Guest alex Posted June 24, 2008 Share Posted June 24, 2008 It was Germany's massive loses on the Russian front that turned the war. iirc America came in for a few days at the end with chewing gum and ice cream for all which was nice....Of course after years of casual war profiteering. In saying that the American soldiers that fought in Europe were excellent and by all accounts very brave. That point's already been made btw. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Park Life 71 Posted June 24, 2008 Share Posted June 24, 2008 I don't mind what foreign cunts call us to be honest, why would we care???? What would you rather be called Roast Beef or a Frog, Roast Beef is lovely. I was speaking to this yank at work the other day and he couldn't believe the fact that I didn't know what state his home town of St Louis was. Why the fuck should I know, I've got absolutely no interest in America, and will happily admit I know fuck all about the place. They wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for us. Call me xenophobic, but if there was just us in the world on this island, I would deal with it a lot better than most people. England would have been annexed with Germany along with the rest of Europe had America not got involved in WWII. I'm sure Stevie would love to be a "Kraut" There were 300,000 Americans who came over for the ground war in Northern France, Belgium and the push in to Holland etc... there were over 3m British troops, so it always baffles me when people come out with statements like the Americans "saved" us. How the fuck did they save us? No one saved us, the krauts didn't even dare attempt a land invasion on us, it was part of the war they were highly unlikely to be able to win, mainly because of geography in us being an island. No one saved us, the krauts couldn't even win the Battle of Britain with more planes and more sophisticated planes. As for the yanks, they couldn't save anything. It's a true fact that had the Nips attacked the West Coast of yankland in 1941, they could have took half the country with minimal resistance because America wasn't prepared, the same as in general we weren't prepared at the start of the war. The Krauts had been preparing for 10 years with an army of over 20m people, we did well, and deserve to say we won the war because we did. America's biggest contribution in my eyes was arming us, because they provided a lot of the artillery for us and the Russians. We fought the western front single handed with odds against us for a long time, but I will say we probably would've been fucked if the Russians hadn't have battered them on the other side, that's not in doubt, because that kept a huge amount of the Kraut forces busy. America's contribution though? Nah. In a rare show of humility the French President even said we owe England a huge debt of gratitude for liberating France in the war, no mention of America there. They should never have bombed Nagasaki neither the absolute cunts, the nips were about to surrender, the yanks showed their capabilities at Hiroshima, if they really needed to show their might again, why not detonate a bomb off shore from Tokyo, a statement saying that's what you'll get if yous don't chuck it? But no, not the yanks, another 50,000 dead in a milisecond. So the yanks contribution to WW2 was minimal apart from being cunts, the true victors were ourselves more so than anyone for being the first cunts to stand up to the krauts, and keep it going for 6 years despite being outnumbered, and of course the Russians who deserve a lot of praise, shame it took them another 40 years to fuck off though, but that's another story. One last thing about the yanks, they can't win a war on their own, they're shit. Even in Vietnam faced with an army armed with little more than spears in places, they got battered, 58,000 dead. They're shit. Even in the Gulf the British troops there are in as much danger as the Iraqi insurgents with the amount of "friendly" fire, that has went on. I don't think there was ever an incident of us killing any of them in friendly fire, incompetent dense yank cunts. Beautiful. It's practically art Stevie. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Park Life 71 Posted June 24, 2008 Share Posted June 24, 2008 It was Germany's massive loses on the Russian front that turned the war. iirc America came in for a few days at the end with chewing gum and ice cream for all which was nice....Of course after years of casual war profiteering. In saying that the American soldiers that fought in Europe were excellent and by all accounts very brave. That point's already been made btw. Needed emphasising. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest alex Posted June 24, 2008 Share Posted June 24, 2008 If you say so. It didn't really though iyam. