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A Major was doing a inspection of his troops in Iraq, in the medical tent he asked the first soldier



"What's your problem, Soldier?"


"Chronic syphilis, Sir!"


"What treatment are you getting?"


"Five minutes with the wire brush each day, Sir!"


"What's your ambition?"


"To get back to the front lines, Sir!"


"Good man!" says the Major.


He goes to the next bed.


"What's your problem, Soldier?"


"Chronic piles, Sir!"


"What treatment are you getting?"


"Five minutes with the wire brush each day, Sir!"


"What's your ambition?"


"To get back to the front lines, Sir!"


"Good man!" says the Major.


He goes to the next bed.


"What's your problem, Soldier?"


"Chronic gum disease, Sir!"


"What treatment are you getting?"


"Five minutes with the wire brush each day, Sir!"


"What's your ambition?"


















"To get to the front of the line and get the wire brush before the other two - Sir!" :icon_lol:

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