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Getting tough on knife crime

Kid Dynamite

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How the fuck do they expect this to work? A&E to have a direct phone line, quick weve got a stabbing in, bring the bad lads down to have a look before he pegs it!


Ive seen knife wounds, the majority of them arent very gruesome and its the damage on the inside not the outside thats the problem.


No 14 year old knife carrier is going to give a flying fuck about these 'tough' rules tbh

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Id stick every 16 year old in the army for 3 years. UK posting only. Do them the world of good. Maybe let off those with a place in uni.

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How the fuck do they expect this to work?




They don't, they expect it to grab headlines (and whatsherface will still wear a stab jacket whilst out and about with 30 police around her).



In all honesty stopping the current situation is beyond any politicians in power or likely to get into power, it's just an end result of many, many grass root problems in the UK, problems that will never be tackled.

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So when I'm carrying a knife home that I just bought at Asda I can get 5 years?




Nah, firstly you'd have to not be able to prove your intent (carrying it around in an Asda bag full of shopping, rather than stuffed in your sock or something would help :D).


Then they'd actually have to prosecute (which even with the current political guff saying it is, isn't anything like a certainty).


Then they'd actually have to give you a custodial sentence (which barring Conservative rhetoric is pretty damn unlikely).






Of course if you happen get mugged on the way home from Asda and take that knife out to defend yourself - all bets are off, and hanging is too good for you. :icon_lol:

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I dont think the answer to the problem is giving these violent youths a gun and sending them to iraq with a blank cheque to shoot or rape anything that moves.



Who said owt about a gun, I was thinking more along the lines of minefield clearance, blindfolded.

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I dont think the answer to the problem is giving these violent youths a gun and sending them to iraq with a blank cheque to shoot or rape anything that moves.


I don't agree with your logic there J69. It's not like they're given a gun on their first day and they certainly wouldn't be sent abroad.


The whole "arming dangerous thugs" (be it with actual weapons or just the knowledge) is bollocks imo, if you train these kids properly. teach them to respect authority, teach them to have pride in their country and region, instil in them a sense of belonging and value.


I'm all for a national service in some shape or form, not necessarily armed forces... perhaps a stint in a community fire service, or community policing, whatever... as long as it gets the kids out of the habit of simply dossing about street corners bored shitless.


Fop's right, there isn't a quick fix and certainly I've seen nobody in a position of power who's come up (or strikes me as likely to come up) with an holistic answer.


I do think a national service in some fashion would go some way to help, but I worry about the roads it could lead us down.

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Unfortunately, 6 months of education off the army will probably still be outdone by 15 years of moulding from their cnut parents. Its going to take a hell of a lot of work to undo whats been done by the time these kids reach adolescence

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Unfortunately, 6 months of education off the army will probably still be outdone by 15 years of moulding from their cnut PS3's. Its going to take a hell of a lot of work to undo whats been done by the time these kids reach adolescence


FYP :icon_lol:

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They say the Army will make you or break you like. I've seen complete wankers from round mine go into the forces and they've changed when they've come back, staying out of trouble, not acting like twats.

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Am I the only person that thinks our armed forces shouldn't be reduced to the level of prison wardens? It's a brilliant idea in theory but if I was a member of the armed forces through my own choice i'd be well peeved at becoming a baby sitter for the dregs.

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They wouldn't be in the same routine or regime as the soldiers Ketsbaia, think of it as mandatory ATC or the like.

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I don't think a doorway metal detector in pubs would be a massive help, empty your pockets everytime you go in/out? My cigarettes set off the metal detector at the Crown Court on the Quayside (wasn't me in the dock before someone says it), it would just be a waste of time and money.

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I dont think the answer to the problem is giving these violent youths a gun and sending them to iraq with a blank cheque to shoot or rape anything that moves.



Who said owt about a gun, I was thinking more along the lines of minefield clearance, blindfolded.

:icon_lol: In magnetic diving boots.

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I don't think a doorway metal detector in pubs would be a massive help, empty your pockets everytime you go in/out? My cigarettes set off the metal detector at the Crown Court on the Quayside (wasn't me in the dock before someone says it), it would just be a waste of time and money.

Short of airport style security everywhere (which no one would want to constantly hassle with and absolutely no one would pay for - even airports) it's largely pointless.


Even then unless you change the underlying issues it's still pretty easy to get hold of a non-metal "knife" of one form or another. Not anything like as easy as kitchen knives admittedly, which tends to account for most knife crime (although the press invariably shows a picture of some sort of hunting knife).





They say the Army will make you or break you like. I've seen complete wankers from round mine go into the forces and they've changed when they've come back, staying out of trouble, not acting like twats.


For a start military prisons aren't the picnic non-military ones are, military sentences and courts for that matter too, although it's probably more the whole way of life that sorts people out.


We've largely got a society in the UK (which tends to be more and more obvious the younger a generation you look at) that knows all their supposed rights, but has no real comprehension or care of their responsibilities that go with it. Where as in the army it's more the other way around (although for how long who knows), and is probably why it can "straighten" people like that out.

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I dont think the answer to the problem is giving these violent youths a gun and sending them to iraq with a blank cheque to shoot or rape anything that moves.



Who said owt about a gun, I was thinking more along the lines of minefield clearance, blindfolded.

:icon_lol: In magnetic diving boots.

On acid.

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