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The Fish

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I've been told I have an odd view on monetary favours, so I figure I'll get your varied (and often mean) opinions.


If I was to borrow a tenner off a mate for whatever reason, I feel that repaying the money is separate to repaying the favour. The "favour" is the act of helping a mate out, the money is just a debt.


I'd want to, for example, offer to do something on their behalf; picking up something up, building an IKEA unit or something more sociable; like taxiing them into town if I wasn't going out, or having them round for dinner.


That for me is repaying the favour, the money goes without saying.


Whaddya reckon?

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So thats a pint and an album i'm expecting then.

:D monetary favours cock smoker. :angry:


HF, that's the thing, I do it without them expecting it. It's just my way of looking at it, was seeing if I was the only nutjob around... so far, so bad.

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One thing I dislike about moneraty "favours"... is when people try and pay it back in bits and pieces when that was never agreed on. Like paying 10 here, 22 there etc... to pay back £100. Or if they say "well I'll pay for your KFC then it counts towards the debt".


Fuck off man.


I see them very much as a momentary stop gap. Always try to pay back asap every time I owe someone even 10euros, because I know how annoying it is to run around after someone, or how uneasy it is to ask for it back every few days.

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Im confused, do you mean if you lent a mate a tenner and he paid you back you would still think he owed you?


I wouldnt even conisder lending a tenner a favour tbh, thats what mates are for, if im not skint they can just pay it back whenever.


But then if my mate had a day off and helped me put up a wardrobe or something I dont think they would expect anything back either? Just seems a bit contrived keeping count of favours recieved and owed. Mates help mates.

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One thing I dislike about moneraty "favours"... is when people try and pay it back in bits and pieces when that was never agreed on. Like paying 10 here, 22 there etc... to pay back £100. Or if they say "well I'll pay for your KFC then it counts towards the debt".


Yeah I have to admit that fucks me off though :D

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I don't mind that if it's cash and decent amounts of it. Like if I leant them £100 and they pay it off in four instalments of £25 if that's agreed to or the only way I'll be sure to get the cash back. But if they try and knock a pint off their total here and a share of a meal cost there, I'd go fucking spare.

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Theres an ongoing saga between 2 of my mates, one owes the other one about £200 from a tenner borrowed here and twenty borrowed there. The lad who owes it keeps claiming hes skint but still manages to hoy £50 in the bandit every saturday night :D


Bigger fool the lad who lent it tbh cos he could see where it was all going and he kept on subbing him!!!

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Im confused, do you mean if you lent a mate a tenner and he paid you back you would still think he owed you?


I wouldnt even conisder lending a tenner a favour tbh, thats what mates are for, if im not skint they can just pay it back whenever.


But then if my mate had a day off and helped me put up a wardrobe or something I dont think they would expect anything back either? Just seems a bit contrived keeping count of favours recieved and owed. Mates help mates.

No, you've got it twisted. If a mate loans me a tenner I'll pay it back, for sure. But on top of that I'd want to repay with a favour.


If people don't have the same ethos fair dos, but I was just seeing if anybody else shared mine.

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As long it's paid back in reasonable time then I wouldn't feel any extra burden no, nor would I expect it.


If we're talking about moneys like £1,000 or more... then the "favour thing" would definitely come into play! No way for a tenner, as said that's what mates are for.

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Not really good at paying attention are you J69. It's my ethos, not others. I've not yet met anyone who shares my view on this, was just checking. In my first post I state that I'm the one borrowing and I'm the one repaying a favour.


but trust you to paint me like a tight arse :D

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