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Shannon Matthews


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can you imagine them sitting round trying to decide which child to "kidnap" ........................


Well if she's the prettiest out of the lot I feel bad for the others.

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can you imagine them sitting round trying to decide which child to "kidnap" ........................


Well if she's the prettiest out of the lot I feel bad for the others.




"Sorry Little Johnnie but you look like sommat the cat dragged in - it has to be the prettiest one here................."

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  • 7 months later...



Missing Shannon 'drugged' in flat


Missing schoolgirl Shannon Matthews had been drugged and subdued in the flat where she was found, a court has heard.


Shannon's mother, Karen Matthews, and Michael Donovan are on trial over the nine-year-old's disappearance in West Yorkshire in February this year.


Karen Matthews denies kidnap, false imprisonment and perverting the course of justice.


Mr Donovan has also denied kidnap, false imprisonment and perverting the course of justice at Leeds Crown Court.


Prosecutor Julian Goose, QC, told the court Ms Matthews, 33, had raised the alarm about her daughter's disappearance on 19 February.


He said it was part of a "wicked and dishonest plan" to kidnap the girl by her mother and the man whose flat she was found in.


Mr Goose added that Mr Donovan kept Shannon "drugged, subdued and hidden from the public" and bought newspapers which described the extent of the investigation.


The court heard that their plan had been to claim the reward money for the youngster's return.


Mr Donovan was to tell police the plan was to release Shannon in Dewsbury market and for Donovan to "discover her".


Ms Matthews, of Moorside Road, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, and Mr Donovan, of Lidgate Gardens, Batley Carr, deny the charges.


The disappearance of Shannon, now 10, sparked a massive search operation by West Yorkshire Police which became one of the highest-profile missing person inquiries ever seen in the UK.


Mr Goose said the "overwhelming likelihood is that the reason for the plan was dishonestly to obtain the reward money offered by the press".


The court heard that at its height the reward fund had reached £50,000.


Mr Goose said: "Both defendants stood by and watched the very large police investigation and assistance by many members of the public in the search for Shannon.


"Karen Matthews made impassioned public pleas for the recovery of her daughter, some of those you will see from television recordings shown on national television."


He said "other victims" in the case were the friends, neighbours and residents of the Dewsbury Moor estate who helped look for the youngster.


The court heard Shannon went to school as "part of a normal school day" and was looking forward to swimming for the first time with her friends.


Shannon and her friends were taken by bus to the swimming pool. At the end of the trip they returned to school at about 3.10GMT on 19 February.


"After the teachers saw Shannon and the other children get off the bus, there was no further sighting of her," Mr Goose said.


He told the court that waiting on the route home was Donovan, who was sitting in his Peugeot car.


"Donovan had arranged with Karen Matthews to take Shannon in his car and as Donovan was later to say to the police, he tricked her by telling Shannon he was taking her to the fair."


The case continues.



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Some fucking EVIL EVIL bastards in this world.


How do they miss that?


I know someone that nearly had their baby taken away from them because the mother was on epilepsy medication whilst pregnant (which caused the baby to be highly susceptible to bruising for a while after birth).


They just seem to be ridiculously over zealous or not bothered.

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Some fucking EVIL EVIL bastards in this world.


Just what I was thinking of too. I was going to start a thread on that yesterday but it was just too depressing to discuss.




They truly are scum of the earth and having kids of my own, knowing how 17 months old interact with people and are so innocent, it stirs the emotions big time and yeah, i'm not ashamed to admit i was in tears when I heard about this. Poor kid would have know what the fuck it had done wrong - and a broken back? Jesus.


Same as that cunt the other month who broke his own baby daughter's back and killed her by simply laying her across his knee and pressing down on her head and her shins...


I'm no vigilante, but these people deserve the most brutal time in prison.

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im still trying to come to process the story in my head - its just beyond comprehension.




Same as them lads who assaulted the 98 year old war hero, whats wrong with some peoples minds man! It cant just be bad up bringing can it?

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surely there's somewhere on the net where the names of these evil bastards will be leaked though? they truly deserve to be dealt with



Against their human rights.

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