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Encouraging Amphibians


Britain has three native frogs and toads, and three species of newts. Of these, the common frog and common toad are likely to be found in gardens throughout Britain. The common or smooth newt and the palmate newt are also widely distributed. Some garden ponds may have the scarce great crested newt, while some gardens, especially in south east England may have the non-native green marsh frogs.


A pond habitat for amphibians - photograph copyright T.SandallThese animals feed on a wide range of insects and other small invertebrate animals, including some garden pests. Although the adults and juveniles do most of their feeding on land, all of these amphibians must have still water, such as a pond, in which they will mate and lay eggs. The eggs hatch into tadpoles that initially feed on algae but later they also feed on insects that have fallen in the water and drowned. The tadpoles gradually develop legs and, in the case of frogs and toads, reabsorb their tails, to take on the appearance of a baby frog, toad or newt.


These beneficial garden creatures can be helped by providing a pond or other water body where the tadpoles can develop. It is helpful to have at least one side of the pool that gradually slopes up to dry land. This enables the young amphibians to leave the water in mid summer once the tadpole stage is over. If the pond has steep sides, fit a ramp covered in chicken wire in one corner. Small amphibians can be heavily predated by birds, so grow plants around the pool to provide some cover.


When in the pond, frogs and toads need a point above the water on which to rest and breathe. In the summer a water lily pad may suffice but a more permanent solution is to position a few rocks or logs half in and half out of the water.

Attract amphibians


Newts are probably the most aquatic of Britsh amphibians. Attract them by allowing grass to grow over the pond edge into the water and introducing non-invasive submerged aquatics. Newts use narrow-leaved water plants on which to lay their eggs, folding each egg between a leaf.

In the autumn, amphibians will seek sheltered places where they hibernate until the following spring. Log piles provide good shelters but frogs, toads and newts will also find suitable places in hedge bottoms, compost heaps and under stones. Sometimes they will hibernate in the bottom of ponds. To avoid disturbing amphibians, especially in the hibernation period, ponds should not be cleaned out unless this is really necessary.




(sorry for the lack of italics and bold print)

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I was strimming the borders of my parent's back garden when I went over what I thought was a stone until it started to pathetically limp away. Felt so bad because it was doomed and looked quite aware of it. Did the only thing I could think of, picked it up and popped it on the garden step and crushed under the nearest big stone I could find.

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Genuinely feel sorry for him every time I see one of his posts.


Brings a new art form to making complete dullard posts, lacking the class and articulation I have.


He's like an Andy Reid to my Zidane tbh

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Fop, genuine question, straight yes or no. Did you think I was replying in this thread to talk about you and not a frog?

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Genuinely feel sorry for him every time I see one of his posts.


Brings a new art form to making complete dullard posts, lacking the class and articulation I have.


He's like an Andy Reid to my Zidane tbh


Ah the ace in the pack. :blink:


*waxes the moustache*

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Fop, genuine question, straight yes or no. Did you think I was replying in this thread to talk about you and not a frog?


You're desperately trying to be clever (it's hard for you I know), but we both know the real reason is that you need me. :P





The fact that someone even makes a thread about this proves it, that so many can't help themselves but reply is both amusing and quite touching in it is own way. :blink:

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And I bet Ketsbaia has taken me off ignore, at least once, to see what's going on too. :blink:



It's like a little boy trying to get his sweethearts attention by being nasty to them. :P

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So you can't reply to a simple straight forward question. This is why people are railing against you Fop. Not because you're arrogant or anything like that. It's because you're dull and try, in every post, to make yourself look smart or wily. I asked you a simple question and you again try to start an argument.


It's you that is obsessed with you, not I.

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Genuinely feel sorry for him every time I see one of his posts.


Brings a new art form to making complete dullard posts, lacking the class and articulation I have.


He's like an Andy Reid to my Zidane tbh


Ah the ace in the pack. :blink:


*waxes the moustache*


Fuck me, staggeringly consistent. Well played sire.

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So you can't reply to a simple straight forward question. This is why people are railing against you Fop. Not because you're arrogant or anything like that. It's because you're dull and try, in every post, to make yourself look smart or wily. I asked you a simple question and you again try to start an argument.


