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Passive drinking clamp down on the way?

Happy Face

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Anyone see this on the front page today...


'Punish all drinkers for the crimes of drunks'

'Passive drinking' needs to become as big an issue as passive smoking to stop alcohol abuse, health campaigners demanded yesterday.


The harm caused to the innocent by those who drink needs to be brought into sharp relief, says the World Health Organisation. And it is best tackled by penalising all drinkers through higher prices or tougher restrictions on when and where alcohol is available.


'It's the first attempt to limit harm from alcohol globally, from proposals formulated in a single document,' said Vladimir Poznyak, head of substance abuse at the WHO. 'The strongest evidence is for taxation and pricing.'


The report, published in New Scientist magazine, has won backing from the wider medical community.


It proposes focusing on drinkers' innocent victims – in Britain, four in ten domestic abuse cases are fuelled by alcohol and, in Europe, 10,000 people a year die on the roads because of drink.


Alcohol, it says, should be viewed in the same way as tobacco, which has been restricted because of its health effects on others.


Ian Gilmore, president of the Royal College of Physicians, said: 'Third-party damage from alcohol is much greater – in terms of violence and the damage to unborn children, the first sexual experience and the percentage of unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.'


But Tony Jerome, from the Campaign for Real Ale, said: 'The huge majority of responsible adults should not be made to suffer because of the behaviour of a small minority. It's hitting the wrong people.'




The image that came straight to my mind was Winston Smith sat in his little room doing fuck all.....as I'm sure those in charge would prefer.


I'm sure J69 will be over the moon. Anyone else?

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Anyone see this on the front page today...


'Punish all drinkers for the crimes of drunks'

'Passive drinking' needs to become as big an issue as passive smoking to stop alcohol abuse, health campaigners demanded yesterday.


The harm caused to the innocent by those who drink needs to be brought into sharp relief, says the World Health Organisation. And it is best tackled by penalising all drinkers through higher prices or tougher restrictions on when and where alcohol is available.


'It's the first attempt to limit harm from alcohol globally, from proposals formulated in a single document,' said Vladimir Poznyak, head of substance abuse at the WHO. 'The strongest evidence is for taxation and pricing.'


The report, published in New Scientist magazine, has won backing from the wider medical community.


It proposes focusing on drinkers' innocent victims – in Britain, four in ten domestic abuse cases are fuelled by alcohol and, in Europe, 10,000 people a year die on the roads because of drink.


Alcohol, it says, should be viewed in the same way as tobacco, which has been restricted because of its health effects on others.


Ian Gilmore, president of the Royal College of Physicians, said: 'Third-party damage from alcohol is much greater – in terms of violence and the damage to unborn children, the first sexual experience and the percentage of unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.'


But Tony Jerome, from the Campaign for Real Ale, said: 'The huge majority of responsible adults should not be made to suffer because of the behaviour of a small minority. It's hitting the wrong people.'




The image that came straight to my mind was Winston Smith sat in his little room doing fuck all.....as I'm sure those in charge would prefer.


I'm sure J69 will be over the moon. Anyone else?


Slowly the anti-smoking hysterics start to see the bigger picture. Yes they are coming for YOU!!!

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Hmm, tough one really. I can see both sides to it in all honesty. I'm against the state poking its nose into what people do in their spare time and so on but I also recognise the massive problems caused by drink, both in the home and in pubs, clubs etc.

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Well past time alcohol was banned. ;)



First they came for the.....

It's true like. There's a certain irony to this and all the non-smokers who thought the persecution of smokers (a strong way of phrasing it, perhaps but anyway) was dead funny and have had no problem with the way they have been marginalised etc.

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Personally I'm sick and tired of the government taking responsibility away from people for their own actions. McDonalds are forced to sell salads because fat greedy fuckers can't limit their big mac intake and now they want to hit people who enjoy a responsible drink because they won't punish the people sufficiently who wont take responsibility for themselves.

It's all wrong.

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Well past time alcohol was banned. :icon_lol:



First they came for the.....

It's true like. There's a certain irony to this and all the non-smokers who thought the persecution of smokers (a strong way of phrasing it, perhaps but anyway) was dead funny and have had no problem with the way they have been marginalised etc.


That'll learn em. B)



The WHO is a total joke.....Sure some drugs company is cooking up a vaccine for it as we speak. ;)

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Personally I'm sick and tired of the government taking responsibility away from people for their own actions. McDonalds are forced to sell salads because fat greedy fuckers can't limit their big mac intake and now they want to hit people who enjoy a responsible drink because they won't punish the people sufficiently who wont take responsibility for themselves.