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Park Life 71 Posted June 24, 2008 Share Posted June 24, 2008 I don't mind what foreign cunts call us to be honest, why would we care???? What would you rather be called Roast Beef or a Frog, Roast Beef is lovely. I was speaking to this yank at work the other day and he couldn't believe the fact that I didn't know what state his home town of St Louis was. Why the fuck should I know, I've got absolutely no interest in America, and will happily admit I know fuck all about the place. They wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for us. Call me xenophobic, but if there was just us in the world on this island, I would deal with it a lot better than most people. England would have been annexed with Germany along with the rest of Europe had America not got involved in WWII. I'm sure Stevie would love to be a "Kraut" There were 300,000 Americans who came over for the ground war in Northern France, Belgium and the push in to Holland etc... there were over 3m British troops, so it always baffles me when people come out with statements like the Americans "saved" us. How the fuck did they save us? No one saved us, the krauts didn't even dare attempt a land invasion on us, it was part of the war they were highly unlikely to be able to win, mainly because of geography in us being an island. No one saved us, the krauts couldn't even win the Battle of Britain with more planes and more sophisticated planes. As for the yanks, they couldn't save anything. It's a true fact that had the Nips attacked the West Coast of yankland in 1941, they could have took half the country with minimal resistance because America wasn't prepared, the same as in general we weren't prepared at the start of the war. The Krauts had been preparing for 10 years with an army of over 20m people, we did well, and deserve to say we won the war because we did. America's biggest contribution in my eyes was arming us, because they provided a lot of the artillery for us and the Russians. We fought the western front single handed with odds against us for a long time, but I will say we probably would've been fucked if the Russians hadn't have battered them on the other side, that's not in doubt, because that kept a huge amount of the Kraut forces busy. America's contribution though? Nah. In a rare show of humility the French President even said we owe England a huge debt of gratitude for liberating France in the war, no mention of America there. They should never have bombed Nagasaki neither the absolute cunts, the nips were about to surrender, the yanks showed their capabilities at Hiroshima, if they really needed to show their might again, why not detonate a bomb off shore from Tokyo, a statement saying that's what you'll get if yous don't chuck it? But no, not the yanks, another 50,000 dead in a milisecond. So the yanks contribution to WW2 was minimal apart from being cunts, the true victors were ourselves more so than anyone for being the first cunts to stand up to the krauts, and keep it going for 6 years despite being outnumbered, and of course the Russians who deserve a lot of praise, shame it took them another 40 years to fuck off though, but that's another story. One last thing about the yanks, they can't win a war on their own, they're shit. Even in Vietnam faced with an army armed with little more than spears in places, they got battered, 58,000 dead. They're shit. Even in the Gulf the British troops there are in as much danger as the Iraqi insurgents with the amount of "friendly" fire, that has went on. I don't think there was ever an incident of us killing any of them in friendly fire, incompetent dense yank cunts. The Americans were very important though Stevie. Who do you think win the war in the Pacific against the Japanese. They also supplied a lot of manpower and bore the brunt of some of the worst aspects of D-Day (again very important in winning the war). Obviously the Soviets were crucial too, especially in the defeat of Germany. And RADAR won us the Battle of Britain. Btw, the reason the British were cited and the Americans weren't mentioned in the recent speech by Sarkozy is because it was at a banquet for the British PM. Nice gesture though because I think it still gets their goat that they owe us so much (to paraphrase Churchill). As for Nagasaki, you can argue about the rights and wrongs of that but to take that out of context and not consider the horrendous atrocities committed by all the other countries in the war is unfair. Finally the Americans were winning the war until the changed their tactics and, to repeat the well-worn phrase, began fighting with one arm tied behind their backs. They were hardly 'battered' if were talking casualties either. The US ones were heavy but there were over 2m Vietnamese killed iirc. It was a stupid and pointless though. It was an utter and complete disgrace and imo cowardly the bombing campaign in Vietnam and secretly Cambodia. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest alex Posted June 24, 2008 Share Posted June 24, 2008 What was? Nagasaki? So were lots of things in the war. I'm not supporting the action or defending it. I'm pointing out that to talk about that as a way to bash America whilst ignoring any other atrocities carried out during the conflict is unfair. Sorry if I didn't make that abundantly clear. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sammynb 3924 Posted June 24, 2008 Share Posted June 24, 2008 We fought the western front single handed with odds against us for a long time, but I will say we probably would've been fucked if the Russians hadn't have battered them on the other side, that's not in doubt, because that kept a huge amount of the Kraut forces busy. TBH the cold of the western front killed more axis forces than the US and turned the war for the allies. More good luck than good management from either Ingerlund or the united states of colonel sanders. You thick cunt. That was the Eastern front that killed people of cold. Too true twat features, glad you at least know a little. Why say it was the Western Front then? You odious Australian imbecile. Because I'm too thick to know otherwise obviously and if I had of been born north of the tyne I'd know better. