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Resi 5 on Wii!!!!!

Wavey Davey

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Resi Evil 4 transferred over to The Wii was pretty special like, but 5 will be a lot better on the next gen consoles.


Undoubtedly the 360 and PS3 will boast superior stuff. Alas, I can afford neither so I'm chuffed that I won't miss out.




Also, the wii is next-gen.


Not in terms of specs, but it's part of the current line-up.

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Resi Evil 4 transferred over to The Wii was pretty special like, but 5 will be a lot better on the next gen consoles.


Undoubtedly the 360 and PS3 will boast superior stuff. Alas, I can afford neither so I'm chuffed that I won't miss out.




Also, the wii is next-gen.


Not in terms of specs, but it's part of the current line-up.


Resident evil 5 might be enough to get me to buy a wii like.


the gameplay looks very similar to RE4 mind. i bet those flying critters are a nightmare.

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