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... Ok I can most probably guess Pete Doherty isn't flavour of the month with most, if not not nearly all people... But I'm a huge Libertines fan and I found out earlier today that Babyshambles were playing a quite small gig, in warm up for bigger shows in Manchester and Liverpool, in Preston tonight and thought I would regret it if I didn't go...


Cost was £17 which is a but pricey for a cheap ass student like myself but once inside the beer was canny cheap so that was alright!


There was 2 support acts which were both quite decent and Babyshambles came on at 10pm. Doherty himself looking as healthy, if not healthier, than most of the people around me, who themselves were looking quite good as I was expecting some strange bunch of druggies. They stuck to all Babyshambles songs which I was a bit gutted about but for someone who only knows at most, 3 Babyshambles' songs the gig was really impressive! Doherty was lively and talking to the crowd throughout and gave everything for such a small gig.


1 hour and 20 minutes later I was walking out covered in sweat and beer but it was well worth it.


Regardless of what people say/hear/think about him, I had a great night and can't wait for their album to come out!

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not a fan of the skag rat to be honest.... first Libertines album was canny like, but don't agree with all the "publicity" he gets nowadays for doing basically fuck all.... Killamangiro was a poor song and Fuck Forever was decent... but not a patch on the Libertines stuff... least you had a good time though mate

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As long as you had a good time that's all that counts. I say this about him, the Libertines were canny imo, but I've alwas thought Babyshambles are a smack induced noise. Bowie and Lou Reed are two examples of artists who produced their best work whilst off their tits, as soon as they cleaned up they didn't produce anything near that quality. Doherty however is the opposite. Let's hope cleaning up hleps him produce some quality for his fans.


However, he is NOT some sort of genius whatever the NME write. His writing is no better or worse than a lot of songwriters, it's just he makes for more amusing press.

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I have twatted the cunt if I was there. Just for a laugh! :)



In my view, the definition of a cunt is a person who twats someone "For a laugh".




NB: The above comment is brought to you in memory of Asprillas Foreskin and sponsored by Sense of Humour Bypass Industries

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  • 4 months later...
No doubt he's a good songwriter, but he's a waster.



What a waster, what a fucking waster, you pissed it all up the wall...


On their last (?) tour, Babyshambles missed their Aberdeen gig because Peter got drugged up and fell down some stairs. They came back a little while ago to make up for it and after the gig Peter sat on some wheely bins round the back of wherever he was playing and did a little encore for all the fans who decided to stay behind. Which seems quite a nice thing to do.

Edited by Walliver
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The review in the chronicle tonight was certainly far from favourable!


Described it has far and away the worst gig they have ever been to in their life. Said they were out of tune, out of time and he couldn't sing a note right basically and that it was just one big mess, much like Doherty himself.


And it wasn't a review by some old reporter, it was a young lad who i think was a fan and looking forward to it.


Anyway some of the bollocks written about Doherty as if he's some sort of genius, amazing poet or "the voice of a generation" is embarassing.

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If they were playing in my back garden for free I'd close the curtains.



Better not, he'd break into your shed and nick your tools to swap for crack.





I think Babyshambles are okay, but I think the stuff they've released so far is just old (unreleased) Libertines stuff from what I can gather. Stuff isn't released usually because it isn't good enough, so I'd like to see Babyshambles produce some newer material.

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Anyone see them play at the NME awards on Friday? As they took to the stage, Doherty looked bit of a state (for a change!) and I thought, "great, Pete's going to embarrass himself again" but what followed was quite a delicate acoustic performance of 'Albion'.


I suppose just because he looks wasted it doesn't necessarily mean he is.


Kudos to the host, who responded to being called a 'cunt' by Bob Geldof with a classic putdown: "Bob Geldof knows all about famine; he's been dining out on 'I don't like Mondays' for the last 20 years'". :lol:

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fucking hate that skinny prick.


but enough about the host of the NME awards, Pete Doherty excited me when I first heard the Libertine stuff, but now I've absolutely no time for him or his music.


I remember watching a documentary about some fat loser that stalked the lad for a while and although the guy making the film was revealed to be an utter twat himself, Pete did himself no favours.


He just seems to get wasted sing badly and be hailed as a visionary performer. bollocks, he's a wanker that got famous, believed his hype and rides the tabloid wave like every other gobshite that bought into the culture of celebrity.

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