It's you that is obsessed with you, not I.


Oh I think you are quite obsessed with me and very needy of me, in fact this thread proves you are. :blink:

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Genuinely feel sorry for him every time I see one of his posts.


Brings a new art form to making complete dullard posts, lacking the class and articulation I have.


He's like an Andy Reid to my Zidane tbh


Ah the ace in the pack. :blink:


*waxes the moustache*


Fuck me, staggeringly consistent. Well played sire.


Coming from a Man U fan, I'm flattered. :P

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When I got to the golden city

Most of the gold was gone

By that time I had some questions

So I flagged down a race-car bum

He said 'Sonny I don't know where it's going,

But I can show you where it all comes from'

And he mopped his red forehead and he pointed

Straight into the setting sun

And people let me tell you

That what I then did saw

It sent such a shock to my system

That I almost fell down dead on the floor

'Cos the sun had a big chunk missing

About 24 carats wide

And I stared into that hole in the golden sun

And you wanna know what I saw inside?

I saw a giant toothpick factory

And it made my very soul feel sick

'Cos when I say I saw a toothpick factory

I mean I saw a factory made out of toothpicks

And that factory was a-hoppin' and a-jumpin'

And a-roaring and letting off steam

And you know that that ain't all now

Let me tell you what else I seen

Behind the factory was a giant mutant monster

With sixty-seven seperate tails

And each one was a-wiggling and a-waving

And each one as long as twenty-three whales

And at the tip of each towering tendrils

Were a dozen tiny pencils of lead

And each word they wrote was in a different language

And when you put them all together they said

'You who have arms to wrestle

And you who have wars to fight

And you who have chips on your shoulders

Must now line up and stand to my right

But you who are meek and lawful

And you who are soft and kind

If you don't want to see something awful

Run and get yourself a rock to hide behind

'Cos these colours are just a signal

And these colours are just about to fade'

And when I read those words I shivered

And I saw exactl what the factory made

Out of a little doorway

At the end of a conveyor belt

In the centre of a ring of fire

Half the size of a postage stamp

Were a million household items

Packed into a metal Dukes Of Hazzard lunchbox

And they were all shut and sealed and fastened

With a gold combination lock

And just about every minute

Another one came right out of the hole

And crashed to the earth beneath it

And landed in a lump of coal

And every poor coal miner

Who happened on a golden stone

Was made both richer and wiser

And had to murder someone to get it home

And then I had to close my eyelids

And I had to turn my face away

The race-car man was crying

And I heard him angrily say

'I suppose you want a glass of water

I suppose you wanna eat something warm'

I said, 'Yes but not with you sir'

And I ran off to be alone

And I sat under a bridge and I wondered

What exactly all of these things were

And I found I could not yet remember

What I thought they were before

I just want something even

Something that won't cause no fuss

The sun can go about its business

And leave the rest to us

And we'll call it even

And we'll call it gold

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And I bet Ketsbaia has taken me off ignore, at least once, to see what's going on too. :P



It's like a little boy trying to get his sweethearts attention by being nasty to them. :icon_lol:


And he's just legged it from this thread so I bet he's just read this. :blink:

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Tom, stop posting song lyrics, you're "acting like a 14 yr old girl who's trying to have a period" /bottom




editP.S. In what way does this thread "prove" that I am obsessed with anything?


edit P.P.S I don't expect a straight answer, but hope springs eternal

Edited by The Fish
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Any need man for this thread like Skol? Fucking you knew it was gonna turn out just like this.


Why else would he do it? :blink: Like I said way back in 4th post of this thread.

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Tom, stop posting song lyrics, you're "acting like a 14 yr old girl who's trying to have a period" /bottom




editP.S. In what way does this thread "prove" that I am obsessed with anything?


edit P.P.S I don't expect a straight answer, but hope springs eternal



You can't leave it or me alone, you just can't help yourself, you need me. :P


Either you know that and will never admit it, or I know you better than you know yourself. (it could be the latter to be fair :blink:)

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