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Where were you/what were you upto when you first started posting?

Scottish Mag

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Building on from Lukes thread where it has been said that he was sitting his A Levels when he firsted started posting to where he is at today. What were you doing when you first started posting on the forum and has much changed in your life in that time?


I can't remember how far back it was that Toontastic/Toon Chat etc started up but having been one of a few that was also on the old official forum before that along with the likes of Walliver, Isegrim etc back then I was a Postman and having an early finish each day it was something to do rather than to spend my afternoons in the pub or the bookies. Since then I have been to college and got a HND, then onto Uni and got an Honours Degree, have a great job in marketing (that still allows me to arse about on the forum) and have bought a house and got engaged...

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For me it was the original Toontastic board, during 6th form, late 2002 I think. Went to the first pissup, got through A-Levels etc. I remember posting a thread about deciding which Uni to go to ... ended up not bothering and being loaf-tastic until I got a job a few months later. All these years later, don't get to as many pissups as I once did but still in the same job and have ventured out of my mam's house so I now pay my own internet bills.. and I spend slightly less time on here but can't tear myself away completely. :)


Some class memories. <_<

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Used to post on a now-defunct website called the-strawberry.com under the same name whilst at my first college (97-00). I then found this site around '02 at Newcastle college when I was looking for transfer gossip (around the time we signed Woody I think).

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  sweetleftpeg said:
I seem to remember it was 2001..I was just finishing university. Glory days.


Is that how long ago it was? :)


I remember being on the official one when Cort signed and that was 2000


When was the first piss up?

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  Scottish Mag said:
  sweetleftpeg said:
I seem to remember it was 2001..I was just finishing university. Glory days.


Is that how long ago it was? :)


I remember being on the official one when Cort signed and that was 2000


When was the first piss up?


August 2003 by my reckoning.

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I'm confused (no surprise there, then) as to how long ago it was when I joined the first Toontastic board. I thought it was late 2000 but I am probably wrong. I think it was around the same time as Jill (I was shortly after her, I think).


What has changed in my life? Job-wise, not much; changed company a couple of times but can't go any further promotion-wise so I am just slothing out my days until retirement :)


Kids both at uni now - me and mrs hips just LOVE having the house to ourselves <_<:wub::)


A slight health issue at the moment, but I'm hoping the quacks will be able to sort me oot soon.

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Ooh loads since the first TT....


Split from my Ex

Sold the house

Started own business

Met current wife

Got engaged

Bought new house

Got married

Had Bairn

Bought new house



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  Scottish Mag said:
  sweetleftpeg said:
I seem to remember it was 2001..I was just finishing university. Glory days.


Is that how long ago it was? :)


I remember being on the official one when Cort signed and that was 2000


When was the first piss up?


I'm sure it was..I was just still at university so it must have been early 2001. I didn't post for ages though, probably not till late 2001 early 2002 that I ventured out so to speak. Since then I've got married, lost a parent, moved house twice etc etc..

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Joined the first one in 2000.


I was 11. <_<


Haven't changed the username at all since I first joined, apart from initially entering my real name in capital letters as I misunderstood the forum name part of registering. :)

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It's rather depressing that my circumstances haven't changed at all.


Except I'm even older.




When did this place start? I joined N-O about 6 months earlier. I think it'll be about 3 years?

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Don't know exactly when I first signed up, but I'm guessing around 2002 - just long enough into my first proper job, over in sunny/scummy Mainz, to need a serious loafing intervention...

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Joined here after the TT/N-O divorce but didn't start posting regularly until about 6 months later.


Not done a whole lot in that time, got my degree and got a proper job is about the height of it I suppose.

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I joined up around the time we signed Woodgate so I'm guessing around January 2003.


Was happily married with a 6 month old daughter back then and hating the job I had. Since then I've had a son, split up with the wife, got half divorced, changed roles at work and loving it, helped create this place when the 'Toontastic' element seemed to have been killed off following the merger.


Rather than being 6 months old, my daughter is now 6 years old! :)

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As I mentioned before, I think it was early 2002, or even the back end of 2001 that I joined - middle of my first year at sixth form..since then I've drank a lot, studied a bit managed to come out of university as a doctor. I feel I've come a long way, but to see the turnaround in lifes of Craig and JawD for example in this period is staggering.

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was on N-O before I joined here, honestly don't remember how long ago it was. Been to a couple of the piss ups. I've certainly been to Uni, worked as a window salesman, worked at a call centre, worked at a finance company, now working for a Comedian and loving it. Applied for two Comedy Agency jobs in London. Been single and not single, nobody that really stuck. Had ups and downs, but nothing akin to children or doctorates.

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Oh aye, forgot the "since" bit. Moved to Hamburg, went freelance, got a fella, moved back to the UK, went full-time again. Still translating the same boring financial shit that drove me to look for online distraction like this in the first place. Oh well. :)

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