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sandman02uk 0 Posted June 24, 2008 Share Posted June 24, 2008 We fought the western front single handed with odds against us for a long time, but I will say we probably would've been fucked if the Russians hadn't have battered them on the other side, that's not in doubt, because that kept a huge amount of the Kraut forces busy. TBH the cold of the western front killed more axis forces than the US and turned the war for the allies. More good luck than good management from either Ingerlund or the united states of colonel sanders. You thick cunt. That was the Eastern front that killed people of cold. Too true twat features, glad you at least know a little. Why say it was the Western Front then? You odious Australian imbecile. Because I'm too thick to know otherwise obviously and if I had of been born north of the tyne I'd know better. Atleast your honest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AmericanMag 0 Posted June 24, 2008 Share Posted June 24, 2008 Is it alright if I refer to the English on the board as Limeys? The thing is though from my point of view, I've got nothing against you as a person, but if America didn't exist I'd barely notice or care, so whatever names foreigners have for us however derogatory they are, I simply don't care because to me you as a country don't care, and I have no interest in how you think or how your peoples perceptions of things are. Insignificant to me, that's what I mean so I could never take offence as a Geordie and an Englishman. It was meant as a joke. My fiancee (who is English) finds the concept of the term "Limey" as being derogatory funny considering it is a term used when the English figured out how to fight scurvy. As for your views on the US: to clarify, are you saying that since the US doesn't care (as a nation) than you don't care about us? If that is the case that is perfectly acceptable. The reasons that I stand up (when it comes to the American/Yank thing) is the stereotyping that usually comes along with it. Well I know you're not all fat cunts who will die of heart disease at 40, and who think the Superbowl is the most watched event on earth (The Carling Cup was more watched world wide which sums it up), just most of you. To clarify what you asked me about, whether USA people care as a nation is inconsequential to me, that's what I meant, I simply don't care. I don't know anything about your country, we don't even get taught about your history in our schools, partly because you don't have much history, and secondly because no one cares. Interesting about the Superbowl. I wasn't able to find the TV Ratings for the Carling Cup but the last Superbowl was close to 100 mil. Superbowl Ratings Out of interest, what history classes are taught in UK schools regarding countries other than your own. Please keep in mind that I am a teacher and this actually does interest me and I am not trying to be condescending in any way. As for the lack of history in the US.. Let me once again apologize for that. The English should have colonized us a lot earlier. With the last 10ish years edumication policy? Probably be lucky to get across the channel. But more historically every thing from ancient Greece to Roman Britain (which intrinsically roped in much of the ancient world) feudal wars, crusades, protestant/catholic wars, right though to colonisation/Empire, which combined with causes and aftermaths of WW1 and WW2 and the cold war and you've not only covered most of the world, but also most of the roots of most 20th and 21st centuries problems. In fact I struggle to think of many things I wasn't taught about, but then my history teacher was pretty first class and I suspect much of that may well be a bit unfashionable these days. Or more succinctly: Just about countries we've battered really. Which is pretty true (or been battered by). American high school students (the 9th - 12th years) have to take a year of World History and if they choose they can later on take a course specifically to European History. As for the Star Wars reference... maybe that is Empire Envy But that happened a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away so I don't know if us Yanks can handle that. I see... Some universities will have a pop culture department (a recent history type of subject) which would include Lucas' Star Wars. OR it could be a history/government course including the Star Wars project which was something that was being funded for research during the Reagan presidency. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Happy Face 29 Posted June 24, 2008 Share Posted June 24, 2008 It was Germany's massive loses on the Russian front that turned the war.... MASSIVE deja vu I'm reading no more. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AmericanMag 0 Posted June 24, 2008 Share Posted June 24, 2008 One last thing about the yanks, they can't win a war on their own, they're shit. Even in Vietnam faced with an army armed with little more than spears in places, they got battered, 58,000 dead. They're shit. Even in the Gulf the British troops there are in as much danger as the Iraqi insurgents with the amount of "friendly" fire, that has went on. I don't think there was ever an incident of us killing any of them in friendly fire, incompetent dense yank cunts. Technically, that wasn't a war. That was a "conflict". One of the main reasons why the US was unsuccessful in Vietnam (and we weren't the only country that was unsuccessful in the area) was the same reason the English were unsuccessful in Colonial America... we weren't prepared for the type of combat the VC used. Now I really do wish that American Military History could be all nice and polite like the English. