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Rank these toon managers

Guest Stevie

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If yous met in a pub yous would be shaking hands "better looking than I thought" - "huh huh huh nice to meet you" "John Smith's is it?" "yes lovely" I guarantee.


Whereas you'd be broken bottles and swinging fists? ;)

Me noooooo. People have this incorrect assumption that I'm some type of geordie Billy Whitehurst with a worse attitude, big pussy cat more like.


Anyway. Robson was a brilliant manager, and if FFS hadn't have sacked him, 38% of the posts on this board (even to this day) probably wouldn't exist.

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If yous met in a pub yous would be shaking hands "better looking than I thought" - "huh huh huh nice to meet you" "John Smith's is it?" "yes lovely" I guarantee.


it's not difficukt to get into an argument with a faceless online know it all :-)

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If yous met in a pub yous would be shaking hands "better looking than I thought" - "huh huh huh nice to meet you" "John Smith's is it?" "yes lovely" I guarantee.


Whereas you'd be broken bottles and swinging fists? ;)

Me noooooo. People have this incorrect assumption that I'm some type of geordie Billy Whitehurst with a worse attitude, big pussy cat more like.


Anyway. Robson was a brilliant manager, and if FFS hadn't have sacked him, 38% of the posts on this board (even to this day) probably wouldn't exist.


agreed. a lot of the shit that has followed can be attributed to that decision, and the fact it came two games in with only souness able to take over.

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Tell what I did find distasteful like. When Bellamy was going on about how he lost his love for the club after Robson went. As though he wasn't acting the cunt well before then.

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agreed. a lot of the shit that has followed can be attributed to that decision, and the fact it came two games in with only souness able to take over.






fuck you, you faceless know it all :)

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Tell what I did find distasteful like. When Bellamy was going on about how he lost his love for the club after Robson went. As though he wasn't acting the cunt well before then.

All this Bellamy is model pro and a good lad bollocks gets on my tits. He's very highly motivated, that's undeniable and a brilliant footballer, but one of the biggest gobshites who has ever played the game.


I remember when he fell out with Souness after Charlton, he saw his number and went "fucking prick", the rumours flared up he was leaving then and he said he could never leave because scoring against us would hurt him too much. What a fucking little mug. He knows in his heart, he's never played in front of a better crowd, and just because he grew up a wall pusher makes fuck all difference.

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Well get your calculator oot Peter Snow, what would you say it is?


No idea, it's incalculable. I was laughing at the specificity of your random number. Not a third, not 40%. I think 38% is my new funniest number.

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mancmag is still saying they didn't boo after finishing 5th, despite the link being posted in the thread. Just because I said so :-)


What a wanker


When is his brain transplant ?

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A few boos after the wolves games is regrettable but it has nowt to do with him being sacked.


His boss was quoted as saying that fifth was completely unacceptable and then followed it up 3 months later by stating we would have been relegated if they hadn't acted.


Now I might think that he had lost it a bit and should have maybe been moved upstairs but blaming the fans is as stupid as saying they "forced" the previous regime out.

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Boils my piss people saying "you wanted SBR sacked" to anyone. I dont know a single person who did. Sure, there we the odd boo after a game but that doesnt equate to wanting someone sacked. There were questions being raised about him losing his grip because of the players seemingly not giving a shit (the young kids at lease, like Bellamy) and thats why FFS got rid and brought in GS.


The fans though, and I dont know a single one who thought different, said that Bobby should remain at the club, go upstairs so to speak and bring someone in to work alongside him as manager (bobby as DoF). No one wanted him sacked.

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I remember that game as well. I remember being fucked off at the end of the game. I didnt stay back. I remember just walking out feeling "low". Never been one to boo, I find it fucking odd behavior for a bloke anyway. It wasnt all about that game though from memory, there was a tension at the club for a while and not aimed at SBR.

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Boils my piss people saying "you wanted SBR sacked" to anyone. I dont know a single person who did. Sure, there we the odd boo after a game but that doesnt equate to wanting someone sacked. There were questions being raised about him losing his grip because of the players seemingly not giving a shit (the young kids at lease, like Bellamy) and thats why FFS got rid and brought in GS.


The fans though, and I dont know a single one who thought different, said that Bobby should remain at the club, go upstairs so to speak and bring someone in to work alongside him as manager (bobby as DoF). No one wanted him sacked.


Aye, like I said there may well have been booing; some clearly heard some, some didn't and it will have been evident in some places and not in others. What it didn't amount to however is the "sack SBR message" it's portrayed as by the revisionists. And even if it had, it wouldn't have amounted to a reason to sack him even if that exact chorus had broken out around the ground for 15 minutes afterwards. The error is the board's, not some fan booing in the emotional and immediate aftermath. Board's have to be stronger than that and have more of a clue what to do and sadly they didn't.


