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Gazza Offered Coaching Role???


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  Ant said:
  Geordie Boyo said:
Hope it's true, for Gazza's sake.


I hope its not for ours..

(no harm to him he's not well and needs help like..)



It might be a big step at this stage, who knows how bad his mental health is, but the best treatment is always to get back to normality and do what he loves best. The longer he stays away from normality the harder it gets. He'll obviously still be receiving therapy though.


He's not doing us any harm either way.

Edited by Geordie Boyo
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Is it bollocks jobs for the boys :icon_lol: It would be perhaps if he and KK had went back along way and there was nothing wrong with him. This is far from that. If the club can extend a helping hand to PG then good. If him having focus on something in football keeps him out of the gutter then good. If he can pass on 1/10th of his football brain to kids then good. If he wants to move to London to be with his former wife, then fair play to him as thats probably even better for him. Alot of people point to him with a slur and say he got what he deserved etc, but Id point fingers at the hangers on and ask where they were when he was at his lowest point and sinking fast? The guy deserves a break imo.

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  JawD said:
Is it bollocks jobs for the boys :icon_lol: It would be perhaps if he and KK had went back along way and there was nothing wrong with him. This is far from that. If the club can extend a helping hand to PG then good. If him having focus on something in football keeps him out of the gutter then good. If he can pass on 1/10th of his football brain to kids then good. If he wants to move to London to be with his former wife, then fair play to him as thats probably even better for him. Alot of people point to him with a slur and say he got what he deserved etc, but Id point fingers at the hangers on and ask where they were when he was at his lowest point and sinking fast? The guy deserves a break imo.


we're talking about an alcoholic that's just been sectioned. howay man. i have a lot of sympathy for him but giving him a job won't make his problems go away and there's no way he's qualified to get a job for a premier league club as a coach.

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  Dr Gloom said:
  JawD said:
Is it bollocks jobs for the boys :icon_lol: It would be perhaps if he and KK had went back along way and there was nothing wrong with him. This is far from that. If the club can extend a helping hand to PG then good. If him having focus on something in football keeps him out of the gutter then good. If he can pass on 1/10th of his football brain to kids then good. If he wants to move to London to be with his former wife, then fair play to him as thats probably even better for him. Alot of people point to him with a slur and say he got what he deserved etc, but Id point fingers at the hangers on and ask where they were when he was at his lowest point and sinking fast? The guy deserves a break imo.


we're talking about an alcoholic that's just been sectioned. howay man. i have a lot of sympathy for him but giving him a job won't make his problems go away and there's no way he's qualified to get a job for a premier league club as a coach.


So hows that jobs for the boys again?

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  Ant said:
we're talking about an alcoholic that's just been sectioned. howay man. i have a lot of sympathy for him but giving him a job won't make his problems go away and there's no way he's qualified to get a job for a premier league club as a coach.

you left out wifebeater


and indeed as much as i think the lad needs help

the last thing we need is more bad publicity if he falls of the wagon gets hammered and decides to play naked wii tennis in a hotel somewhere while trying to coax people in for a game


Yes he assaulted his wife. Far from the only bad things he's done either. So we should just forget about him and watch him sink eh? Or maybe not even watch him lets just ignore him and pretend he's not there incase he embarrasses us eh?


He may not have any coaching skills, I dont think anyone is saying he has, but working alongside the youth team coaches etc may be of benefit.

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  JawD said:
Is it bollocks jobs for the boys :icon_lol: It would be perhaps if he and KK had went back along way and there was nothing wrong with him. This is far from that. If the club can extend a helping hand to PG then good. If him having focus on something in football keeps him out of the gutter then good. If he can pass on 1/10th of his football brain to kids then good. If he wants to move to London to be with his former wife, then fair play to him as thats probably even better for him. Alot of people point to him with a slur and say he got what he deserved etc, but Id point fingers at the hangers on and ask where they were when he was at his lowest point and sinking fast? The guy deserves a break imo.


I concur with every word of that

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  Ant said:
we're talking about an alcoholic that's just been sectioned. howay man. i have a lot of sympathy for him but giving him a job won't make his problems go away and there's no way he's qualified to get a job for a premier league club as a coach.

you left out wifebeater


and indeed as much as i think the lad needs help

the last thing we need is more bad publicity if he falls of the wagon gets hammered and decides to play naked wii tennis in a hotel somewhere while trying to coax people in for a game


:icon_lol: now there's an enduring image

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I don't see how we can go wrong on the PR front over this. Because of his problems anything 'crazy' he does will only be seen as a symptom of his illness and won't reflect badly on the club. And I can't see him being given loads of responsibility or anything. Hopefully it will give him something to get up for in the morning and help him in some way in terms of rehabilitation. JawD's spot on, especially about the hangers-on too and I think a lot of the recent behaviour may stem from the chronic loneliness he's been feeling since those hangers-on are only around for the good times. This can only be a good thing imo.

