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What console is your favourite of all time?

Wavey Davey

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Tbf, when people say their favourite consoles were the SNES, N64, Megadrive etc, do they mean that more from a nostalgic point of view? For example, Goldeneye was the best FPS ever a few years ago but it would seem outdated now. Maybe I'm wrong as the oldest console I've owned is the PSX.




that's like saying the new Star Wars are better than the old ones because they have better special effects.

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Tbf, when people say their favourite consoles were the SNES, N64, Megadrive etc, do they mean that more from a nostalgic point of view? For example, Goldeneye was the best FPS ever a few years ago but it would seem outdated now. Maybe I'm wrong as the oldest console I've owned is the PSX.




that's like saying the new Star Wars are better than the old ones because they have better special effects.

Aye, but if you could play all the games from ypur favourite retro console on one of the current generation consoles, would you then say the newer console is better?

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Why have you boiled this down to favourite = best? It's simply not the case and never has been.
Ok, that's really the question I was asking - does favourite = best, and you're saying it isn't necessairly so I'll take your word for it.
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I prefer crapping analogies. My favourite would have to be out in the open , in the fresh air, but my best are usually never witnessed by nature. Simply flushed away after a moment's admiration.

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Tbf, when people say their favourite consoles were the SNES, N64, Megadrive etc, do they mean that more from a nostalgic point of view? For example, Goldeneye was the best FPS ever a few years ago but it would seem outdated now. Maybe I'm wrong as the oldest console I've owned is the PSX.




that's like saying the new Star Wars are better than the old ones because they have better special effects.

Aye, but if you could play all the games from ypur favourite retro console on one of the current generation consoles, would you then say the newer console is better?


It's still an ever decreasing change (unless some massive leap in technology occurs - a bit like the Wii's control system makes it stand up to an arguably beat consoles that are technically more powerful, or MMO games for PCs).


Each generation graphics are moving forward relatively less and less and each game costs more and more to develop (which pretty much means innovation is strangled by the accountants who just want companies to make newer versions of things that have sold well before).


You've just got to look at number of commercial releases now, than go back a few years to see a massive drop, go back a bit more and you're into an order of magnitude or more reduction since then.



In the analogy of films, once you reach a certain degree of computer generated effects, advances in that field don't really add much more to the film experience on a flat 2D screen, it's more a case of just being able to have more of them (too many perhaps these days - the only place there's any room for growth now is in superhero and maybe Sci-Fi films)...... and if the underlying story is just plain :D all the effects in the world won't make it good or memorable.

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The Wii's probably the most fun I've had on a console in years having said all that. Plus, it's the only one I can think of where you get just about all your mates, your partner, and family etc. playing on it against each other and having a laugh, regardless of age, gender etc.

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The Wii's probably the most fun I've had on a console in years having said all that. Plus, it's the only one I can think of where you get just about all your mates, your partner, and family etc. playing on it against each other and having a laugh, regardless of age, gender etc.

Wii's probably the best example of innovation in years, infinitely better than the Playstation/Xbox "it's more powerful" philosophy (which worked well going from 2D to 3D and really shit 3D to decent 3D, but not so well in good 3D to slightly better 3D). It's also a great example of the benefits of genuine market competition, Bill Gates will have nicked all the ideas already. :D

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Atari Lynx was a grest console just had about 10 games. AVP and doom were great. What is the name of that ridiculously long puzzle solving fucking world you entered through the fire place. It is on PC too.

Aye, I think that one suffered from being far too far ahead of its time.

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Anyone remember Wetrix on the N64 btw? Sort of like a 3-d Tetris where you had to make shapes to catch drops of water. Infuriatingly addictive.

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