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Bioculture yoghurts


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Last night I had a craving for yoghurt and had bought 2 of those large tubs so I ate them both, it wasnt until I finished the last one that I realised it had 500g of yoghurt in it so thats a kilogram of live culture yoghurt in half an hour!


Now I've realised that they really do what they say they do...ie clear you out of cack!


I've spent most of the day sitting on the bog with the most disgustingly foul smelling farts youi have ever encountered.



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nobody has such a craving for yogurt that they'll gat 2 large tubs and down tham at one goe...unless they're spliffed



nope, not me, sometimes I get cravings and last nights was yoghurt, thought I'll have a couple of spoonfuls, next thing I know the Lemon ones gone, so its time to move on to Rhubarb and Vanilla.



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nobody has such a craving for yogurt that they'll gat 2 large tubs and down tham at one goe...unless they're spliffed



nope, not me, sometimes I get cravings and last nights was yoghurt, thought I'll have a couple of spoonfuls, next thing I know the Lemon ones gone, so its time to move on to Rhubarb and Vanilla.





So when is it due?

Will it be your first child?


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.....I had to be dipping prawn crackers in sweet & sour sauce reet now didn't I?  :)



you been looking down my toilet pan? :)



I had to read this thread the day after I had my chinese takeaway :yes


......urgh I HAD to order duck in yellow bean sauce didn't I? <_<

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