing membership and is the only such representative organisation for Newcastle United supporters. Supporters of the club are naturally extremely concerned regarding the current uncertainty and instability related to the intended sale of Newcastle United and extremely perturbed at media reports regarding the intentions towards. Further, we have great anxieties regarding the intentions of the club’s executive management in the forthcoming January transfer window and our prospects for maintaining our status as a Premier League club. The purpose of this letter is to request a meeting with the club’s owner, Mike Ashley and the Managing Director, Derek Llambias as well as Keith Harris (Seymour Pierce) to seek an update regarding the progress regards the sale of Newcastle United FC. We are not seeking access to confidential commercially sensitive information but believe as a representative body for supporters we are entitled to a dialogue with the people who are currently pivotal to the future of the club we have all supported for many years. We are proposing that three members of the NUSC Committee meet with Messrs Ashley, Llambias and Harris at the earliest convenience and would urge you to appreciate the concerns supporters, or your paying customers, have regards the strategic direction of Newcastle United going forward. In that sense we would ask that this meeting take place as soon as possible. We do not believe it unreasonable to request that this meeting take place in Newcastle, though if necessary will travel to London or anywhere else in the UK if this is more agreeable to you. We would urge you to find a suitable date before the end of November 2008. Please be assured details regarding any meeting’s arrangements will be treated in the strictest confidence and will not be disclosed to any media sources without your express consent. However, we will communicate the broad content with supporters following any meeting, which you will understand is part of our representative function. I look forward to your speedy reply. Malcolm Shiels, Chair, Newcastle United Supporters Club (NUSC) nufc.press@googlemail.com 07505122178 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Happy Face 29 Posted October 31, 2008 Share Posted October 31, 2008 I don't like sentences that end with "towards". When that's all I can find to complain about it can't be that bad though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JawD 99 Posted October 31, 2008 Share Posted October 31, 2008 Well written, will fall on deaf ears like. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChezGiven 0 Posted October 31, 2008 Share Posted October 31, 2008 HTT and elbee909 have set up a false domain name and email account for mike.ashley@sportsdirect.com and are currently drafting a response. Apparently they will propose an 'email interview' and have drafted in the lad who got chinned in Durham just in case they need to go face to face. It will all be revealed as an elaborate hoax on a website called jokinere.com Thought i'd better warn you up front. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
peasepud 59 Posted October 31, 2008 Share Posted October 31, 2008 HTT and elbee909 have set up a false domain name and email account for mike.ashley@sportsdirect.com and are currently drafting a response. Apparently they will propose an 'email interview' and have drafted in the lad who got chinned in Durham just in case they need to go face to face. It will all be revealed as an elaborate hoax on a website called jokinere.com Thought i'd better warn you up front. Whats wrong son? come on tell your uncle Peter... did the nasty man take the piss out of your hard work? all that research on golf courses and light bulbs, must have been a right twat to do and then I come along and fuck it all up. In fact you know what? if I hadnt done that we'd be top of the league now with a statue on every corner of SJP dedicated to Sir Hitzfeld and the pioneering fans that made it all possible. Which one did you have your eyes on? the one directly outside the main entrance I'd guess, soooooopafan and all that jazz. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChezGiven 0 Posted October 31, 2008 Share Posted October 31, 2008 HTT and elbee909 have set up a false domain name and email account for mike.ashley@sportsdirect.com and are currently drafting a response. Apparently they will propose an 'email interview' and have drafted in the lad who got chinned in Durham just in case they need to go face to face. It will all be revealed as an elaborate hoax on a website called jokinere.com Thought i'd better warn you up front. Whats wrong son? come on tell your uncle Peter... did the nasty man take the piss out of your hard work? all that research on golf courses and light bulbs, must have been a right twat to do and then I come along and fuck it all up. In fact you know what? if I hadnt done that we'd be top of the league now with a statue on every corner of SJP dedicated to Sir Hitzfeld and the pioneering fans that made it all possible. Which one did you have your eyes on? the one directly outside the main entrance I'd guess, soooooopafan and all that jazz. It had absolutely fuck all to do with me Touchy. Very touchy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest alex Posted October 31, 2008 Share Posted October 31, 2008 Er, I think Chez might have just been taking this piss. Maybe Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChezGiven 0 Posted October 31, 2008 Share Posted October 31, 2008 Just a little bit.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
peasepud 59 Posted October 31, 2008 Share Posted October 31, 2008 Er, I think Chez might have just been taking this piss. Maybe emmm I guessed that however go through some previous posts on here and NO and the kiddas very vocal on the subject in fact if he was to be honest its probably his reason for permanently knocking the NUSC, I even believe the quote previously when I ignored the piss poor attempt at it was "no doubt you'll do what you want its your board!!" before stomping off Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ewerk 33232 Posted October 31, 2008 Share Posted October 31, 2008 Well written letter and not unreasonable demands. Of course the meeting is highly unlikely to ever happen but it's worth a go. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
peasepud 59 Posted November 3, 2008 Share Posted November 3, 2008 Er, I think Chez might have just been taking this piss. Maybe emmm I guessed that however go through some previous posts on here and NO and the kiddas very vocal on the subject in fact if he was to be honest its probably his reason for permanently knocking the NUSC, I even believe the quote previously when I ignored the piss poor attempt at it was "no doubt you'll do what you want its your board!!" before stomping off hmmmmm I fucking hate the taste of humble pie but in this case I have to scran it. Big apologies to Chez, somehow over the weeks I seem to have lumped him in with a few others on something hes had nowt to do with. So apologies for that and yeah a drink at the Grimsby game would be good (as long as you dont lamp me ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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