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19 Club Prem


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Just Ignore Chelski...

I have an idea and the more I think about it the more I like it.


This season I am simply going to ignore Chelsea. May sound silly but bear with me. In my view of today’s Premiership table the dark horses of Charlton are the current leaders, with Manyoo, Bolton and Man City just one point behind! After 5 games this premiership season looks like it might be an interesting one. The following pack looks tight and we’re still yet to see Liverpool, Newcastle and Arsenal pick up some form. At this stage you could never predict the eventual champions will be, even Wigan are within a couple of victories of the top three.


But how can you just ignore a football team within the division I hear you say? Easy. Take for example Chelsea play Fulham, I would simply assume Fulham weren’t playing that weekend…if they did manage to get any points against Chelsea, I would put that down to the fact Chris Coleman had been rewarded for having worn a particularly fetching tracksuit at training that week or that Papa Diop bloke had gained a point for his side for having the shiniest bald head on the day. Hell, even Moron-io has decided not to speak to the press for the foreseeable future…thus making Chelsea even easier to ignore.


I hereby make a request to every football fan across the country who gives a damn about the current state of the EPL, Ignore Chelsea. If someone at work asks if you saw the Chelsea game at the weekend, just presume they're talking about the pigeon and peasant population in the area, and give your work mate a 'you're a bit weird' type look. Soon enough people would have forgotten about 'whojimmyflop' and we can have our competition back.


Before you Chelsea fans start thinking I’m some jealous Manyoo or ARSEnal fan, I will tell you I’m a Forest fan and currently enjoying the moderately cheap, entertaining, 25,000 a week, hustle and bustle nature of League one where every team has an equal bite at the cherry. I do however care for the EPL as it is, and quite rightly so viewed as the best league in the world. So why don’t you just fook off with your Chelsea ‘winning machine’, maybe you could take it to Italy where mind numbingly boring football and tainted success (Juve) is acceptable.

Steve, NFFC, Notts




got that off the football365 page


personally i thought it was a brillant idea makes the top of the prem look so much more interesting at the mo ;)

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I just find it absolutely fucking hilarious how we have had "best league in the world" stuffed down our throats. Along with "SPL? That's only Rangers and Celtic isn't it?"


As soon as it happens to the precious Premiership, there's a state of mourning.


Boo fucking hoo.

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