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr Kenneth Noisewater 0 Posted June 24, 2008 Share Posted June 24, 2008 No doubt Arshavin has priced himself out of any chance we have of getting him but as I mentioned a while back it surprises me why the club doesn't consider more players from the Russian and German leagues.We've seen it time and time again from Ginola to Viana to Viduka players from warmer climates have a lot more trouble adjusting to Newcastle's winter whereas with someone like Arshavin you just know it wouldn't make a scrap of difference. That's occurred to me too. I'm surprised we don't sign more Scandi's bearing in mind the relative proximity. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Isegrim 10370 Posted June 24, 2008 Share Posted June 24, 2008 No doubt Arshavin has priced himself out of any chance we have of getting him but as I mentioned a while back it surprises me why the club doesn't consider more players from the Russian and German leagues.We've seen it time and time again from Ginola to Viana to Viduka players from warmer climates have a lot more trouble adjusting to Newcastle's winter whereas with someone like Arshavin you just know it wouldn't make a scrap of difference. That's occurred to me too. I'm surprised we don't sign more Scandi's bearing in mind the relative proximity. Something I've been saying for ages, but I find it quite remarkable that players from certain leagues seem more likely to adapt to English football than others. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Stevie Posted June 25, 2008 Share Posted June 25, 2008 No doubt Arshavin has priced himself out of any chance we have of getting him but as I mentioned a while back it surprises me why the club doesn't consider more players from the Russian and German leagues.We've seen it time and time again from Ginola to Viana to Viduka players from warmer climates have a lot more trouble adjusting to Newcastle's winter whereas with someone like Arshavin you just know it wouldn't make a scrap of difference. That's occurred to me too. I'm surprised we don't sign more Scandi's bearing in mind the relative proximity. Something I've been saying for ages, but I find it quite remarkable that players from certain leagues seem more likely to adapt to English football than others. The vast majority of them are poor quality though. Who's world class from Scandanavia, many would argue "Zlatan" is, I'm yet to see why. Who else? Poulsen? Poor mans Eric Roy he looks to me. There's no one we could sign who's Scandanavian who would make me think "wow". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sammynb 3924 Posted June 25, 2008 Share Posted June 25, 2008 No doubt Arshavin has priced himself out of any chance we have of getting him but as I mentioned a while back it surprises me why the club doesn't consider more players from the Russian and German leagues.We've seen it time and time again from Ginola to Viana to Viduka players from warmer climates have a lot more trouble adjusting to Newcastle's winter whereas with someone like Arshavin you just know it wouldn't make a scrap of difference. That's occurred to me too. I'm surprised we don't sign more Scandi's bearing in mind the relative proximity. Something I've been saying for ages, but I find it quite remarkable that players from certain leagues seem more likely to adapt to English football than others. The vast majority of them are poor quality though. Who's world class from Scandanavia, many would argue "Zlatan" is, I'm yet to see why. Who else? Poulsen? Poor mans Eric Roy he looks to me. There's no one we could sign who's Scandanavian who would make me think "wow". So the German and Russian leagues are full to the brim with poor quality players? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Stevie Posted June 25, 2008 Share Posted June 25, 2008 (edited) No doubt Arshavin has priced himself out of any chance we have of getting him but as I mentioned a while back it surprises me why the club doesn't consider more players from the Russian and German leagues.We've seen it time and time again from Ginola to Viana to Viduka players from warmer climates have a lot more trouble adjusting to Newcastle's winter whereas with someone like Arshavin you just know it wouldn't make a scrap of difference. That's occurred to me too. I'm surprised we don't sign more Scandi's bearing in mind the relative proximity. Something I've been saying for ages, but I find it quite remarkable that players from certain leagues seem more likely to adapt to English football than others. The vast majority of them are poor quality though. Who's world class from Scandanavia, many would argue "Zlatan" is, I'm yet to see why. Who else? Poulsen? Poor mans Eric Roy he looks to me. There's no one we could sign who's Scandanavian who would make me think "wow". So the German and Russian leagues are full to the brim with poor quality players? I was replying to the point about Scandanavia you colonised cretin, I *wouldn't be surprised if you don't know this but Germany and Russia aren't "Scandi" countries. * Yes I know DN Edited June 