As Alex rightly pointed out, it was a pathetically handled sequence of events by the powers that be; booing or otherwise just seems to be quoted as some bizarre attempted distraction from that.

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I wanted Robson replaced at the time as things had just gone stale, it wasn't not being happy with 5th but a case of seeing that we were slipping so making the change while we were still in a strong position, it was just the way we went about it that made a complete mess of the situation.


Liverpool had the same problem with Houllier but to be fair to them they handled the situation well, they moved him on that summer despite finishing 4th and had his replacement lined up.


It was a strange season, despite having a talented squad we just couldn't string a run of games together and only managed 3 wins away from home or something like that.


Sacking Robson wasn't the mistake although the timing was terrible, employing his replacement was the mistake.


EDIT - We won 2 games away from home and both of those were before October was finished.

Edited by Baggio
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I felt sorry for Dalglish as the injury to Shearer ruined it for him, I still think he could have turned it around with time as he did sign some quality players for the club but from what I remember it was a fall out with Freddie Fletcher that finished him off.

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I wanted Robson replaced at the time as things had just gone stale, it wasn't not being happy with 5th but a case of seeing that we were slipping so making the change while we were still in a strong position, it was just the way we went about it that made a complete mess of the situation.


Liverpool had the same problem with Houllier but to be fair to them they handled the situation well, they moved him on that summer despite finishing 4th and had his replacement lined up.


It was a strange season, despite having a talented squad we just couldn't string a run of games together and only managed 3 wins away from home or something like that.


Sacking Robson wasn't the mistake although the timing was terrible, employing his replacement was the mistake.


EDIT - We won 2 games away from home and both of those were before October was finished.


What you did or didn't want at the time is an interesting talking point for here at best but my point is always that it's irrelevant. ie the board are there to take the decisions in the best interests of the club and that entire transaction (replacing Robson when they did and with who they did) was a monumental fuck up. As were most things done after that basically. You make some valid points about SBR and the season overall but Jaw D's post earlier probably most accurately represents the consensus feeling of the time for me.

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I remember the massive kick off with Solano being sold to villa. Even in the months before that there was discontent with sir Bobby putting him on the bench constantly (a match against Liverpool sticks out in my mind) and i also remember Robson calling the fans 'budgies' or something like that?


People had started to get a bit antsy with Sir Bob long before this finishing 5th business came about.


Iirc Robson called the fans 'ungrateful bastards' a few games earlier, unaware that the PA was on with some corporate fans hearing him. The fifth place finish that season hides the fact that that entire season was a horror show and it was far from clear if Robson could retrieve the situation. I'm with Baggio in that I wanted Robson 'moved upstairs' during the summer after the 5th place finish, because I thought, especially given his age and health, he had taken the club as far as he could.


None of this makes the board's treatment of him any less disgusting though. Sacking him the way they did (we all know the history of it) was an absolute disgrace. What was even worse was he was sacked without a replacement, the board being so arrogant they thought they could attract a top class manager immediately to fill Robson's place, despite the board being toxic. Well they couldn't, and we ended up paying an incredulous Blackburn for Souness's services. You couldn't make up the incompetence of the board, Douglas Hall in particular, the odious prick.


If you look at the old board's timings of sackings and choice of managers it has generally been appalling. Keegan turned out to be inspired, Robson was so obvious they deserve no credit. Dalgish was sacked two games into the season after a summers signings. Gullit, who had already lost the Chelsea boot room, was a terrible choice. Employing, and insanely backing, Souness was madness. Roeder was an obvious caretaker but should never have been anything more. By the time Allerdyce came we were running out of money and getting desperate. How anyone could have faith the old board could pull us out of our downward spiral is beyond me, considering we were financially ruined. All the time this was going on of course the board were awarding themselves undeserved dividends and enormous salaries.


It's all been said before but ultimately, after Hall snr (effectively) and Keegan left, there's nothing that makes me think the old board weren't a bunch of tossers who got lucky with one (obvious choice) manager only, while leeching from the club. This of course in no way mitigates or justifies anything Ashley says or does. Which is why the constant comparisons are beyond tedious. Although as far as I am aware only one person here fails to get this last point.

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I just remember people filing out and a very muted response to the lap of 'honour'. I genuinely dont remember any booing and i stuck around for ages (as i was in a corporate box getting mortal but thats beside the point).


The biggest mug associated with the club at that time was Douglas Hall and he was (apparently) the strongest advocate of getting rid of SBR.

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I remember hanging around for a little bit and remember thinking it must have been a bit embarrassing for the players how few were left in the ground, but don't recall any booing.


Is it just the one bloke amongst us who remembers the booing so far?

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