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Bat Out Of Hell Harps Saves Day


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HAVING signed Jonas "Spider-Man" Gutierrez earlier in the summer, Newcastle United now have another superhero to aid their cause next season - Steve "Batman" Harper.


The new nickname came about after an incident in one of the rooms of the Magpies' Palma-based hotel where they are staying during this weekend's Mallorca Summer Cup.


We'll let Harps take up the story: "There were about half a dozen of us in the massage room on the top floor of the hotel.


"All of a sudden a bat flew into the room and five of the lads ran for cover in the bathroom.


"I'll tell you now that Damien Duff is definitely back to full fitness the speed he showed to get away from it.


"But I was the only one brave enough to go towards it.


"It was only a tiny thing, but I think the other lads will tell you its wing-span was huge.


"I thought I was clever trying to pick it up with the bin and slide something underneath it but I've actually stood on it by accident.


"Anyway, we eventually got it out and it landed on the balcony below before flying away, so there's no need to call the RSPCA."



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i also heard that Harps had to carry a pissed Guti to bed after getting smashed on sangria



































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I'm such a graphic novel* geek, that I'm creating a first 11 from the DC and Marvel superhero stables



* purely for the benefit of alex and a couple of others

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