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Guest Stevie

I think out of towners and out of countriers would find it hard to understand why this could be a welcome appointment. Fuck jobs for the boys, as mentioned he deserves a break, Rangers, Yids and Newcastle could've done more to help him, he eats sleeps and breathes football, he's doing no harm, if we go on a trip and he pisses in the pool, who is going to care in 100 years time.

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  Ant said:
I lost sympathy for his antics when he did this stunt many moons ago http://www.virginmedia.com/images/gazza-flute.jpg


but working alongside the youth team coaches etc may be of benefit.

what as a warning as they're leaving training as to what they could end up like.


I'll be the harsh git of the thread i guess..

yes he has problems, yes he needs help

no they aren't are problems, and no we don't need to risk more dodgey stories in the press related to the club and someone going off the rails.


(George Best shouldn't have gotten that liver either, pains me to see an airport named after him and all)


The press are going to write shite about us regardless. Helping a former player who is pretty much at rock bottom and going through what no one ever should is much more important than what a few hacks think about us.

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Clubs and ex-footballers can come out with all the rhetoric of how they'll offer to help him through his problems but unless anyone actually offers something concrete and useful then it's all bollocks. At the moment what does Gazza do with his day? Not a lot I'd imagine. I reckon the best thing for an alcoholic is to get some stability in their life, find a purpose to get up in the morning and do something they enjoy and if we could help him do that then I think we should.


What's the worst that could happen? He fucks up and the press take the piss out of us? Well they're already doing that so fuck them, I think it would be a great gesture by the club to help out an ex-player obviously in need.

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  Danny B said:
Can you imagine a training session involving Gazza and Barton. :icon_lol:


seriously though is KK losing it?

Must try harder.

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  JawD said:
  Dr Gloom said:
  JawD said:
Is it bollocks jobs for the boys :icon_lol: It would be perhaps if he and KK had went back along way and there was nothing wrong with him. This is far from that. If the club can extend a helping hand to PG then good. If him having focus on something in football keeps him out of the gutter then good. If he can pass on 1/10th of his football brain to kids then good. If he wants to move to London to be with his former wife, then fair play to him as thats probably even better for him. Alot of people point to him with a slur and say he got what he deserved etc, but Id point fingers at the hangers on and ask where they were when he was at his lowest point and sinking fast? The guy deserves a break imo.


we're talking about an alcoholic that's just been sectioned. howay man. i have a lot of sympathy for him but giving him a job won't make his problems go away and there's no way he's qualified to get a job for a premier league club as a coach.


So hows that jobs for the boys again?


he used to play for us.


he isn't qualified to the do the job


it's an act of charity because of his connections with the club


...nedd i go on?

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  Dr Gloom said:
  JawD said:
  Dr Gloom said:
  JawD said:
Is it bollocks jobs for the boys :icon_lol: It would be perhaps if he and KK had went back along way and there was nothing wrong with him. This is far from that. If the club can extend a helping hand to PG then good. If him having focus on something in football keeps him out of the gutter then good. If he can pass on 1/10th of his football brain to kids then good. If he wants to move to London to be with his former wife, then fair play to him as thats probably even better for him. Alot of people point to him with a slur and say he got what he deserved etc, but Id point fingers at the hangers on and ask where they were when he was at his lowest point and sinking fast? The guy deserves a break imo.


we're talking about an alcoholic that's just been sectioned. howay man. i have a lot of sympathy for him but giving him a job won't make his problems go away and there's no way he's qualified to get a job for a premier league club as a coach.


So hows that jobs for the boys again?


he used to play for us.


he isn't qualified to the do the job


it's an act of charity because of his connections with the club


...nedd i go on?

I think you're largely right, but I still don't think it's a bad thing in any way.

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i personally think gazza needs to get a good therapist and to somehow give up the drink. working for nufc, if anything, will probably only result in him hitting the bottle even harder. he'll be centre of attention at the club again and the temptation for post-training bevvies in town will probably be too hard for him to resist.

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  ewerk said:
  Ant said:
I lost sympathy for his antics when he did this stunt many moons ago http://www.virginmedia.com/images/gazza-flute.jpg


He was playing for Rangers at the time and trying to wind up their arch-rival's fans, I really don't think he meant anything by it.

He was told to do it by a fellow player iirc. Might have been Andy Goram. He didn't realise the significance of it.

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  Ant said:
he used to play for us.

he isn't qualified to the do the job

it's an act of charity because of his connections with the club

...nedd i go on?


nope i concur

think this ones going be a split decision between the realists and the sentimentalists anyways

Do you never get lonely in that ivory tower?

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  Dr Gloom said:
i personally think gazza needs to get a good therapist and to somehow give up the drink. working for nufc, if anything, will probably only result in him hitting the bottle even harder. he'll be centre of attention at the club again and the temptation for post-training bevvies in town will probably be too hard for him to resist.

Do you not think he might have already given that a go?

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