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Smooth Operator

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I thought Winehouses performance was shite last night tbh just a mumbling mess and when she come off the stage you were just waiting for her to fall over while she stumbled about mumbling rehab.

Jay-Z was good from the half hour or so I watched of him.

Edited by Barton7
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Saw Winehouse like, thought she was a fucking mess to be honest. She spent about 30 minutes introducing her band, then had a pop at her dad, then fell all over the place. She had to start Rehab again because she couldn't get her chemical addled brain around the count in that her drummer did, then she swung for a fan. The security blokes round the stage were shitting themselves 'n aal.


If I'd been there I'd have been away back to my tent after 5 minutes to get wankered. Would have been much better!


Didn't see Jay-Z, but saw him on Woss the night before, thought he was going to be a bit of a prick, but he came accross alreet actually.

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Caught a bit of Neil Diamond yesterday. I have to say, Glastonbury looks fucking dire. The atmosphere looked to be akin to one of those charity concerts Prince Charles likes to have.

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