25, 2008 by Stevie Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Isegrim 10370 Posted June 25, 2008 Share Posted June 25, 2008 No doubt Arshavin has priced himself out of any chance we have of getting him but as I mentioned a while back it surprises me why the club doesn't consider more players from the Russian and German leagues.We've seen it time and time again from Ginola to Viana to Viduka players from warmer climates have a lot more trouble adjusting to Newcastle's winter whereas with someone like Arshavin you just know it wouldn't make a scrap of difference. That's occurred to me too. I'm surprised we don't sign more Scandi's bearing in mind the relative proximity. Something I've been saying for ages, but I find it quite remarkable that players from certain leagues seem more likely to adapt to English football than others. The vast majority of them are poor quality though. Who's world class from Scandanavia, many would argue "Zlatan" is, I'm yet to see why. Who else? Poulsen? Poor mans Eric Roy he looks to me. There's no one we could sign who's Scandanavian who would make me think "wow". Well, Poulsen would be a much better and reliable player than Emre imho. It's not always about them having to be "world class" (how many of those players can Newcastle attract from any league at the moment?), but offering good value for money and making the team better, like Agger or Laursen for example. But my initial point was indeed not about Scandanavians paricularly, but more a general one - with especially Germany in mind. I don't rate many players from the German league, but I find it significant that hardly any player coming from the German league to English league has floppped. Even the likes of Santa Cruz, who was distinctly average here, or Samba, who was totally unknown. They are also not "world class" but doing pretty fine jobs for their teams. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sammynb 3924 Posted June 25, 2008 Share Posted June 25, 2008 No doubt Arshavin has priced himself out of any chance we have of getting him but as I mentioned a while back it surprises me why the club doesn't consider more players from the Russian and German leagues.We've seen it time and time again from Ginola to Viana to Viduka players from warmer climates have a lot more trouble adjusting to Newcastle's winter whereas with someone like Arshavin you just know it wouldn't make a scrap of difference. That's occurred to me too. I'm surprised we don't sign more Scandi's bearing in mind the relative proximity. Something I've been saying for ages, but I find it quite remarkable that players from certain leagues seem more likely to adapt to English football than others. The vast majority of them are poor quality though. Who's world class from Scandanavia, many would argue "Zlatan" is, I'm yet to see why. Who else? Poulsen? Poor mans Eric Roy he looks to me. There's no one we could sign who's Scandanavian who would make me think "wow". So the German and Russian leagues are full to the brim with poor quality players? I was replying to the point about Scandanavia you colonised cretin, I *wouldn't be surprised if you don't know this but Germany and Russia aren't "Scandi" countries. * Yes I know DN It was obvious what you were quoting cunthooks but you're such a moron you don't even know how to edit quotes so you can just reply to the point you are making. Which if we are all honest here is usually nothing but mindless dribble on how the English from North of the Tyne are better than every other cunt basically. Proof to which can't be found in you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sammynb 3924 Posted June 25, 2008 Share Posted June 25, 2008 But my initial point was indeed not about Scandanavians paricularly, but more a general one - with especially Germany in mind. I don't rate many players from the German league, but I find it significant that hardly any player coming from the German league to English league has floppped. Even the likes of Santa Cruz, who was distinctly average here, or Samba, who was totally unknown. They are also not "world class" but doing pretty fine jobs for their teams. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snakehips 0 Posted June 25, 2008 Share Posted June 25, 2008 Cunts and Cunthooks I wonder what sort of bait is best to use with cunthooks ?? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sammynb 3924 Posted June 25, 2008 Share Posted June 25, 2008 Cunts and Cunthooks I wonder what sort of bait is best to use with cunthooks ?? Dickweed snakey, everyone knows that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snakehips 0 Posted June 25, 2008 Share Posted June 25, 2008 Cunts and Cunthooks I wonder what sort of bait is best to use with cunthooks ?? Dickweed snakey, everyone knows that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Torres 0 Posted June 25, 2008 Share Posted June 25, 2008 Go Team Krauts! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Meenzer 16448 Posted June 25, 2008 Share Posted June 25, 2008 Aye, howay the Jormans. Finish them off in 90 minutes and I'll be a happy bunny. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Park Life 71 Posted June 25, 2008 Share Posted June 25, 2008 Aye, howay the Jormans. Finish them off in 90 minutes and I'll be a happy bunny. Really need the Germans winning if I'm to get any sleep tonight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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