It's all wrong.


Did Macky Dee's not choose to start selling salads to corner the Jamie Oliver market?

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Personally I'm sick and tired of the government taking responsibility away from people for their own actions. McDonalds are forced to sell salads because fat greedy fuckers can't limit their big mac intake and now they want to hit people who enjoy a responsible drink because they won't punish the people sufficiently who wont take responsibility for themselves.

It's all wrong.


Did Macky Dee's not choose to start selling salads to corner the Jamie Oliver market?

And due to Super Size Me?

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Personally I'm sick and tired of the government taking responsibility away from people for their own actions. McDonalds are forced to sell salads because fat greedy fuckers can't limit their big mac intake and now they want to hit people who enjoy a responsible drink because they won't punish the people sufficiently who wont take responsibility for themselves.

It's all wrong.


Did Macky Dee's not choose to start selling salads to corner the Jamie Oliver market?

I thought it was because there was a load of fat yanks threatening to sue.

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The thing is though, people will just move onto illegal drugs if you price the legal ones completely out of the market. That isn't to say access to alcohol, especially for kids, shouldn't be more strictly controlled in this country because I think maybe it should be. Plus you'll still have alcohol significantly cheaper (even more so than now) in other countries so all you do there is create another black market on the scale of the one we have for bootleg tabs already.

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The thing is though, people will just move onto illegal drugs if you price the legal ones completely out of the market. That isn't to say access to alcohol, especially for kids, shouldn't be more strictly controlled in this country because I think maybe it should be. Plus you'll still have alcohol significantly cheaper (even more so than now) in other countries so all you do there is create another black market on the scale of the one we have for bootleg tabs already.


The problems with stuff like youth drinking actually go away very quickly if there's 1. a police presence in the area they are drinking and 2. any real enforcement of alcohol sales.


The problem really is that 1. and 2. are largely completely and utterly absent.




Although they maybe could kill two birds with one stone and put contraceptives in alcohol pops/sweet wine/cider. ;)

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Spiked were onto it years ago....




Suprised they couldn't come up with a better name than 'Passive drinking' though. Howabout 'Pisshead Permeation'?



They are slavering at the mouth of wrapping this onto some kind of id card initiative I bet.



Aye, ID cards apparently cure cancer and baldness as well. ;)

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The thing is though, people will just move onto illegal drugs if you price the legal ones completely out of the market. That isn't to say access to alcohol, especially for kids, shouldn't be more strictly controlled in this country because I think maybe it should be. Plus you'll still have alcohol significantly cheaper (even more so than now) in other countries so all you do there is create another black market on the scale of the one we have for bootleg tabs already.


The problems with stuff like youth drinking actually go away very quickly if there's 1. a police presence in the area they are drinking and 2. any real enforcement of alcohol sales.


The problem really is that 1. and 2. are largely completely and utterly absent.




Although they maybe could kill two birds with one stone and put contraceptives in alcohol pops/sweet wine/cider. ;)

That's what I meant about the access. It should be much harder for young kids to get hold of it. I know underage drinking is a rite of passage but it's not good when you get nine year olds getting stuck into alco-pops.

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The thing is though, people will just move onto illegal drugs if you price the legal ones completely out of the market. That isn't to say access to alcohol, especially for kids, shouldn't be more strictly controlled in this country because I think maybe it should be. Plus you'll still have alcohol significantly cheaper (even more so than now) in other countries so all you do there is create another black market on the scale of the one we have for bootleg tabs already.


The problems with stuff like youth drinking actually go away very quickly if there's 1. a police presence in the area they are drinking and 2. any real enforcement of alcohol sales.


The problem really is that 1. and 2. are largely completely and utterly absent.




Although they maybe could kill two birds with one stone and put contraceptives in alcohol pops/sweet wine/cider. ;)

That's what I meant about the access. It should be much harder for young kids to get hold of it. I know underage drinking is a rite of passage but it's not good when you get nine year olds getting stuck into alco-pops.


Aye, it's the cost though I guess. Even with the new 1/2 price police it's still a case of short term concentration on a specific area, before effectively abandoning it again as they move on to something else.


Enforcement should be much tighter and penalties much harsher with licensing though, not really sure why it's not - long term cost in doing it and to the area again I guess.

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The image that came straight to my mind was Winston Smith sat in his little room doing fuck all.....as I'm sure those in charge would prefer.


I'm sure J69 will be over the moon. Anyone else?



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If this is meant to make it more difficult for the under-age who hang about the alleys and shopping centres to get their hands on White Lightening and Lambrini I'm all for it.

Like Bawan you mean?

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